Favorite protein powder recipes?

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
Other than pancakes and shakes, what do you use protein powder in?


  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    Can't tell you how many times I've been browsing recipes only to see cakes, muffins, brownies, cookies, frosting, fudge, and ice creams contain protein powder. Kind of a nuisance for me, seeing as I don't use protein powder... :P but hey Google any of these with "protein powder" at the end and you'll get tons of recipes/websites with protein recipes!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes I've seen a lot but unfortunately, they often use fancy ingredients I don't have (almond flour, coconut flour etc).
  • amandarunning
    amandarunning Posts: 306 Member
    My top two and to be fair the only ones I bother with now...

    Pancake - 1 whole egg, splash of milk, scoop of powder (for this I use Weider Gold Whey Banana Split), whisk up with a fork and cook in a fry pan with either butter or spray light. Turn when bottom half is cooked. Don't worry about lumps when mixing as they seem to go away!!

    Cookie - 1 scoop of powder...now the one that works for me is Nutrisport Whey Isolate chocolate and any others just seem the wrong texture. So add either a tablespoon of PB2/PB" Chocolate or 2 teaspoons dessicated coconut (or both!) and mix with a little water until a stiff sort of dough/paste (this in itself tastes so good). Microwave for a minute and hey presto you have a (sort of) chewy cookie. Now it's not like the cookies that are proper cookies but it's damned good with a spoon of peanut butter on top. Takes a bit of eating as texture is dryish but that stops me eating too fast!

    The pancake works with different powders but to date others I've tried for the cookie just don't seem to work and need far less water to mix before being too thin and then have a hard texture which squeeks on my teeth!!
  • Sunflwer3
    Sunflwer3 Posts: 68 Member
    I like to add a scoop to my homemade oatmeal along with a dash of cinnamon and it is delicious! I use vanilla Ultimate Muscle Provider.
  • hathcoat
    hathcoat Posts: 3 Member
    Also, A scoop of Chocolate protein, with a teaspoon of PB2 in oatmeal is like eating one of those No Bake Oatmeal cookies. I'm hooked. Most of my "snacks" "cookies" "breads" "bars" I add protein powder to. You never know its in there, but adds protein to your food. I am a grazer, and if I can have my healthy "goodies" in a cookie jar on the counter, then I know I will eat what's good and not look to satisfy my "snacking" attack. I do also use coconut flour(the best tasting), almond meal/GF flour in my baking because of a granddaughter is GF. Little difference, but is a better choice than White flour. A scoop of protein powder in my morning coffee is also Yummy!!! Unfortunately for Lent, I gave up coffee....things we do :(
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    Could also add "nut-free" to your Google search! Or go on Yummly- you can specify what you don't want in a recipe and what you do.
  • KoopaSix
    KoopaSix Posts: 252 Member
    Anything by Optimum Nutrition...Muscletech is a close second
  • abou3906
    abou3906 Posts: 3
    Might sounds crazy, but I eat mine as a popcorn topping. Great source of both fiber and protein.

    ||| Protein Popcorn |||


    ○ 40 g Orville Classic Popcorn (120 kcal)
    ○ scoop of protein powder (I use chocolate, soy or whey.) (75 kcal)
    ○ 15 g honey (45 kcal)
    ○ 2 ~ 3 grams olive oil/canola spray (15 kcal)
    ○ sea salt

    ① make popcorn on the stove. key here is to cut out as much oil as possible, which is what kills calorie-wise.
    ② drizzle runny honey on popped kernels in still-hot pot. the heat will help the honey disperse to as many kernels as possible, which is what will make the protein powder/salt stick.
    ③ shake shake shake!
    ④ add protein powder and salt

    Calories: 255

    The protein in conjunction with the fiber will keep you /full/. It's also amazingly delicious, as long as you like the taste of your protein powder.
  • I love protein muffin by Dashing Dish, http://dashingdish.com/recipe/banana-bread-protein-muffins/
    These are great! I add vanilla and am trying different flavored powders (right now I am loving the Cinnamon flavor protein powder).
    Nutrition Breakdown
    58 Calories per serving
    9 g Carbohydrates
    7 g Protein
    2 g Fiber
    1 g Sugar
  • Thanks for the popcorn idea! Will have to try That!
  • lenit
    lenit Posts: 7 Member
  • stb1234
    stb1234 Posts: 23 Member
    My lazy breakfast is basically just mixing protein powder with 175g of low fat greek yoghurt and a generous serving of cottage cheese
    It's almost like eating slightly gooey chocolate cheese cake mix
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hmmm....my favorite is 2 scoops whey in whole milk or cream.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    I have to admit , i am the only one in the world who does actually like the protein shakes.

    i like yogurt with vanilla powder, my coffee with chocolate, add plain to soup

    that said ,
    banana and flax and yogurt and vanilla is good
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    1) pour 1 cup of milk into glass
    2) pour 2 scoops of protein powder into glass
    3) stir
    4) drink

    i don't understand why a protein drink has to include any other ingredients. :huh:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I like to add a scoop or two of vanilla or chocolate ice cream and two tablespoons of peanut butter to 12 ounces of whole or 2% milk and two scoops of protein powder.
  • vypressme
    vypressme Posts: 228 Member
    Protein powder + milk / yogurt + freezer = delicious ice cream.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    1) pour 1 cup of milk into glass
    2) pour 2 scoops of protein powder into glass
    3) stir
    4) drink

    i don't understand why a protein drink has to include any other ingredients. :huh:

    Or you can sub almond milk for regular milk for those have regular milk issues and can't stand soy milk.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nothing against shakes, it's just that it doesn't fill me up quite as much really.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    1) pour 1 cup of milk into glass
    2) pour 2 scoops of protein powder into glass
    3) stir
    4) drink

    i don't understand why a protein drink has to include any other ingredients. :huh:

    sometimes people (i.e. me) buy the most disgusting protein powder known to mankind and need to mask the god awful flavour with something else.