P90X in 2011

Hello! I am getting my holiday weight gain on. I am usually very active, but lately with sick kids and the holidays I don't even want to break back into the routine of working out. So far my weight gain has been minimal, but I can tell the tone I had is getting squishy. :)

I've had P90X for over a year now. I've made it through one week.. once.... but I am wanting to commit to doing P90X starting either the 2nd or 3rd of January. I'm ready to do the before/after pictures.. the whole bit. I have 3 small children and will have to get up by 5am to insure that I get an hour of time to myself. My husband works unpredictable hours, and I can't tie him down to being on kid duty for at least an hour a day.

Anyone else out there have the program and want to start out with me in 2011?


  • RunConquerCelebrate
    I have the program and currently doing P90x, by 2011 I should be done with 90 days but I want to start a second round to tone my muscles. I can start it with you :) the first time around I did the lean version because of my knees but now that they are stronger I want to try the classic version.
  • Robes
    Robes Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I got the system at the beginning of 2010 thinking it would change my life, but quit doing it consistently after 30 days because my partner quit, too!

    I like the idea of doing the before/after pictures, too... that's encouraging, and it motivates me knowing other people are going to be seeing me! I'd be down with starting in January!
  • slansdown
    I would like to do this too. I will have to do the lean program (my back went out last month) and I will be on vacation without a TV for ten days in February. I will need to dust them off.
  • stoosh40
    stoosh40 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm ready to start P90X in 2011!! I have started it a couple of times... never have completed. I may start out with the Lean program and throw in the Plyo as a sub for the Cardio... but maybe I'll have a better chance at sticking to it if I begin with the Lean. I HATE pull ups and I can do a couple without the chair/stool... but... I'm still waiting to break through and be able to do a nice set of assist free pull ups.

    Anyone ever completed the really long yoga? I've usually subbed a different video over the yoga. Yoga is not a favorite of mine, and when I saw the timer for an hour and a half....??? I got about 20 minutes in and said forget it.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    I'm ready to start P90X in 2011!! I have started it a couple of times... never have completed. I may start out with the Lean program and throw in the Plyo as a sub for the Cardio... but maybe I'll have a better chance at sticking to it if I begin with the Lean. I HATE pull ups and I can do a couple without the chair/stool... but... I'm still waiting to break through and be able to do a nice set of assist free pull ups.

    Anyone ever completed the really long yoga? I've usually subbed a different video over the yoga. Yoga is not a favorite of mine, and when I saw the timer for an hour and a half....??? I got about 20 minutes in and said forget it.

    I really think that if you start with the Lean program you will be able to stick to it, that is the way I started because I knew that if I started with the classic I would not stick with it. I am almost done with my second month and cannot wait to start my last month so that my next round I can do the classic.

    One of my goals is to complete the yoga exercise I have not been able to complete it due to time issues, I work out at night so by the time I start working out is 10 pm if I do the long yoga I would be up til like 1 in the AM and I have to get up early the next day so only an hour is the max I have done :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm ready to start P90X in 2011!! I have started it a couple of times... never have completed. I may start out with the Lean program and throw in the Plyo as a sub for the Cardio... but maybe I'll have a better chance at sticking to it if I begin with the Lean. I HATE pull ups and I can do a couple without the chair/stool... but... I'm still waiting to break through and be able to do a nice set of assist free pull ups.

    I recommend that you use the resistance bands to do the back exercises. If you already have the DVD's take a moment, check it out, and you will see that there are ways to modify the classic program.
  • JLeeAlton
    I am into my 3rd week so I have a ways to go. I am here too if you guys need me!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    I'd love to join you.... this would be for my 2nd round.... I am set to finish my first round on Christmas Eve.... can't ask for a better Christmas present than that!!! My husband and I were just talking about this tonight and I think we're planning on starting on the 2nd. Let's bring it (again!)
  • wasserhunden
    I've just started a round, same deal had it for over a year, i've gotten through a month and a half now, never did get into the eating healthy thing, i've decided to make the commitment now no excuses. I'm tryin to use this site to help me with my eating issues, according to this thing i'm all done eating today... no night snacks for me ugh
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I started my second month of Power90 this week, and will finish it all up at the end of January. I'll be able to start P90X the start of February...hopefully about the time I am also close to my first goal of 200 lbs.

    Though Power90 doesn't call for pullups, I've already got the bar and have started working on them to give myself a leg up when I start P90X. So far, I can do 4, but am hoping to do quite a bit more once I've lost another 18 pounds.
  • orting514
    Im behind the times, but what is P90X? and is it good for us folks with physical limitations, i have degenerative disc desease, and half to take it easy.
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    I would be happy to join you - just placed my order :happy:
  • plowman4
    I have the exact same situation as you 2 kids not enough time and a husband that works different hours.. im also not a morning person at all so id rather do my p90x at night but then im missing out on time with my husband ;( ugh... But i want to do my p90x quite badly so maybe if i know there is someone else out there miserable way to early in the am that will get me through it.. yay january...
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Im behind the times, but what is P90X? and is it good for us folks with physical limitations, i have degenerative disc desease, and half to take it easy.

    No it's not.