Not-so-successful story

Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
edited September 22 in Success Stories
I would like to celebrate my 20 pound loss victory, but I don't feel like I've made much progress. I feel better in my clothes, and I'm even able to wear normal sized boots (*not the wide kind I used to have to buy b/c the zipper wouldn't move over my fat calves). It's just that when I look in the mirror - or try to find before and after pictures, I think I look exactly the same. I have seen other people lose 20 in like 2 months - it took me 6-7 months. I am taller than the average MFPer on here - 5'7 1/2" and pretty overweight - I'm still considered obese. How can I stay motivated and hope to lose another 20 *and still be "overweight" in a quicker time frame than 6 months, when I still can't be photographed because I feel like I still look fat? Why would I tell my friends I've lost 20 pounds, then post a photo, causing them to think "well you're still fat honey, so better keep at it"?

This reminds me of a very sad time in my life, where I felt good about my body so I went out in a tank top and tight fitting pants, and went for a jog...I was probably 20 pounds lighter than I am NOW, back then, running for exercise in a local park, when some *kitten* in a car drove by and yelled out the window "Keep running, fatass!" That's exactly how I feel now, but only fatter.

I try to stay positive - I've made it this far without totally giving up - but my mind keeps going back to the negative. Some people lose 5 pounds and drop a dress size. I've lost 20 and wear the same size. I'm just complaining, because I know 20 pounds is significant weight loss. But I just wish I was doing better. I wish people would look at me and think I look normal. Instead I know they just see "a fat chick." I'm so tired of being "the fat chick." I'm done complaining....


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I feel your's taken me 5 months...and i feel like i'm working my *kitten* off. I know what it's like to have someone call you fat @ss when you're looking for something to eat at the mall...or feeling like everyone is staring at me when i go grocery shopping. you have come so far, and I read your posts, you're working harder than ever before. you are not only inspiration for me, but tons of other people on here that are going through the same thing. And you just keep going...b!tch all you want to, but don't give up.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Keep the faith. I'm down 65 lbs and I can't tell the difference. I have to learn how to see the difference.

    Here's what I do know, though. When you're down about 30 lbs. women will notice. When you're down 40 lbs. men will notice.

    Don't look. Take a bath. How much bigger is the bathtub? I had a bath last night and when I looked down, my legs didn't look fat!!! They look fat when I look in the mirror though. The mirror is NOT your friend.

    Start taking pictures, every 10 lbs. Then line them up. You may not like them, but you will see a difference. I'm learning not to be camera shy. Fat people tend to hold the camera as a means to avoid the pictures being of them.

    Hell, look at mine.

    <--- over there. I just put up a new one (with the supertacky Xmas tree, and no it isn't mine). The one with me in the white blouse and the husband was my start pic. The one in the bathroom was taken a month ago.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I'm sorry that your struggling...all that I can say is DON'T GIVE UP! Keep working hard towards your goals & don't worry about what other people think about you! Focus on how YOU feel & what YOU think about yourself. Just keep doing what you know will help you to be healthier & lose weight & soon you will be dropping those dress/pants sizes. Hang in there:smile:
  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way when I do have weight loss successes. I'm having a major setback right now.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    awww come on! don't say that! i know pretty much how u feel since it took me over a year to lose 25lbs! so imagine how i feel. however i am not able to say that i look forward to working out, i indulge but i'm not a binger anymore, i know the difference between healthy and unhealthy food. look inside i'm sure u have made a lot of progress in your knowledge of diet and exercise, your endurance during your workouts and hopefully your own self confidence. perhaps you have lost weight but still need to lose inches, try to focus on inch-blasting workouts suchs as running, turbo jam, the shred. those may not let u lose lbs but they sure do make u lose inches. so if you're trying to not just weight less but look smaller, research on those types of workouts that will melt off inches.

    don't be discouraged, just try something new :wink:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Your 20 pnd weight loss is awesome I wish I could say I had lost 20 pnds and I am sure you look awesome as well. It sucks that you are struggling but I am wondering if with your 20 pnd loss you have also gained some muscle and that is why you are still in the same size also you look at yourself in the mirro every day and probably don't see a difference I am sure everyone else out there would see a fabulous and magnificent difference. Keep at it you are worth it!!!
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Awww!!! Don't give up, you are doing great! I know what you mean, sometimes you feel like I have come far but still such a long way to go.. these things do take a long time so have to be patient and just keep at it.

    Don't give up!!

    Also you are your harshest critic, probably way too hard on yourself. I'm sure the difference is still noticeable
  • I hope that you will stop worrying about what your friends think or what some *kitten* driving by in a park has to say, and focus on the fact that YOU have lost 20 pounds, that YOU are accomplishing something for yourself, that it will take time, that will get there in your own time, not someone elses. Just try to stay motivated and remember that you are capable of anything. Good Luck!
  • TXmama
    TXmama Posts: 37
    20 pounds in six months is just under one pound a week, which if you are doing that consistently, is GREAT! But I know what you mean. It has taken me about that long to lose 20 pounds as well, and when I see some other folks who can drop 20 pounds in half that time I do get frustrated, and even jealous. And people who say mean things to strangers are just horrible people and we have to hold on to the belief that "what goes around, comes around"... they'll get theirs, sometime.

    You have a LOT of support and a lot of cheerleaders here, so keep the faith... this is a marathon and not a sprint, as I remind myself frequently. I am not as far along as I wanted to be by this time, but I HAVE made progress, and we DO need to celebrate all our victories. So, congratulations on your weight loss, and know you are NOT alone, you've got us!
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    First of all...20lbs loss is a SUCCESS...second of all that jack *kitten* in the car said wut he said cuz he's a punk *kitten* with nothing better to do beside talk crap!!!:grumble: I almost thought this was me writing that story.:noway: I can totally feel ya. i've lost bout 16lbs:smile: and tho i feel it in small victory's they are there. I can't notice either...cuz the more i look at myself the more mad i get cuz i can't c it. But...u keep on going...get over these mole hills and before you know it...the punk *kitten* that hollered out the window will be the punk *kitten* that will be blowin the horn to give you the ol winky poo! Stay strong and know that weight loss whether 2lbs or 20lbs it lbs in the right direction...the weight didn't get there overnite so naturally it won't go away over nite..unnnnfortunately. So keep your head held HIGH cuz you ARE worth it and you can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way when I do have weight loss successes. I'm having a major setback right now.

    Don't think of a the 'setback'! You've lost 61lbs!!! That is a really big number, celebrate it and focus on it...think of how far you've come. You WILL succeed :D
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Congrats on your 20! You earned it! And if you feel like its not an accomplishment IT IS! Even if you can't tell the difference, be sure to know other people do. You look at yourself everyday. Its hard to notice it. So stay possitive and keep working, your next goal will be great!
  • Chavtastic
    Chavtastic Posts: 40 Member
    It's very hard. In the perfect world it would come off as fast as it goes on (weight i mean). I have the same problem. Some people are gifted with these miraculous losses and then there are people like us who have to work to within an inch of our sanity and tolerance and we don't look that different. I would suggest staying with it and you ARE losing weight regardless and that's always a plus. Part of your problem might be that you are getting 'smaller' but still the same shape. a round ball is still a round ball just smaller. Start doing complex exercises that will even you out more. If your bottom is too big maintain the cardio so that it get smaller but also jack up your upper body workouts so that it becomes more toned and balances you out overall. Cardio will make you smaller all over but if you don't strength train you will stay the same shape. You won't ever get close to your body looking similar to Jessica Biel or Alba or whomever. Just you but a bit smaller. I think this is another reason some people (especially men) are prone to see better results. Cardio is good for the heart and weight loss, but strength training reshapes (defines) and keeps your metabolism going longer b/c more muscle (which always looks better under skin). Sorry about the tangent. Keep at it you're doing great.
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way when I do have weight loss successes. I'm having a major setback right now.

    Don't think of a the 'setback'! You've lost 61lbs!!! That is a really big number, celebrate it and focus on it...think of how far you've come. You WILL succeed :D

    I'm sorry this post wasn't suppossed to go for bad...I'm really sorry :) But you too, don't get discouraged this is a battle, and we have to fight it everyday. Some days are good some not so good but what matters is that you stay on track. You can do it!!
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    20lb loss is certainly a success. Well done for that and keep going and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    It is terrible that people are treating you that way!! I am so sorry that this has happened to you an dcaused you to feel so unappreciated for who you are!!

    Unfortunately, in the weight loss game, height/size make a HUGE impact on what the weight looks like - going on and coming off. I'm significantly shorter than you at 5'1", so for me, 5 lbs has a giant impact. It actually brings me up an entire size! FIVE FRIGGIN' POUNDS!!! I'm sure to someone tall, like yourself, 5 lbs would be like... an ounce. And it's going to be the same way for how it looks coming off.

    As far as the *kitten* in the car, they were probably just punk teens and Karma will take its toll. Know that you're doing right by yourself and you're walking the high road! It's hard to maintain when people are so insensitive and cruel, but keep your chin up, send them a blessing for their mean-ness because really, someday, it WILL come back to them and they'll wonder why. You, on the other hand, with your perserverence and kindness shall succeed, overcome and land on top.

    It's not going to be easy. Clearly you get that. But it will happen. I'd guess in another 10-20 lbs, you'll start to see some differences. Are you measuring also? You might find that to be more comforting to your psyche than the mirror or the scale for now. Seeing THOSE successes rather than focusing on your perception of failure or insufficiency. You're doing great. Really... I've been here for almost a year and on the wagon, off the wagon, on the wagon, off th ewagon.. I've lost a whoppin' 7 lbs from my heaviest, up a total of 14 lbs (it's 7 of that that I've lost) since joining.... so I still have 7 to lose to get back to my *original* start weight. Oh yippee. My counter only says 5 because of that discrepency. In any case, 20 lbs in 6 months sounds about right, to be honest. That's about a lb a week, give or take. That's awesome! Just think, after 1 year, you'll have shed 40 lbs! And as you gain muscle, your body will be more efficient and it'll start to come off easier... until those dreaded last 10 lbs, of course. :-)

    Keep your chin up. You ARE doing this - for YOU. Screw the *kitten*. They're everywhere. :-)
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    I would like to celebrate my 20 pound loss victory, but I don't feel like I've made much progress. I feel better in my clothes, and I'm even able to wear normal sized boots (*not the wide kind I used to have to buy b/c the zipper wouldn't move over my fat calves). It's just that when I look in the mirror - or try to find before and after pictures, I think I look exactly the same. I have seen other people lose 20 in like 2 months - it took me 6-7 months. I am taller than the average MFPer on here - 5'7 1/2" and pretty overweight - I'm still considered obese. How can I stay motivated and hope to lose another 20 *and still be "overweight" in a quicker time frame than 6 months, when I still can't be photographed because I feel like I still look fat? Why would I tell my friends I've lost 20 pounds, then post a photo, causing them to think "well you're still fat honey, so better keep at it"?

    This reminds me of a very sad time in my life, where I felt good about my body so I went out in a tank top and tight fitting pants, and went for a jog...I was probably 20 pounds lighter than I am NOW, back then, running for exercise in a local park, when some *kitten* in a car drove by and yelled out the window "Keep running, fatass!" That's exactly how I feel now, but only fatter.

    I try to stay positive - I've made it this far without totally giving up - but my mind keeps going back to the negative. Some people lose 5 pounds and drop a dress size. I've lost 20 and wear the same size. I'm just complaining, because I know 20 pounds is significant weight loss. But I just wish I was doing better. I wish people would look at me and think I look normal. Instead I know they just see "a fat chick." I'm so tired of being "the fat chick." I'm done complaining....

    20 lbs is 20 lbs!! Celebrate it! We are all different, what works some doesn't for others. Just don't give up and most importantly THINK and ACT positive!! Don't ever tell youself you can't do this and don't ever say again "it's only 20 lbs". You can do this!!!
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    You won't ever get close to your body looking similar to Jessica Biel or Alba or whomever.
    I don't want to be perfect, but closer to Biel or Albo than Simpson!
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    20 lbs is awesome. i am sure if you had of taken some before and after pics you would be able to see some major differences. I really havent gone down a size with a 10 pound lost although I have noticed that I dont have as much sticking and hanging over my jeans (aka the muffin top). This time around I have noticed that I am losing more in my thighs than my stomach. My suggestion would be to take some body measurements and redo in a month.

    Also most of what we think ppl think about us is only our minds running a muck.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks to everyone for chiming in. Everyone is right. I am doing weight training, heavy duty cardio and yoga once a week. Total workout time is between 3 - 5 hours per week. I do measure myself regularly. I have lost about a pound per week since joining a gym about a month ago. I just don't see much progress. I lost pounds and inches at first, and I know I'm gaining muscle b/c I push myself to the absolute max everytime I workout, I'm just jealous of others who have such huge successes...*who are usually the people who turn their noses up at people like me...the people who tell me how they gave up this or that, or started walking for 30 minutes twice a week and "have just seen the weight FALL off." My weight isn't going to "fall off" ever. I will get very little progress after a week or two...but that's just me. I have the body type of a man basically. Very muscular (buried underneath this annoying layer of fat). I know I'm never going to be Hollywood thin, or even close. I just want to be. That's all.
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