Help me beat binging!

So I finally managed to lose quite a lot of weight and reach a size 10, but more importantly felt happy and confident with my body for the first time ever. Every so often I would have a cheat day but not go too overboard.
But then I started to binge ( until I couldn't eat anymore). They gradually got worse consisting of thousands of calories in one sitting ( I mean literally around 3000-8000). At first this would only happen around once a month but in the last month they have become a weekly ordeal. worst of all the last two have been a full 3 day binge! I can't seem to go even a week without relapsing.
Over the weekend I binged and promised that today I would start over....however all day at college I craved sugar and fat and on the way home I went to several shops and bought a obscene amount of junk food! when I get the urge I just cannot resist and keep eating until I feel sick. I have put on at least 10lbs in this short space of time, my face looks fatter and my jeans feel tighter. I'm really worried people can tell I'm gaining weight and feel self conscious again.
So here I am feeling awfully sick and full crying my eyes out at my lack of self control and greediness hoping that with the support and advice of you guys on here that today will be my last ever binge, and tomorrow I can start afresh!


  • Saltfae
    Saltfae Posts: 82 Member
    see a shrink.
  • k_l_clark
    Hi Zoex953, having battled with binge eating myself I would try to identify the event that triggers the desire to eat excessively. It really helped me as part of a longer term strategy to limit my binging. It didn't stop the feeling of being out of control but if I paused before hand to try and work out what I was feeling, this helped me feel less anxious and guilty afterwards as i saw it in my mind as more as a habit that I was trying to break and an issue I was working to manage. I still have periods of excessive eating now but as I have managed to work out what triggers them I can try to avoid these situations while I continue to work on some of the other things that I struggle with. The somewhat rather unhelpful comment in a previous post may be blunt but is this something you have considered before? Therapist's help people with eating difficulties all of the time however if this is the first time you've began to notice you're eating is causing distress, it may seem like a huge step. To me, binge eating is something more than a lack of self control and being greedy, it is a subconscious way that your mind finds to cope with something difficult. It takes a whole lot of strength to open up and admit that you do excessively eat as their is such a stigma around it. Keep strong lovely and don't be afraid to reach out like you have today x
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I seem to be in the same cycle.

    I would have a cheat day once a month.. then once a week.. then its like I just wanna eat all the time! I sent you a message, hope we can chat! :)
  • emleeclaire
    emleeclaire Posts: 8 Member
    Firstly - PLEASE know that you're not the only one!! :happy:

    I've gained a full stone back in weight over a very short space of time, too. Having lost a load and being all 'thin and amazing', I feel gutted with myself.

    I am only now sticking by ONE rule: BEFORE I eat something, I track it in MFP. That way, I mentally decide whether it's worth it, before I eat it :noway: . It's only a small change, rather than adding the food post-consumption.

    I don't know if it'll help you... I'm hoping it helps me!
  • yesdnil1990
    I'm trying to overcome a serious binge eating habit. So far so good, a week and a half and still going strong and I feel fantastic. For me, whenever i get a craving i have to think if i am actually hungry and why I feel the need to eat lots. Thinking about it in a difference sense or logically helped me. Now, I have no desire to pig out on 10 pack of crisps LOL. i don't even want one pack! :) You just have to stay strong and push through. you'll get there eventually :)
  • Zoex953
    Zoex953 Posts: 6
    Hi Zoex953, having battled with binge eating myself I would try to identify the event that triggers the desire to eat excessively. It really helped me as part of a longer term strategy to limit my binging. It didn't stop the feeling of being out of control but if I paused before hand to try and work out what I was feeling, this helped me feel less anxious and guilty afterwards as i saw it in my mind as more as a habit that I was trying to break and an issue I was working to manage. I still have periods of excessive eating now but as I have managed to work out what triggers them I can try to avoid these situations while I continue to work on some of the other things that I struggle with. The somewhat rather unhelpful comment in a previous post may be blunt but is this something you have considered before? Therapist's help people with eating difficulties all of the time however if this is the first time you've began to notice you're eating is causing distress, it may seem like a huge step. To me, binge eating is something more than a lack of self control and being greedy, it is a subconscious way that your mind finds to cope with something difficult. It takes a whole lot of strength to open up and admit that you do excessively eat as their is such a stigma around it. Keep strong lovely and don't be afraid to reach out like you have today x

    I have tried to identify triggers but its heard really cause there's been a lot going on lately and I'm not sure whether it is a combination of things rather than one sole reason. Thank you for your support :)X