New beginnings but have health limitations which interfere

Ready to begin a new journey! Since the past year, I have become part vegetarian, and have changed the way I eat. i don't eat meat of any kind, but will eat eggs and fish. Sometimes I find myself stuck and don't know what to have. I work 2 jobs, and it's not always easy to prepare ahead of time. I have also had numerous surgeries, which interfere with successful weight loss. It just seems extra hard for me. Anyone else feel that way or have any tips? Also had hand surgery recently, so the only activity I can do at the gym is the bike for now. Yesteday I went and it felt good. I hope to go again today.

Would love to meet others in similar situation, or can offer advice on how to create the new me. I'm 50, and it's not easy.
Tomorrow my Polar FT60 arrives and I can't wait to use that to help me as well. I'm addicted to tech gadgets and already use the fitbit, nikefuelband, and occasionally the jawbone up. I need feedback anyway I can to motivate me...


  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Hi. I've been vegetarian since 2001. I eat eggs and dairy, but no fish. I'm happy to help you with some meal ideas. You can "friend" me or send me a message.

    Nothing is easy, but don't tell yourself it's "hard." I got called out on this last week! I used the word "hard" and the man I was talking to told me that if I keep saying that, I will believe it, and it becomes hard. We have the power to frame our own psychology. So use more positive words and you will start to live the positive.
  • fitastik14
    Congrats on beginning your new lifestyle! :) My biggest advice is consistency...consistency is key! Have you ever tried plain ol' walking?! It's more beneficial than ppl may think. I've lost 50 (+/-) by merely walking and eating in moderation. It's best to stay on this journey and learn what works for you as everyone is different.

    Small changes to your demanding schedule can suffice... park further away at stores, take the stairs, walk around while on phone, squats in the bathrooms...anything anytime you can fit it in...but don't push too hard. :)
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I am 45 years old. I recently started my health journey after numerous surgeries in a relatively short amount of time. I had an accident that led to the surgeries. With a dislocated pelvis, three knee surgeries, torn ligaments in my ankle and early onset arthritis I was certain that my destiny was watching cheesy lifetime movies from the couch. Today, I walk a 5k in 45 minutes. I do low impact aerobics several times a day. I am losing weight while gaining muscle. I feel great. It is hard and frustrating at times but it is possible. Don't give up, even when you have bad days.

    Log your food everyday and pay attention to not only your calories but your nutritional intake. Learning how to eat better is key.

    Walk...I can't stress enough. Walking burns calories, is low impact and can be done at your pace. You will be surprised how quickly you build stamina and endurance with just walking. good for your body. Stretching helps you gain flexibility, improve balance and build strength. Plus, it prevents further injuries.

    With a hand injury, you could do the stationary bike, eliptical (one hand on the bar - don't be discouraged if after 5 minutes you think you're going to die - you improve quickly and will soon be going for 30 minutes), swimming/water exercises and yoga. I prefer to workout at home because it is inexpensive and if I look like a newborn hippo doing my exercises, no one cares! I do go to the YMCA for water exercises though. is a free site that has exercise programs of every level, lenghth and ability. I use it every day. Feel free to friend me. I can suggest some great stretching dvds and beginner exercises to help you get started.
  • SandySillett
    HI , Welcome and well done you !
    I too have had surgery, on my knees, i use to be really active, but can now only walk or if i go to the gym, walk on the treadmill or use the cross trainer or bike, it has taken all the fun out ot it and sometimes i feel totally down about it all and lose my motivation, am completely with you on that one.

    Keep going to gym and keep cyclying, swimming is also very good if you are able to.

    I think that its extra hard for me too, i have been dieting for years on and off, am 43 now, but the other day was looking after my grandson and both my knees had me in agony, we, me and you, are both too young ! we can change how we are, we can eat more healthy and exercise more, it will take time.. but we will get there, we are just going round the long way :-)

    How about making up extra when you cook your meals, so you can take some to work the next day?
    There are lots of vegetarian cook books out there, some low fat too, treat yourself to one, or just look on line, lots of free vegetarian receipes are available and will give you some ideas, and stop you getting bored.

    I must confess, i have developed a habit of buying cookery books ! i have so many now .. .. i can't resist them.. one of the local restuarants where i work in london have just released a new cookbook, ITSU, healthy eating, japenese food, lots of fish, rice,noodles.. have lasted two weeks, but the recepie book is calling me ! :-)

    Good Luck ! keep going you will soon see the difference with the changes you have made, and well done !
    slow and steady, don't expect over night miracles, just stay positive, remember why you are doing this.

    More to life than food :-)
    Sandy x