365 Days, 66 lbs, 26F 5'6 - PICS :)

SNLover87 Posts: 101 Member
One year ago today I decided to give calorie counting a shot.

365 days later I can say that I have lost 66 lbs, and 37 inches all over (including 13 inches in my waist alone).

My sizes have gone from:
22+ to 16 (pants)
XL to M (shirts)
42DD to 38D (bra, and I'm one of the few that is ecstatic about the fact that my chest got smaller)

SW: 249
CW: 183
GW: 149

My goal weight is 149, to make an even 100 pounds. I expect to have another 8-9 months of losing ahead of me to make that goal and then it's on to maintenance. For someone who's been overweight their entire life, this transformation has been amazing, awesome, life-changing, and wonderful, to say the least. I'm now thinner than I have ever been in my young adult or adult life and I'm grateful for it everyday. I've become a more active and healthy person in the process too, and I'm even more grateful for that.

For those who are interested, I've used the TDEE method more or less to determine my total calories, but a lot of this was trial and error and ultimately I just stuck with what worked for me. I workout 5 times a week, Monday through Friday at lunch. On the weekends I often get out and walk or bike or hike, but I don't plan on it, it's something I opt to do because I want to. I also have never set foot in a gym during this process, there are so many resources available for those of us who can't or don't want to go to the gym. But as they say, weight loss happens in the kitchen and the reason for my success is the counting, 100%. The workouts are just a bonus.

It's been important for me to stay focused on my NSVs and take things one day at a time. Little milestones are good too, instead of looking ahead at how many pounds you have left to lose. I'm always looking at the next step down. I finally just crossed out of the 'Obese' range on the BMI scale, and my next milestone will be at 174 when I'm officially 75% done.

If I could offer just one piece of advice to those of you who are reading and just started, it's TAKE PROGRESS PICTURES. You may hate the way you look now, but trust me, when the scale's being a jerk and measurements haven't changed and no one's noticed, it helps to look back and see how far you've come. If I could offer other advice it would be to take measurements too. Don't just rely on the scale. Sometimes it is a jerk, it's just the way it is. Cardio's great but strength training is great too. I was never the type to care about my muscles, but I love the way they feel and are starting to look (now that the fat is disappearing and I can actually see them!). I know they say that muscles can't be built when you're at deficit - but I'm here to vehemently disagree. They're not huge, but they're there and rock hard, and they definitely were not before. Remember that if you screw up, it's just one day. As long as you don't let everyday become that way, just move on. We all need a break from it every once in awhile.

And finally, remember that your goal weight is not the magical number where you will feel good and attractive and everything will be sunshine and rainbows. Right now I'm still 34 pounds from goal and there's still parts of myself that I look at and wish were smaller, but despite that - everything is sunshine and rainbows. At this point I can shop wherever I want and find my sizes, I can do things with ease that damn near killed me before, and for the first time in my life I don't feel like the fat chick. I feel normal-sized.

Lastly I wanted to give a shout out to my awesome MFP friends. You guys are so amazing, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your support. When I'm excited about an NSV, you are too. You're always in the mood to talk about macros or calories or recipes or workouts, even when everybody else in my life wants me to shut up (not that my family and friends haven't been extremely supportive). I love you guys - especially my BFP jessspurr :)

If you got through all that, thanks :) Here's what you really care about - pics! First - here are the pictures I took exactly a year ago the day I started:


Looking at those pictures now (and actually at the time too) disgusts me. I don't even know how I let myself get so fat.

Next are my before/during. The first is a pic of me at my aunt's wedding almost exactly a year ago. This was "that picture" that made me realize how big I'd really gotten. That is in fact the same dress, but it's pinned in the second one :)


And finally, face progression:



  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Congrats, friend :flowerforyou: You've done an AMAZING job!! Keep it up!
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    You look fabulous! Very inspiring to me!:drinker: Hope I can come on here a year from now and report the same success! Good luck on the rest of your journey, you can do it!
  • Azkadelia
    Azkadelia Posts: 82 Member
    WTG! I am so proud of you. You look amazing. The one thing I really like is that you have been so positive and you have done the slow and steady wins the race journey! I thank you for helping me along this journey as well.

    Wohoooooooooooooooo! :)
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    *swoons at the beautiful tattoos* Congrats on your success!!!!
  • Letters24You
    Letters24You Posts: 263 Member
    Way to go! Glad you found a program that worked for you!
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    Incredible job sista!!
    Simply amazing!

    I love the confidence and smile -- beauty radiates inside and out!

    Such a big change for sure!

    Oh, and in the before/after pics in the dress, how did the tats change?? Great ink btw :)
  • buryme
    buryme Posts: 1
    You are amazing! Congrats!
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    That is so inspirational! I started at 260, now 210ish. I have been stuck for 3 months. I am also 27 with three kids under 5. I am sending a friend request. You truly have given me hope.
  • Jeepers133
    Jeepers133 Posts: 110 Member
    Awesome! Congratulations!!
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Wow what an amazing transformation! Way to go girl, this is inspiring :)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
  • SNLover87
    SNLover87 Posts: 101 Member
    Incredible job sista!!
    Simply amazing!

    I love the confidence and smile -- beauty radiates inside and out!

    Such a big change for sure!

    Oh, and in the before/after pics in the dress, how did the tats change?? Great ink btw :)

    Thank you! In regards to my tattoos, I've added several over the last year (including the one on my leg) but I've not had any issues with my existing tattoos becoming stretched or distorted or anything. I've been content with losing slowly, and fortunately it's not resulted in any loose skin or strange looking ink :)
  • luvcookies2014
    luvcookies2014 Posts: 48 Member
    Wow you look great!

    You are very close in stats to mine (5'6", start weight 252) so I love to see how I might look as I lose more.

    And I agree about the boobage, I'm a DD and I will be so excited lose get some weigh off my chest (literally)
  • _zombiegirl_
    _zombiegirl_ Posts: 79 Member
    This chick rocks!!! One of the most motivating and coolest people on my friends list. Congrats, girl!! You earned every last bit of that new body, attitude and way of life!! Thank you for sharing and for being awesome!!
  • 1julietax
    1julietax Posts: 117 Member
    WOW, I so needed this today. My progress has been so slow but at least steady. So I know it can be done.... THANKS.....
  • taylan14
    taylan14 Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats! But fyi - you look SUPER CUTE in the "aunt's wedding" pic :)
  • You look amazing! Congrats on your progress!
  • lose4good1
    lose4good1 Posts: 222 Member
    Wow amazing. Awesome post
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    Congrats!!! Reading your story is truly inspiring! Keep up the awesomeness!
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    You've done amazing. Congratulations.

    I'm 5'6 and you are an inspiration to me.
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    great job!! you can do it!
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    You look great. You can tell you are an hourglass because even with 30+ lbs to your goal weight your waist looks super tiny.:smile:

    Concidently we are the same height, current weight and goal weight and body type...a race to the finish line?

    You inspire me to keep working hard.
  • SNLover87
    SNLover87 Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you so much everyone, you're too kind! And thank you for the continuing support sfbaumgarten, azkadelia and zombiegirl - I love you guys!
  • Plooty222
    Plooty222 Posts: 76 Member
    SO amazing! congrats on your dedication and hardwork!!! so inspiring!
  • newjojie
    newjojie Posts: 291 Member
    Awesome job! Love the tattoos!
  • DannyBoy863
    DannyBoy863 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for writing what you did. It was very well said. And very well done on the transformation. Great job!!
  • Happymom83
    Happymom83 Posts: 405 Member
    Amazing job!
  • That is so awesome! Great inspiration!

    Love the ink too ;)
  • sombrefawn
    sombrefawn Posts: 44 Member
    So awesome! Congrats! You are proof that hard work & patience really does pay off.
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    Wow! amazing!!!! We pretty well have the same stats and glasses lol! I am the same height, had almost the same starting weight and am 3 pounds more than you! :) Adding you! :flowerforyou:
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