HELP! Added exercise and now I am not losing any weight

I know I have read this on here before, but I really need input and help. Why is it I lose more weight when not exercising, but when I add exercise I stop losing weight. I don't believe it when people say that I am building muscle, so therefore that is why I am not losing because muscle weighs more. All I am doing is running 3-4 times a week (2 miles each time) and I am doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD with hand weights. I am not doing bodybuilding, and my hand weights are only 5 lbs each. The only thing that I can see is my body is getting more toned, but the weight loss is the same. I need to lose 25-30 lbs to be in my ideal weight for my age and height. When I have only dieted I lose 1 - 2 lbs per week. I have been exercising for 3-4 weeks and I have lost nothing. Actually it goes up, but then back down.

NOTE: I would say I eat most of my calories 50% of the time. I rarely go over (1270 plus any exercise calories). I know that you should eat those exercise calories to refuel your body and help your metabolism. I do most of the time, but only if I am hungry or feel that my body needs it.

Also, I finally took measurements over a week ago to see if I am losing inches and I am. However, if I am losing inches, then why is the weight not falling off like it did when I wasn't exercising? It makes no sense, especially when I need to lose 25-30 pounds to be healthy and have a healthy BMI.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You are probably (1) expecting too much (2 lbs per week is not realistic long term, not unless you need to lose really a lot), and (2) you are overestimating how much you burn by exericising.
  • jvl1973
    jvl1973 Posts: 36 Member
    BTW - I have also increased my water intake (even though I don't log it in on MFP). I drink plenty water because I was told that would help.
  • jvl1973
    jvl1973 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't think I am overestimating my exercise calories. I am running on a treadmill and put my weight it and it records calories burned. It matches the MFP exercise calculator.
  • Foulque
    Foulque Posts: 16 Member
    I gather the body likes to hang on to a bit of water for muscle repair. In my experience running isn't something that'll bring that about but 30 Day Shred certainly could. You might think you're not doing much damage with your wee hand weights and that would probably be true, but squats and lunges and planks are all hard work.

    The measuring tape says you're making progress and you have to trust in it. I totally get how annoying it is, because it can take a couple of weeks to show up a little half inch off here or there and even longer to see it in the mirror, so seeing progress on the scale is a huge motivator for me while waiting for the real results to appear.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I don't think I am overestimating my exercise calories. I am running on a treadmill and put my weight it and it records calories burned. It matches the MFP exercise calculator.

    Then you probably are overestimating. MFP can be notoriously high on estimated caloric burns, so if the machine matches there's a decent chance you are overestimating.


    Since you are losing inches and the weight doesn't come of linear (which is shouldn't), you're most likely retaining water.

    IMHO, don't worry about the ideal weight for your height..... I have never been at my ideal weight, even when I was in the best shape of my life.
  • jvl1973
    jvl1973 Posts: 36 Member
    Also, I don't want to stop exercising because I do feel better....however, a friend of mine is on Medifast and has lost 75 lbs and looks amazing and added exercise a couple months ago and it also made her weight loss stop. The Medifast consultant told her to stop exercising because it was causing her stop losing weight, so she is back to just "DIETING" only and has lost another 10 lbs. in just a months time. That just doesn't make sense to me. Why would they tell her to stop exercising? I am not stopping because overall I will be healthier.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't think I am overestimating my exercise calories. I am running on a treadmill and put my weight it and it records calories burned. It matches the MFP exercise calculator.

    Then you probably are overestimating. MFP can be notoriously high on estimated caloric burns, so if the machine matches there's a decent chance you are overestimating.

    most definately.

    Machine manufactures have admitted their calorie burns are high and sometimes as much as 50% over...range given in one report was 20-50% over actuals.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Also, I don't want to stop exercising because I do feel better....however, a friend of mine is on Medifast and has lost 75 lbs and looks amazing and added exercise a couple months ago and it also made her weight loss stop. The Medifast consultant told her to stop exercising because it was causing her stop losing weight, so she is back to just "DIETING" only and has lost another 10 lbs. in just a months time. That just doesn't make sense to me. Why would they tell her to stop exercising? I am not stopping because overall I will be healthier.

    because medifast is a fad and isn't really helping lose weight and the consultant doesn't understand reality.

    ETA your friend is losing muslce along with fat...
  • jvl1973
    jvl1973 Posts: 36 Member
    I am wondering then if I should eat any of my exercise calories then. MFP suggests 1270 calories a day and when I only used to eat that amount I lost weight. I typically eat more on workout days 1270-1600. I eat most of the exercise calories from running and the Jillian Michael's DVD.
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    I know I have read this on here before, but I really need input and help. Why is it I lose more weight when not exercising, but when I add exercise I stop losing weight. I don't believe it when people say that I am building muscle, so therefore that is why I am not losing because muscle weighs more. All I am doing is running 3-4 times a week (2 miles each time) and I am doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD with hand weights. I am not doing bodybuilding, and my hand weights are only 5 lbs each. The only thing that I can see is my body is getting more toned, but the weight loss is the same. I need to lose 25-30 lbs to be in my ideal weight for my age and height. When I have only dieted I lose 1 - 2 lbs per week. I have been exercising for 3-4 weeks and I have lost nothing. Actually it goes up, but then back down.

    NOTE: I would say I eat most of my calories 50% of the time. I rarely go over (1270 plus any exercise calories). I know that you should eat those exercise calories to refuel your body and help your metabolism. I do most of the time, but only if I am hungry or feel that my body needs it.

    Also, I finally took measurements over a week ago to see if I am losing inches and I am. However, if I am losing inches, then why is the weight not falling off like it did when I wasn't exercising? It makes no sense, especially when I need to lose 25-30 pounds to be healthy and have a healthy BMI.

    I am in the same situation. I lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks just by dieting alone. I started T25, water aerobics and HIIT and haven't lost any weight since. However, I am losing inches. While it is frustrating (especially since I HAVE to lose the weight as I'm borderline diabetic), I am just happy with the change that has happened so far. I have quite a bit of fluff on me, so I'm not able to see any toning yet, but I can definitely tell in the way my clothes fit that there is change happening. If you keep it up, eventually the weight will come off.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Also, I don't want to stop exercising because I do feel better....however, a friend of mine is on Medifast and has lost 75 lbs and looks amazing and added exercise a couple months ago and it also made her weight loss stop. The Medifast consultant told her to stop exercising because it was causing her stop losing weight, so she is back to just "DIETING" only and has lost another 10 lbs. in just a months time. That just doesn't make sense to me. Why would they tell her to stop exercising? I am not stopping because overall I will be healthier.

    When you eat at a caloric deficit you lose water, fat, and MUSCLE. That is why some people who eat at large deficits with no exercise lose so fast. When you exercise (mostly weight training), you prevent that muscle loss so the weight lost is mostly water and fat. The scale may move slower (or not at all thanks to some water retention as well), but as you noted, the inches can come off just as fast.

    What's better; lose at a high rate and drop LBM, or lose at a slower controlled rate while maintaining muscle mass (but still losing the inches)?
  • bonestm
    bonestm Posts: 29 Member
    Rule of thumb for me is that if I am sore, the scales are going to show more weight. This is because when you are sore your muscles retain a crap load of water for the repair process. It was frustrating for me when I introduced circuit training/cross fit to my cardio only routine. All of a sudden my steady weight loss went flat and I started creeping up in weight. Just keep at it and don't mind the scales much when you are feeling sore.

    Oh and don't eat your workout calories unless you REALLY hungry. Just my two cents.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am wondering then if I should eat any of my exercise calories then. MFP suggests 1270 calories a day and when I only used to eat that amount I lost weight. I typically eat more on workout days 1270-1600. I eat most of the exercise calories from running and the Jillian Michael's DVD.

    Yes eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories.

    @sbox you are retaining water from new worries if you are accurate on your logging your weight will go down in 2-4 weeks...I experienced this when I added HIIT exercise in the new year so I didn't weigh myself for 3 weeks and low and behold....I lost 1.5lbs 2 weeks straight...which is a lot for me because I should only lose 3/4lb a week.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I am wondering then if I should eat any of my exercise calories then. MFP suggests 1270 calories a day and when I only used to eat that amount I lost weight. I typically eat more on workout days 1270-1600. I eat most of the exercise calories from running and the Jillian Michael's DVD.

    Yes eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories.

    @sbox you are retaining water from new worries if you are accurate on your logging your weight will go down in 2-4 weeks...I experienced this when I added HIIT exercise in the new year so I didn't weigh myself for 3 weeks and low and behold....I lost 1.5lbs 2 weeks straight...which is a lot for me because I should only lose 3/4lb a week.

  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    I think you are over-thinking things. If you just started exercising your muscles are likely holding on to some water for repairs, eventually your muscles will get stronger and this will work itself out.

    Don't give up just yet! Keep going!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    As someone already mentioned - weight loss isn't linear. You're clearly getting results through inches and you said yourself you feel better for the exercise.

    From my personal experience, I tend to notice scale weight loss on rest days. I usually swim 5 times a week, and unless I have dramatically cut sodium down, I rarely see a weight loss during days I exercise, whereas on weekends, when I'm not exercising, I notice the weight comes off. So, it probably is the water retention from your muscles repairing.
  • jvl1973
    jvl1973 Posts: 36 Member

    I am in the same situation. I lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks just by dieting alone. I started T25, water aerobics and HIIT and haven't lost any weight since. However, I am losing inches. While it is frustrating (especially since I HAVE to lose the weight as I'm borderline diabetic), I am just happy with the change that has happened so far. I have quite a bit of fluff on me, so I'm not able to see any toning yet, but I can definitely tell in the way my clothes fit that there is change happening. If you keep it up, eventually the weight will come off.

    I am hoping so. I am losing inches, but just wish the scale moved. My doctor (who I have been going to for 22 years) knows my weight when I was in my 20's and I was very healthy and fit. After two children, a busy life/career and now that I am 40 she said I need to lose at least 25-30 lbs. So, I hope the scale eventually moves!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Just to add - try weighing yourself on days you have had a day off from exercising. If you're like me, you will notice the scale number drop.

    Good luck!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I think you are over-thinking things. If you just started exercising your muscles are likely holding on to some water for repairs, eventually your muscles will get stronger and this will work itself out.

    Don't give up just yet! Keep going!

    Exactly this - Stick at it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your just holding onto water when you exercise - Don't always go by the scale, get a tape measure and take snaps : )
  • rdchick
    rdchick Posts: 49 Member
    Hey guys

    Same boat over here, I have been 90kgs for a few weeks now, however you can definitely see a difference in my body, I am assuming that if we just keep doing what we're doing it will start coming down... and that's slowly starting to become the case for me.

    Dieting without exercise can only work for so long, you can only reduce the calories by so much! I upped my calories whilst exercising as I thought my body needed more which is why I wasn't losing... this wasn't the case! I gained 2lb by doing that so I'm back on 1220 and going over after doing at least 45 mins of cardio and a session of Shred by about 100cals max really and that seems to be working for me.

    Good luck and keep at it guys, I know how frustrating it is but we will get there and we will be toned and less baggy skin and looking great! xxx

    Oh and definitely take snaps... I lost 8lbs.. what's 8lbs... this is it: