Anyone tried Turbo Fire? Looking for some feedback

Hey everyone!

I'm almost done with my Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and was thinking of buying Turbo Fire to fill that void. I read some reviews online about the program and while everyone says it's great they say it can be frustrating to learn the moves (even though she provides a New to Class dvd).

Does anyone have any feedback on this program and recommend it or not recommend it? Feel free to reply here to message me. Thanks! :)



  • Danijean10
    Danijean10 Posts: 12 Member
    im doing it right now!!! i strted it monday. I did get a bit frustrated because i kept messing up the first time, but she even saysin the video, it doesnt matter if you mess up, just as long as your moving. It gets easier the more you do it. i love it! i just got done doing the firestarter dvd and burned 485 calories!! OF course, everyone is different.
  • aliciadub
    aliciadub Posts: 73 Member
    There is a Turbofire Hotties Group, You can get good feedback there.
  • mokoko123
    mokoko123 Posts: 77 Member
    TurboFire is great! Give yourself a week or two to get used to the moves - they are very much the same once you learn them and then when you have them down you can really get into it. Massive calorie burner - you will sweat your rear off - and have fun with it too. It also has the best music of any other workout DVD I have done. Enjoy!!!
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    The last time I checked the TF hotties group hasn't been active in months...

    Anyhow, Turbo Fire is NO JOKE. I have no idea what JM revolution is like, but TF is pretty damn intense. Yes, the combos are pretty hard to learn, but if you keep doing it enough times, it will eventually click. I'm a slow pony but I got it down anyhow. It will feel very rewarding though and the workouts will start to fly by because it really doesn't feel like exercise.

    Here's a tip if you do pick it: Do just the Fire 45 EZ video FIRST a few times before you actually start the calendar. Here, you will learn most of the basic combos without having to do the HIIT fire drills. There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing this a few times before officially starting and it really helped me a lot

    I guarantee if you start off doing Fire 30 first, you will be utterly confused and overwhelmed. I swear I was like O_o "this is supposed to be the first class???" Again, 45EZ has a great foundation without being too difficult. Overall, highly recommend. Great fun and super intense.
  • fricktion
    fricktion Posts: 10
    So excited! Mine is en route right now and should be here sometime this week. I'll let you know how it is when I get it. It's my third beach body program and I'm excited to commit for 90 days, hopefully I can stick with it with summer coming!
  • gorgeoouslady
    I will order it today and I will start on March 31.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm just starting my 2nd round of Body Revolution right now and started it right after I did Turbo Fire. I loved it. I'm actually doing a Turbo Fire hybrid after I finish Body Revolution (which I'm doing along with T25). It's such a great workout and very fun. It might take one or two sessions to get the ideas of the moves, but a lot of it is repetitive. So once you've got the basics down, it's very easy to follow along. I had done Turbo Jam before, so I already knew the moves. So I can't say much about the new to class sections, but I'm sure she does a great job explaining things. The only thing I didn't like about the program was something that is actually tied to Body Revolution. I fell in love with weights after doing the BR. Turbo Fire doesn't have as much of a focus on strength, so I missed it. That's why I'm doing a hybrid next so I can include ChaLEAN Extreme and Brazil Butt Lift. I want to do my lifting! On the flip side, I HATED the BR cadios. I usually swap them for a Zuzka Light workout even now. So Turbo Fire really made cardio fun for me. I also have a bad knee and really loved how there was a low impact modifier. There were a few ways I had to modify Body Revolution with some of the jumps, but with Chalene's programs, there's no worries about that. Final tip is if you're feeling like a warrior, add the weight gloves. Bumped my calorie burn up even more and you can definitely feel it in your core and arms. So glad I bought those!
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    You will get used to the moves in no time :smile: I did it for 12 weeks and lost 19 lbs doing TF.
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    I'm planning on ordering this Friday when I get paid and cannot wait to start it! I'm currently doing Turbo Jam and love it! Would love to have the extra support of those who are doing it (or have completed it) to help push me along and support each other!!