i need help with breakfast..

this is my hardest meal of the day. honestly.

when im being really good, i like to have an apple with some light peanut butter. but.. this gets really boring really fast. and i love peanut butter. its easy for me to stop at timmies and get oatmeal, or the turkey sausage breakfast sandwich (delish) since its on my way in to work.. but i cant keep doing that. i feel like im sabotaging myself.

i get up around 6, and usually eat breakfast around 8 or 830 when i get to work. i have a single serve blender, so i could make smoothies. im thinking that might be my best option - make some ready to blend smoothie packs and bring them in with me. maybe some protien powder to help tide me over? or those no-bake protein bites that are all over the place?

what do you have for breakfast when youre at work? how do you keep it low calorie and yet still filling enough to keep you going?


  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I'm not sure why you feel like your sabotaging yourself with oatmeal or a turkey sausage sandwich. How many calories are in there?

    I either make an egg scramble, typically enough for a few mornings or I eat an Atkins meal bar. You could also keep some premade breakfast sandwiches at work, oatmeal packets, or you could do a meal replacement shake. Depending on what you put in your smoothie, you could have put in just as many calories as that turkey sausage sandwich.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I work from 7-3:30, I eat breakfast around 9am in my office.
    My go-to's are 1 cup strawberries (I use the Dole frozen and let it thaw) in 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese and one hard boiled egg (you can pre boil 5 eggs and keep them in the fridge to grab all week).
    or: 1/2 cup quick oats with 1/2 cup almond milk, one hard boiled egg. In the oameal I have done a TBS PB and half a banana or strawberries and almods or half an apple cut up and cinnamon or blueberries and pecans or cinnamon and stevia with raisins.
    or: Special K protein shake, greek yogurt and a banana.
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    I don't like to drink my calories, it's never satisfying.

    Do some meal prep the day before work, or on a designated day. I like to make up oatmeal, for example, this week my oatmeal has cinnamon, walnuts, apple and dates in it. I made myself three portions and put them into containers in the fridge for me to grab easily. When I wake up, I mix in some egg whites, warm it up over the stove, toss in some protein powder and done. Try having all you veggies precut and ready to toss into a scramble with some toast. Cereal with protein powder mixed into watered down milk is yummy, too.
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    I'm not sure why you feel like your sabotaging yourself with oatmeal or a turkey sausage sandwich. How many calories are in there?

    I either make an egg scramble, typically enough for a few mornings or I eat an Atkins meal bar. You could also keep some premade breakfast sandwiches at work, oatmeal packets, or you could do a meal replacement shake. Depending on what you put in your smoothie, you could have put in just as many calories as that turkey sausage sandwich.

    sorry, to clarify the self sabotage.. those breakfasts are okay once in awhile. they are jsut so easy i think im going to that option too much. although the actual food is pretty good, i know that the macros are awful for me. and you know what else? there are so many doughnuts there. so many.
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    I work from 7-3:30, I eat breakfast around 9am in my office.
    My go-to's are 1 cup strawberries (I use the Dole frozen and let it thaw) in 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese and one hard boiled egg (you can pre boil 5 eggs and keep them in the fridge to grab all week).
    or: 1/2 cup quick oats with 1/2 cup almond milk, one hard boiled egg. In the oameal I have done a TBS PB and half a banana or strawberries and almods or half an apple cut up and cinnamon or blueberries and pecans or cinnamon and stevia with raisins.
    or: Special K protein shake, greek yogurt and a banana.

    these are great ideas - i like that they seem fairly grab-and-go.

    i have never cooked oatmeal in a pot - i have baked with quick oats though. is it best to make a large batch and then reheat servings as necessary? how long does it keep for?
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    An apple with peanut butter is not a meal to me, that would not fill me up enough to last until lunch.

    The perfect balanced breakfast for me that I discovered recently: scrambled egg whites (or whole eggs, depending) with chopped onion, mushrooms, and chicken breast with a slice of whole grain toast and peanut butter on the side. Plus a cup of coffee. About 350 calories and keeps me full until lunchtime.

    I also like oatmeal with peanut butter, a touch of cinnamon and brown sugar for sweetness, and either raisins/chopped apples/chopped banana. Very filling.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I try not to drink calories since this does not satisfy your hunger cravings very long. At least not for me. My breakfast is usually 1 egg + 2 egg whites, cheese and spinach scramble or omelett with 2oz of turkey sausage.

  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I don't like to drink my calories, it's never satisfying.

    ^^^so true^^^

    Simple suggestion - Add some more protein to your diet and feel full again.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Just don't eat breakfast, problem solved
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    Just don't eat breakfast, problem solved

    not exactly helpful.. but thanks for playing?
  • rheannaraye
    rheannaraye Posts: 62 Member
    One of my favorites is to make an avocado with an egg.

    Or a spinach shake.
    - 1 scoop of Vanilla Whey Protein Isolate (totally optional)
    - 3 cups of spinach
    - ½ banana
    - 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter
    - ¾ cup of unsweetened almond milk
    - 2 cups of ice

    Just some ideas. Maybe help get you going :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Just don't eat breakfast, problem solved

    not exactly helpful.. but thanks for playing?

    What's lower cal than no breakfast?
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    I eat breakfast at work too.

    Black coffee and a banana are my go-to.

    When I'm extra hungry it's rolled oats with cinnamon and walnuts in my coffee mug.

    Smoothies are great for summer, but not so much when it's cold out.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Just don't eat breakfast, problem solved

    Some people can't just not eat breakfast. I am very much a breakfast person, I get extremely lightheaded and shaky if I don't eat it. Anyway, the point of the OP's post is ideas FOR breakfast.
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    Just don't eat breakfast, problem solved

    not exactly helpful.. but thanks for playing?

    What's lower cal than no breakfast?

    i can understand your logic, but i would prefer to not starve myself in the morning for fear of overeating the remainder of the day. my challenge is finding something low calorie that is filling enough to keep me satisifed through until lunch, or at least close enough that i can have one of my 50calories snacks around 12, since lunch isnt until 130
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    I normal eat at my desk and i go back and forth between bring low fat cottage cheese with Blueberries, Strawberries, Mango and Blackberries in it on other days i make a turkey beacon, avocado and egg sandwich. Keeps me full till lunch rolls around and sometimes longer.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I work from 7-3:30, I eat breakfast around 9am in my office.
    My go-to's are 1 cup strawberries (I use the Dole frozen and let it thaw) in 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese and one hard boiled egg (you can pre boil 5 eggs and keep them in the fridge to grab all week).
    or: 1/2 cup quick oats with 1/2 cup almond milk, one hard boiled egg. In the oameal I have done a TBS PB and half a banana or strawberries and almods or half an apple cut up and cinnamon or blueberries and pecans or cinnamon and stevia with raisins.
    or: Special K protein shake, greek yogurt and a banana.

    these are great ideas - i like that they seem fairly grab-and-go.

    i have never cooked oatmeal in a pot - i have baked with quick oats though. is it best to make a large batch and then reheat servings as necessary? how long does it keep for?

    I use Quaker quick oats so I just measure out 1/2 cup and put it in a container and measure out 1/2 cup almond milk and put that in a seperate container. I add the mix ins to the dry oats. When I'm ready to eat I pour the milk in, stir and cook in the microwave for about 1:25, stir then let it set for another minute or so. Very easy.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm a peanut butter lover myself and found a great breakfast that consists of strawberries and lavash bread. I use Joseph's Net Carb Adjusted 4 - Flax, Oat Bran & Whole Wheat Lavash Bread, 1/2 lavash is only 50 calories. I roll the wrap in some foil and take it with me. It takes some time to clean and cut the strawberries, but it's delicious.
  • ellenmg
    ellenmg Posts: 26 Member
    Every morning I have a Clif Mojo protein bar - Peanut Butter Pretzel flavor. It's delicious. One bar is 190 calories and fills me up for quite a while. Super easy - grab & go!
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I make over night oats and just bring it to work with me.

    1/3 cup of large flake oats
    1 scoop protein powder (I use french vanilla iplx)
    frozen berries
    Water (tbh Im not sure how much water I put, but I am sure you can put milk too)
    and put a tablespoon of natural pb
    Shake it up and leave it in the fridge.

    I also just make an eggbeater omlette with spinach and a piece of toast.

    Any of those things with a side of apples and cinnamon. MMMM so nommy!

    I also found this wicked oatmeal cookie recipe that isn't too sweet and easy to make! You could have a couple of those with some fruit and milk. YUMMY! :smile:
