Guilt ridden

So yesterday for some reason I ate everything within a 10 mile radius, none of it any good for me at all! I am not sure what brought on this binge, sorting that out so I can deal with it properly. But the main problem is I feel guilty, not to mention bloated and icky as well.
I am not understanding the guilt...I didnt do anything wrong morally that should cause me this feeling, so what is with it?

Anyways, anyone car to explain this to me and add in a swift kick im my *kitten* or some motivational Ive been there stories, it would be greatly appreciated.



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Guilt doesn't have to be because you did something morally wrong. It can be caused by going against your conscience for any reason. You made a commitment to yourself, and you admitted to breaking that commitment yesterday which makes your conscience feel guilty since you did something that you basically told yourself that you wouldn't do.

    Personally, I would lighten up on yourself and try not to be so severely strict on your diet...that way when you do have bumps in the road, even though you will recognize that you shouldn't have done it, you won't feel so horrible as you seem to.

    Remember that it is just one day! Get back to what you know to do, and you'll feel much better about things!
  • atucker0821
    atucker0821 Posts: 106 Member
    awww kick to the butt...just get back on board and start all over again...if you are anything like me (who is also "amanda") you will let guilt drive you to do it all over again...

    i'm a classic binger who will let one day spiral out of control using the excuse that i already fell off...

    remember that icky feeling the next time you want to do it...i am starting to the signs before i actually do it...recognize the feeling...i will pace, open and shut the fridge like 100 get myself out of dodge FAST!!

    this is like the millioneth time i have started over...except this time i'm gonna win!! you will too!

    it was just one day...keep saying it...just one day!
  • Princesspants78
    Thanks! I think I have figured out why I behaved the way I did yesterday, this should help me to avoid it happening again!

    On a side note I'm not to strict on my diet, I eat what I want, I just know that I went over my calorie count three times over!

  • debkin
    debkin Posts: 14
    I have totally been there myself... and have also had the feelings of guilt afterwards. I think I felt guilty because I felt as though I had let myself down.
    One thing I have tried, as a way of keeping the cravings at bay, is to allow myself 1 cheat meal (freestyle meal) a week. This meal can be anything you want, but it is only 1 meal. It has been working for me so far and I do not feel guilty about it because it is something that I have allowed myself to do. Afterall, one meal is not going to ruin an entire week of clean eating, right :happy:
    If I were you, I would not feel guilty about yesterday. It is done and in the past. Focus on what you will eat today and don't beat yourself up.

    Good luck!
  • dmfear
    dmfear Posts: 24
    I feel ya! Once I ate 2 slices of meat lovers pizza after I did soooo well that week and it made me cry!! Im not even an emotional person..haha
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I have always been one of those to feel guilty after cheating on my diet. I feel guilty because after its eaten all I can think about is how if I wouldn't have screwed up I would already be closer to my goal. But there is nothing you can do to change it, you just have to get back on track. Even when I allow myself a cheat meal I'll feel bad! lol
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Don't worry about one day. As long as it doesn't become a habit, you'll be fine. Get back on track, get some exercise, and you'll feel better. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, so one bad day is nothing to get excited over.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    You will only feel guilty if you let yourself. We all fall off the wagon sometimes.
    You get yourself up and start all over again. Hmmm that sounds like a song LOL.
    Anyway, just think of it this way if you cheat so be it, but just think, it's harder to take off
    even if it tastes sooo good. Try planning before you go out and think what you will have
    and then your mind will be set on that and No Guilt.
    Good Luck keep up the good work.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Oh I have done that and done that prior to MFP. I'm curious, did you skip any meals yesterday. Skipping a meal adds to binging. So does stress.
  • levi41
    As it was said before, don't feel guilty and use that icky feeling to remind yourself how it made you feel to eat like that for next time.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member

    remember that icky feeling the next time you want to do it...i am starting to the signs before i actually do it...recognize the feeling...i will pace, open and shut the fridge like 100 get myself out of dodge FAST!!

    This is so me too! Hi I am another Amanda and sometimes, I lose control. Here is my thing, I recognize that I want something specific, I want the chocolate or the candy or the fried chicken, whatever it is. So instead I am good and have the apple so I don't eat the lets say Mike and Ikes. The apple was 44 calories and that big ol box of Mike and Ikes is at least 450 for the whole box.

    Five minutes later back in the kitchen. Still have that hankering. So i grab a 100 calorie pack from the pantry and eat that. 144 now. Back to the kitchen because that didn't work, now I am on to the Doritos with some dip! YUM!!! Then I follow with a pack of gushers, because what I really want is something sweet anyway.

    When it is all said and done I am well over the calories from the Mike and Ike. If I eat some grapes and still want that craving then I have some. Not a lot, just a bite or two, then throw the rest away or give them to the kids. Might be wasteful, but at least I only indulged in140 calories instead of the whole box or the whole kitchen.
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    I had the same problem with eating yesterday. Went way over on calories, even with going to the gym. Some days are like that. Started bad first thing in the morning with breakfast and continued all day. Some days are like that, but not as many as there used to be. :bigsmile:

    Don't beat yourself up over one day. Everyone has had these days. Just get back to eating right and chalk it up to a terrible day.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • Princesspants78
    Thanks everyone! Its nice to know that your not along and up until now I havent been using this site to its full potential!

    I never skipped a meal yesterday but I am pretty stressed so I figure that was a good part of it and not sleeping properly isnt helping either. All in all I need a good healthy meal and a great nights sleep and this should put me back on track.

    One thing for sure is that my fiancee (who has the metabolisim of a fruit fly) has got to not bring so many snacks and treats into the house, it is just to hard and one bite doesnt work ! Boxes of Purdy's chocolates and gummy candies everywhere!! !! Its not right, its harder to resist than not smoking! (Which is why I gained weight in the first place).

    Well off I go to the gym to get my happy place back!

    Thanks again!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Guilt doesn't necessarily have anything to do with morals. You made a promise to yourself (to eat healthy) and you didn't keep it so you feel guilty about it. The thing is you can let that guilt rule you or you move on. So you screwed up yesterday - did anyone die as a result? Did you permanently harm anyone's life? No you didn't so you yesterday is done, move on. And don't expect perfection. Persistance is more important. So if you make a poor choice one minute, the next minute is your next opportunity to make a better choice, or the next minute, or 10 minutes after that. Just as long at some point you make a better choice, one that moves you closer to your goal. Also, you need a cheat day once in a while so don't stress over it. I have one every Friday - tomorrow: IHOP! Then back on the track!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    The other thing to keep in mind ---- eating better is not quitting smoking. Can live without cigarettes, can't live without food. I quit smoking after 22 years cold turkey. Cause I just didn't have to pick one up to survive. Couldn't do it with food so I had to learn how to deal with it, and still learning.