any breastfeeding mama?

Ok so I've been at this thing for a week now I consume between 1000-1800 caleries per day plus tuns of water, I've read a few posted about if I undereat it effects my milk supply? I have seen a change in my milk supply, still leaking if I don't feed my little one within a 4-8 hour period (mostly at overnight, he sleeps through the night) I just don't want to harm my son, or his eatting, I also know breastfeeding burns about 500 caleries daily, should I count those caleries??


  • aleenazaz
    aleenazaz Posts: 24
    I am breastfeeding too and I am actually not too strict on my diet because I know my baby needs the calories too. My main focus is to eat good food and be active. And yes breastfeeding also burns calories ...
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    I have a friend who breastfeeds and I believe she somehow calculates the calories and other nutrients used during breastfeeding to make sure she's taking in enough food. I'll see if she can add some input here.
  • reebs1229
    reebs1229 Posts: 2 Member
    If you search breastfeeding under foods you can find lots of different options. If you are still leaking sounds like your baby is still pretty little? I *think* 500 sounds about right. I am nursing a 2 yr old and she still nurses a lot but gets nutrition elsewhere so I am only doing 300. But anyway, I just log it every morning when I wake up under breakfast and it starts me off with -300 cal.
  • MommyToAllieB
    MommyToAllieB Posts: 56 Member
    I am breastfeeding too. I do 500 extra calories a day for breastfeeding, and I shoot to lose no more than a pound a week (I have heard that more than that is not good for breastfeeding). MFP told me to be consuming around 1400 calories to lose a pound a week, so adding the extra 500 that is 1900 a day-- I did that for a few weeks and lost 3-4 lbs a week (too much too fast for breastfeeding mamas). So, I added an additional 200 cals/day. So now I am eating 2100 cals/day (more if I work out), and losing a pound a week consistently since January. Let me just say, breastfeeding truly is awesome for weight loss!
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    Add 500 calories burned of he is exclusively breastfed. When he is eating half solids, just deduct 250 calories, and do on. Yes, you need to eat those calories back, so you should be on a bare minimum of 1700 calories when exclusively nursing. DO NOT eat a low fat diet. He needs your milk fatty and that aides in his brain development.