No motivation to go to the gym



  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    Thank you all for your advice! Since the weather is nice I think I am going to walk/run outside. I'm also going to check out some workout videos. Knowing I can do this at home I now feel motivated! :)
  • jenbob555
    jenbob555 Posts: 36 Member
    I agree with all of the above. There's gyms really close to me but I find that whenever I sign up I go a couple times and then it's just too hard to leave the house. I've been doing Jillian Michael's workout videos and now my husband is getting into lifting, so we're buying a bunch of lifting equipment. It's kind of expensive, but not if you figure how much we'd be paying for a year plus of gym membership and driving.
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    Are you closer to the gym when at work? Maybe eat at your desk and get a workout in a lunch. That's been working great for me. All of the other suggestions are great too. Just 30 minutes - an hour a day, even break it up, half an hour at lunch. good luck!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I thought about getting some weights as well. I want to do more than just cardio. I've been looking up exercises to do at home as well for strength.

    My gym's in the garage (well my dad's garage actually). Not that expensive to set up and if your doing a progressive programme, you can 'buy as you go'
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    My aunt has the C25K running app. It's free so I downloaded it and tried it out. I ran outside and took my dog. I got through half before I felt like I was dying! So now I'm tired and my pup is tired (double yay!). I think I am going to continue to run outside. I did check out the "You are your own gym" videos. I think I am going to do those too. I now have motivation! Thank you all for your hlep! :)
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    Jillian Michaels dvds or the Wii when I need a break from the boring gym lol
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    My husband has a similar challenge--he commutes 2 hours to work every day and then when he gets home...the gym is another 30 minute drive. He says it's really hard to exercise (especially with the winter we've had in Michigan) but like everyone here has shared...there are so many ways to get in your work outs. Whether it's walking outside, doing your stairs, weights, resistance bands, videos, etc, you can discover ways to work out right at home. Be creative and have fun.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    It would be a huge problem for me if I had to go to a gym 30 minutes away. My friend lives in a rural area and had a similar commute to her gym. It was hard for her to go, because of the commute, and she also worked 45 minutes away in another direction. I would say its definitely the commute that is hard for you.

    My gym is 10-15 minutes away ( there is one down the street but its expensive ) but I really do not pay much for it. It can be stressful for me to drive the 10 minute drive to the gym. Its helpful when there is a gym close to you.

    You could spend longer at the gym and only go a few times a week. if you have Sat and Sunday free, you can go then. Fitness DVDs seem to be a good alternative as well'; and you can do this when your daughter goes to bed. This might be expenisive but you can always get work out machines if you have someone to help you put the pieces together. I have seen affordable bikes and ellipticals at Wal Mart and Amazon. If you have the space of course.

    If you have parks and some rural areas near where I live DO have parks, you can take a walk or run there.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I thought about getting some weights as well. I want to do more than just cardio. I've been looking up exercises to do at home as well for strength.

    Great idea.. I haven't stepped foot in a gym in quite some time now. Being a mom can make the gym inconvenient. I've lost over 70 lbs working out at home. I have been building a home gym slowly and it works wonderfully. If your are thinking of getting some weights I suggest looking on amazon. They have a few pretty cheap weight sets. they're not the highest of quality but it does the job. I find having a home gym keeps me motivated to workout anyway. I have no excuses not to. LOL
  • Kisame29
    Kisame29 Posts: 9,782 Member
    If you're willing to do exercise at home, I'd definitely recommend getting some fitness videos. I watch Jillian Michaels videos- a lot of her workouts are fairly short but very intense, plus you typically only need hand weights and only a little space to move around.

    Alternatively, you can buy some exercise equipment for home. I got a stationary bike off Amazon for around $150 and it's been great! Depending on how much you spend on a gym membership and what you do there, it may even be more cost effective to just have the equipment at home.
  • NiikouruDesu
    You can use a skipping rope for indoor cardio and bodyweight exercises such as pushups, pullups, situp, tricep dips instead of weights :)
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    To echo others.....the gym doesn't make you slim/fit, being active does. The 2 are not inextricably linked.

    Just doing something, then doing it a little more is enough to make a change, from there bigger things come.

    It's 2 yrs since I started to log food and exercise more formally (I was always a big walker on days off and hols) but I added my mini tramp which I use constantly plus gym around work demands. It's over 1 yr since I started maintaining. I'm now looking into more lifting but probably at home. This has just evolved from using machines in gym and enjoying feeling strong, I never had it in mind when I started.

    Just start something, who knows where it will end.....
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    ... I thought about going before work, but I would have to go into town, come back, and go back again for work.

    What does everyone else do? I guess I just need to suck it up and go, lol.

    Interested in why you would need to go home after going to the gym - do they not have showers there? I go to the gym before work sometimes then drive to work which is over an hour away.
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Youtube has loads of free exercises from weight training to zumba and anything in between. Fitness Blender do great workouts on youtube and they do anything from cardio to kettlebells and again, anything in between
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I assume if you live in the country, you have a house.

    You are in the perfect demographic for home exercise. AND, it's free. There's You Tube but better yet, my personal favie, is FITNESSBLENDER.COM.

    I discovered them by accident. They have free videos on the site. FREE! They have all levels for beginners to pros and they kick your butt (if that's what you want).

    Put baby to bed, get into the living room with your laptop or smart phone (I've used my smartphone! It's a small image but it still works!)

    I'm not kidding about fitness blender. Check it out. You will be at home, you will get your workout and then you can jump in the shower and even kiss baby goodnight again in the span of an hour and a half.
  • jennlynn49
    jennlynn49 Posts: 8 Member
    Do you have a gym or a place to walk or run near your job? With a little one at home, the only time I can find the energy to work out is during my lunch hour. I also use my 15 minute break in the morning and afternoon to walk on the treadmill. Every little bit helps!

    I am just getting started with my weight loss journey, but so far this seems to help! I feel better, I am not as tired and it keeps me motivated.

    Best of luck!