Insanity Class at the Gym

Background: I am 30 lbs overweight after having my son 1.5 yrs ago. I'm back in the cardio/weight game by going at least 3x a week 45 mins each time.
I signed up for an instructor trained insanity class last week, and it kicked my butt. I feel like I am not in the shape I need to be for this workout. I was so humiliated the entire hour, and the trainer modified over half of it for me. I understand it's designed to be a tough @ss workout but I just feel like it's so over my head...
What would you do?
Not sure if I should go back to my Insanity class this week. It is THEE. HARDEST. WORKOUT. EVER. It almost made me cry, and I'm generally a tough girl! I feel like I have better workouts on my elliptical on my own. I know it's good to push myself, but I'm not sure if it's worth the $25 extra a month. What would you do? Thx for your input!


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    $25 a month to feel humiliated? I'd pass.

    Insanity is insanely tough, but it's not necessary for health, fitness or weight loss. Find something you enjoy.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Do it!
    You have measurable data here...
    you cant do half of it, now...

    But, you WILL be able to do it, and be pleased with yourself.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I don't like classes like that. If you are not adequately ready for that kind of intense workout, I'd pass. BUT, if he modifys it for you and you can to it, then do it.

    If it made you cry from pain, that's not good. If you cried from humiliation, then re think that. don't feel bad becasue you can't keep up. I would not spend lots of money on it, but that's me. I pay 10 a month for planet fitness and do my free workouts from the internet and I walk a heck of a lot.

    You want some hard workouts without feelign bad go to I swear by them. YOu can do it at home too. Its on the computer and it's free.
  • mbilling
    mbilling Posts: 30 Member
    I say keep at it! Modify as needed and take a break and march in place if you have to. I bet you'll be amazed at how quickly you make progress. I've been doing insanity classes 2x/week for the past month and it's amazing how much progress I've made. I can see the results in all my other activities, especially running, which is awesome. I frequently feel frustrated that I can't do a move, but you just have to try your hardest and keep moving.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I also take Insanity classes at my gym but it doesn't cost extra. I find that the more I push myself, the more muscle I get and the more fat I burn. So I'm not the best one, so what? If you're getting results, it's cheaper than a trainer.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I've done Insanity on DVD for a couple rounds. I would try to last longer than the first person out, then the second. pretty soon, I was able to complete the whole thing. Then the second month of Max workouts knocked be back down to Earth. It is a tough workout for sure, but you will get the hang of it. I imagine everyone in that class has failed to make it to the end at least once.