Why are you losing weight?

When I'm tired after a day of work, or hungry and don't feel like working out, maybe it'll help me to remember why I'm trying to lose weight. I'll share my reasons with you and hope that by putting them into words on MFP, I'll reaffirm to myself my reasons for trying to lose weight.

Since I got married two years ago, I've gained 23 pounds. I gained 11 pounds in the first year and 12 pounds in the second. At first, I was just happy the pressure to be fit on my wedding day was over. I had exercised religiously and eaten healthy in preparation for my big day. But after three months of intense training, and then a honeymoon filled with great food, I came back to a reality I couldn't sustain without the motivation of my wedding.

I started eating ice cream almost every night. We started going out to dinner more. I didn't come home and go for a jog like I had done before. It's like I just stopped caring. I work late and have a long commute. It was so easy to make excuses to eat unhealthy and not exercise. My bad behavior, which didn't seem like a big deal at the time, sort of got out of control before I knew it. That's what happened in the first year. I have no excuse for why I gained another 12 pounds, other than my own laziness. Well, I'm paying for my laziness of two years now.

My bra straps dig into my shoulders and leave red marks when they never did before. I feel uncomfortable with the extra padding on my stomach. My pants are way too tight. I can't fit into most of my clothes but I refuse to buy bigger sizes because it would be like I am accepting myself at this weight. As a result, I end up wearing the same things over and over while my beautiful smaller sizes hang in my closet untouched. I was in denial for a long time. But now, I'm just so sick of feeling tired and uncomfortable with my own body.

I want to get pregnant but if I don't lose weight I'll be at serious risk of developing gestational diabetes. There are so many other reasons to lose weight for myself but I think the health of my future children motivates me the most.

Thanks for listening. Please feel free to share why you're losing weight, I'd love to hear what motivates you.


  • laurammi
    laurammi Posts: 4
    I have a few reasons why I'm losing weight. I've been over the normal/healthy weight range since high school (I'm 28 now) and I'm getting kinda tired of being this way. I used to enjoy running, and I'd like to get back into that. Not hard-core running, but be able to enjoy a 5k run and train for longer distance races again.

    Another BIG reason why I'm motivated is that I'm getting married soon!! Like most brides, I want to slim down a bit so I can look a little more svelte in my dress. I'm not going for a really tight and toned look, but a little less chubby/flabby would be nice. Tighter arms, less of a pooch, etc, is kind of what I'm going for. I'm 5'7" at about 174 or so, and I'd like to be about 155.... maybe? Look is more important than the exact number.

    My fiance loves me however I am, but I feel like I wanna look better for myself (and a bit for him) and I want to have wedding pictures that really capture me, not my weight. So, by August 2 I'd like to be about 10-15 lbs less (or more) and really be on the right track to staying that way, not gaining it back.

    I'm also new on here, so if anyone needs another buddy, please feel free to add me :)
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm hoping to be able to wear a t-shirt and shorts without feeling like i'm bulging out all over the place when i sit down this summer. i'm much more comfortable in a sweatshirt and i'd like to change that.
  • SaturdayProductions
    I was a big girl for quite a while... now I am getting really close to my optimal weight & being able to wear a bikini with confidence in Malibu, so I am even more motivated to take it all the way to the end!
  • fittestpal
    fittestpal Posts: 94 Member
    It's hard staying motivated in a relationship. Especially if the other person could care less. It can be done though. You dont have to eat ice cream every night just cut out the bad stuff!
  • kmessinger14
    kmessinger14 Posts: 57 Member
    Every time I tell people I am working out and logging what I eat etc, I always get "you don't need to lose weight" but these people don't see me in a swimsuit!

    What motivates me is to not be self conscious in a bikini! My stomach is my least favorite feature. When I go to the pool I don't want to get off the lawn chair because unless I'm laying down flat my stomach just seems to be screaming hello. When I'm bending over or sitting up, I just want to get my gut OUT of here! Not to mention I will be able to wear my tight fitting dresses to Las Vegas in May if I can lose the flab and feel confident about my tummy!
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I was fed up with how I let myself go. I wasn't overweight, but I was getting to the upper limit. Every pound shows on me since I'm so short. I'm young and should be looking like it's the prime of my life. So I'm losing weight to be in my prime and continue on living healthy.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Because I feel like I'm in a costume, I don't feel like myself. I wasn't always huge. I'm tired of suing my health as an excuse and I'm finally taking charge and doing something about it. :)
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Being fat made me feel too old for how old I really am and it sucked, so I did something about it. Am I still a lazy sloth some days? Absolutely.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    When I was heavier, I wasn't the "me" I was in my mind. The more I lose, the more my internal body image is in sync with my external image.

    I want to look good naked. :laugh:

    I want to fit into clothes I wore in college.

    I don't want any chronic illnesses associated with weight gain.
  • gemmaacarmody
    I'm losing weight because i went from 126lbs to 175lbs after a really bad breakup. Long story short, the guy I was seeing had some disabilities so was usually in and out of hospital abit, well he got really sick and almost died and after that he just changed. He was a really nice guy to begin with (or so i thought) but afterwards he was horrible. He cheated on me the entire time we were together (i only found this out at the end) and just made me feel like a wasn't good enough, so i ate to make myself feel better.
    When we finally broke up i kept on comfort eating for about 3 years.

    Last year my sister gave birth to her first child, Edward, unfortunately he died at 26 days old. Only at his get together we had for his 1st birthday did i decide that it was time to stop putting my life on hold and actually live it. There are so many things I want to do and so many places I want to see, I decided that if he can't live his life then I'm going to live mine for the both of us.
    And first on the list, feeling comfortable in my own skin again, which means I'd like to lose enough weight to feel that i look good in the clothes i wear and not live in baggy jumers from my dad and leggins.
  • gwennaelle
    gwennaelle Posts: 8 Member
    I used to be naturally small, then I hit 30. I'm not as comfortable in my skin as I used to be, and I want to feel confident again when naked. :)
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I was 20/21 and had high blood pressure and I had no confidence in myself. No way was I about to enter my prime physical decade like that.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Many reasons...to improve my self-esteem and to avoid the medical problems my parents have faced the past 12-17 years respectively.
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    I am getting married at some point in the next 12 - 18 months. I refuse to even start planning until I am at least a size 12 for the dress!
    My partner and I want another child. It will be through IVF and being this heavy and trying to do that successfully is like throwing money down the toilet.
    Personally I would love to be out of fat girl shops. I would like to wear skinny jeans and find boots that fit around calves.
    I would love to try and do something about the ridiculous short lifespan of all the adults in my family. Hideous hideous genetics. Diabetes, cancer, generally all fat and unhealthy and most of them dead by 60 with the exception of my father who was 66. The females die earlier from cancer.. long long line of breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer :grumble: I figure its inevitable but I am vigilant and if it does come about I think it would be better if I was starting off on the right foot as a healthy person.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Health reasons. I've had chronic ankle instability since I was a little kid. My right ankle will often collapse on me and get sprained even if I'm just walking around, so I know that if I weighed less it'd take some strain off of that already incredibly weak part of my body. I'd also like to just move around easier in general.
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    Because I am fat. Plain and simply fat. I don't go out, I'm embarrassed to be in public, my wardrobe consists of black t-shirts and stretch jeans. I'm sick to death of it all. I'm 24 and was eating my life away.
  • raileneperkins
    raileneperkins Posts: 37 Member
    For me I always had a truly great figure, at least that is what my mate always told me. Together for 11 years and one day I realized he hadn't told me how great I looked in a long time. Chalked it up to being together for a while. Then my family members started to refer to me as thick and curvy and suggested I try the plus size shops. Hmmm eye opener! I had gone from size 6 to size 12 and never paid one bit of attention. Still felt like I looked good but noticed I couldn't even walk around the park anymore without sweating and wanting to sit down. Had to change that, for me and as an example to my girls. Time to stop relying on others to make me feel good about me and open my eyes and really look at myself. Time to like what I see reflected back at me.
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    For me, it's purely vanity. I want to look really good!
  • newata
    newata Posts: 75 Member
    I want to lose weight because being fat is uncomfortable. Uncomfortable in my own skin. Uncomfortable when I'm in a changing room and I see my back fat in the mirrors. Uncomfortable when trying to enjoy something the least bit active. Uncomfortable when you get your picture taken on a day you think you look great and every roll shows up in the camera. Uncomfortable when your tankini is riding up and you can't just enjoy the water. Sure I think my face looks alright but that's not going to climb a mountain or run around the block. These chubby legs and gut have to do it. P.S. If I ever have children I will do everything in my power to keep them healthy and active so they never have to feel this way.
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    At first, it was simply because I didn't want to have to buy new closes because mine no longer fit... but now they do, and it's just for vanity.