Not loosing weight - upping calories but feeling miserable

Hello all! I'm in need of some advice.

5 weeks ago I committed to getting series about my workouts by eating clean so I can compete in my first fitness competition. (If I didn't create such a goal I would never stick to this) I'm 24, 5'7 and weight 150 lbs

I started by eating 1400 calories a day and I work out for an hour everyday doing high intensity/weight lifting with a personal trainer. After 3 weeks my weight hadn't moved an ounce! (before I started eating clean, over the holidays, I was able to lose weight without counting calories or working out everyday) So I thought this was very odd. My trainer recommended I up my calories again to 1600 thinking I was way under eating and my body was just maintaining. I stayed at 1600 for 2 weeks and noticed I was hungrier throughout the day but for the most part felt pretty good. However, I still didn't lose any weight :(

This past week I did some research and again think I'm under eating. A normal active female should be eating around 2500 to maintain and I burn around 500 calories a workout, so theoretically if I upped to 1800 I'm still "under" in order to maintain and should see about a pound to pound and a half lose. I only started eating this much yesterday but I am feeling absolutely miserable! My stomach feels so bloated and gross. I've decided to put away my scale for a few days, so I don't seriously go crazy, but I'm afraid with how I feel I'm going to see the number go up at the end of the week. I am really serious about doing a show and dont want to give up on this but I obviously need to figure out how to loose weight in a healthy way.

I aim to eat 50% cabs 30% protein and 20% fat.

Anyone have a similar story? Or have advice?? I'd really appreciate it :)


  • aisikitaisi
    Hey I am in the same position as you! Except I started this in December and have barely seen any results. I would suggest you try the TDEE-20% method, which seems like what you are doing! But I think you should calculate it online and see what you get.

    This one's good
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Tape measure and camera will track the changes in your body more accurately than the scale will.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Get onto an online calculator e.g Scooby, enter your stats and find out how much YOU need. It will vary according to your weight, height and activity. And are you eating your exercise calories back? Unless you use the TDEE method (seen on Scooby), you should eat at least a portion of them back as it's how MFP works.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Tape measure and camera will track the changes in your body more accurately than the scale will.

    Agree with tracking measurements but building muscle in a deficit? I doubt it.
  • sosmerc
    sosmerc Posts: 13 Member
    I'm sure glad to hear that muscle weighs more than fat! I was wondering where the food was going since I started my "program". Since last October I have lost only a few pounds, despite the religious increase in exercise and careful monitoring of caloric intake. I have noticed that I don't "poop" as much I guess my body is busy making muscle?? Hey, I do feel great and intend to keep with the program. My real goal is to lower my LDL levels and my triglycerides to make my doctor happy. Despite the slow weight loss so far, I think I am making some progress. Maybe I should be using a measuring tape instead of the scales!
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Tape measure and camera will track the changes in your body more accurately than the scale will.

    Agree with tracking measurements but building muscle in a deficit? I doubt it.

    Hey - I built 1% of lean muscle in 3 weeks at a deficit! ;)

    You're probably right, OP could be 'breaking even' and maintaining muscle (and the water retention that can accompany it) rather than losing or gaining.
  • Bigelows
    Bigelows Posts: 6
    Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Tape measure and camera will track the changes in your body more accurately than the scale will.

    Agree with tracking measurements but building muscle in a deficit? I doubt it.

    I have taken pics and for the last 3-4 weeks have noticed no difference. I just started taking measurements this week.

    Also, using the given "Scooby" website it says I should eat 2,000! I'm down for eating more if that means I'll loose but I don't want to feel gross like I do now. I'm not sure if its the veggies... I just started adding in more than just salad, green beans, and peppers.