Having trouble eating all my calories: Just not hungry



  • GardenOfSongs
    GardenOfSongs Posts: 37 Member
    One thing I'd find helps is having a lot of little meals (200-300 calories a time) - things like lentils, fish, lean meat like chicken etc. etc. - helps to fuel you a lot better than trying to eat 400 calories three times a day. Body builders are a big fan of this concept, and yesterday when I had four small meals I somehow kept to my deficit and felt so much more full and energised than I would if I tried to just have plain old breakfast, lunch, dinner. Particularly good if you're working out a lot - eat an hour or two before you work out and then afterwards as soon as you feel alive enough to get some more food in your system! What people have said above (e.g. healthy*ish* fats like nuts, peanut butter etc. and wholegrain carbs like brown rice are great and will help you to refuel after you've worked hard on your body)

    P.S. I'm not an expert on these things, just know bits here and there and have been losing weight for the past few months, do correct me if you disagree with anything I've said
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    . Getting to the end of the day and realizing you need to eat an extra 600 calories is no fun!

    What? That's at least 3 beers, or 8 shots of whiskey. That is all kinds of fun!
  • skierue
    skierue Posts: 17 Member
    IIFYM. Go to Mcdonald's. Problem solved.

    Seriously tho, eat whatever you want. It doesn't just have to be "diet foods"

    My guess is once you get out of that mind set you won't have any issue eating all your calories.

    But fruit and yogurt probably aren't going to cut it.

    Peanut butter, trail mix, any kind of nut, bread and pasta are all your friends here. Cheese and milk as well if you can have dairy.

    You are right. My mindset is stuck on "diet foods" I suppose because I have strictly limited myself to pretty much one serving of bread per day and no pasta....like ever because I'm thinking about the carbs instead of the calories. Thanks for putting me on a different path.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I was like that when I first started on my diet plan months ago. Now I can't seem to eat less than 1500 calories as hard as I try. (goal is 1200 and mfp is telling me I am basically eating maintenance at 1500)
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I discovered a couple weeks ago that it is so helpful to sketch in an idea of what you are eating for the next day. It helps you balance your macros and ensures you have the calories you need for the day. It also makes it so that you don't have your food getting cold while you input your meal on the app and you can just enjoy your delicious food. Its what works for me hope its helpful for you.
  • jginsurance11
    jginsurance11 Posts: 6 Member
    I guess I don't understand the concept of eating your calories back.

    I am going to the gym daily, and walking the golf course several times a week. According to my fitbit my calorie adjustments for exercise are usually over 1000 per day.

    Does this mean that instead of my 1690 calorie goal, I need to be eating an additional 1000 calories?
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Listen to your body. If you're a relatively healthy human being, it will let you know when to eat more... or less...

    This is a risky. All of my blood work says I am healthy, I am active, I am young...but I promise you I could knock down thousands and thousands of more calories than I need because my brain sometimes says, "Sure, do it." Best to not always do what you want just because you are currently healthy.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    okay I only looked at one day of your food diary before responding but this is what I can suggest and what I would do: on the days you plan to workout, keep that in mind from the very first meal you eat. Try some avocado in those eggs or add in some black beans or a teaspoon of olive oil or flax seed or some diced ham etc. for the times you eat a sandwich: let yourself have more meat for protein (great for workouts) and maybe dip your apples in some peanut butter or almond butter, etc. this is just some of my suggestions that definitely add in some calories while still being good for you. I find that a lot of times in the beginning I wasn't as hungry especially after working out but I spaced out my meals to make sure I eat enough. Having small meals several times a day keeps your metabolism tricked into not thinking its being food deprived. IT also helps you feel satisfied. I don't always eat my exercise calories back but I try. It all depends on how I feel and how I started out my day. Just split up your day into snacks, and your meals and then figure how much on average you want to aim for each time you eat. You may have been able to eat a whole cheesecake before you started dieting and working out and just plain paying attention but I can bet that most times you didn't eat when you should have. Now we are on a regular eating schedule and it takes time for our bodies to get adjusted. Pretty soon, you will be asking the opposite question: I need more food than what mfp gives me. ahhh.... oh sorry that is me. just hang in there.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Leptin is the key hormone which drives energy balance and our bodies are very quick at assessing changes in energy needs. As referenced above, chronic calorie restriction will cause a decline in serum leptin concentration levels which affect hunger. Along with possible decline in energy usage, people can feel full on significantly less calories than before. Thus, it's always a good idea to aim to meet weekly calorie goals rather than rely on hunger cues.

    This. But first buy a food scale, so you know exactly how much you are eating. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Add olive oil to foods. Eat more butter. You should be able to make up another 600 calories in butter alone. :love: But before you do, really make sure you're tracking correctly or else you might start gaining weight.

    A food scale and heart rate monitor can become your best friends. :smile:
  • meliska13
    meliska13 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I didn't realize it until a few minutes ago when I looked at my summary. I've never hit my calorie goal once, I'm always under. I think my reason is because I upped my water intake so much, and watching what I'm eating and eating things with higher fiber, more filling, etc. I mean, I was at 850 for the day when I went to complete my day, and I had to go back and make sure I actually logged everything.
  • Let's all step back and realize that eating butter or oil just to make your calories is moronic. I have similar problems reaching my calorie goals and am always well below my allotted amount. Not all bodies are the same and not all metabolisms burn the same way. If your body is doing what you want it to (gain, lose, maintain) and you feel good then keep doing what you are doing! MFP is a template and we don't all fit exactly into it.
    If you are cutting weight and obsessing about calories you do need to eat enough though. This is where calorie dense foods come in. Peanut butter, avocados, brown rice, baked potatoes with low calorie toppings (salsa)... There are tons of really great options out there!
    After you reach your goal weight and you bump your calories back up to maintenance levels, this is when some trial and error will need to take place to get your caloric intake correct.
    Be smart and use your instincts. Track your foods and do your best and you will be fine.

    Oh and 94% fat free popcorn is like 350 calories for an entire big bag! A lot of salt but a great snack anytime. 13 cups! I am gonna have some now!

    Good luck!
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    Listen to your body. If you're a relatively healthy human being, it will let you know when to eat more... or less...


    You just have to listen carefully.
    (same with listening to God... it's hard to hear Him speak when your mind is poisoned, n'est-ce pas?)