What made you decide to make a change?

So I know that times get tough and sometimes we feel like giving up but lets use this thread to remember the moment that gave us a reason to start this journey towards a healthier life.

The moment that made me realize how bad this was getting was when I looked at a photo taken last year at a wedding:


I prefer anonymity on here until I get to my goal weight which is why I cropped out my face but let me tell you something.. my arm looks bigger than my head. I.HATE.IT. That was my wake up call and I use that photo to remember why I'm doing this!

So what was your wake up call moment?


  • kitkatbar972
    When I realized that I only have one pair of jeans I actually fit into and 5-6 pairs just collecting dust in my closet.
  • iheartmy1dog
    That's awesome you decided to make a change, one day at a time and you'll reach your goals!!

    For me, I had ptsd(didn't know at the time) and stayed inside all the time and basically did nothing for about a yr(how I gained so much). I was tired of being scared all the time and I finally realized I had to start living my life again and take control. :)
  • claudiacmarsh
    My wake up call was a friend's death.

    A family friend, I always called her Aunt and she treated me like a niece. She was extremely overweight, then lost hundreds of pounds and then gained most of it back. Last year, she went into the hospital with breathing trouble. Long story short, what was wrong with her could have been fixed pretty easily. Except because of her weight and the extreme lose and gain, her heart was in horrible shape. Basically she could have made it, she could have survived.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    My bad year, 2010. Sixty pounds overweight. Contracted a bad case of pnuemonia. Had knee surgery. Developed high blood pressure. Went on medication. Diagnosed as pre-diabetic. That was the final straw.
    I became willing to do whatever it took to avoid diabetes, and get healthy again.
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    When I realized that I only have one pair of jeans I actually fit into and 5-6 pairs just collecting dust in my closet.

    This got to me too. I was a much smaller size my sophomore year of High School! Jeans get too tight too quickly. Good luck to you! :)
    That's awesome you decided to make a change, one day at a time and you'll reach your goals!!

    For me, I had ptsd(didn't know at the time) and stayed inside all the time and basically did nothing for about a yr(how I gained so much). I was tired of being scared all the time and I finally realized I had to start living my life again and take control. :)

    Thank you for the inspiration!

    That's amazing that you were able to recognize you CAN overcome it! I don't know you, but I'm proud of you! :)
    My wake up call was a friend's death.

    A family friend, I always called her Aunt and she treated me like a niece. She was extremely overweight, then lost hundreds of pounds and then gained most of it back. Last year, she went into the hospital with breathing trouble. Long story short, what was wrong with her could have been fixed pretty easily. Except because of her weight and the extreme lose and gain, her heart was in horrible shape. Basically she could have made it, she could have survived.

    That's terrible, I'm so sorry! I don't want to step out of line in saying this, but I'm sure she would be very proud of you making this lifestyle change! Good for you and good luck with everything!!
    My bad year, 2010. Sixty pounds overweight. Contracted a bad case of pnuemonia. Had knee surgery. Developed high blood pressure. Went on medication. Diagnosed as pre-diabetic. That was the final straw.
    I became willing to do whatever it took to avoid diabetes, and get healthy again.

    Sounds like a horrible year but here's to a 2014 full of positive changes and eventually a 2015 of living the life you always wanted! Good luck! :)