do you need to shed over 50 lbs, too?

I'm looking for like-minded individuals who need to lose OVER 50 lbs.

I'm currently not just looking to 'eat healthy'....I'm Eating For My Goals.....which is going to look a lot more restrictive than any life-long habits.

Up first? I need to survive kicking sugar. Maybe my sugar friends didn't always cause such a problem for me.....maybe I enjoyed them in moderation.
But my body is now in a hectic state....I would even call it hostile! So it's going to get treated as such until it can show me what I know I'm capable of again.

I wish I hadn't let my weight creep up this high.....I honestly never thought I would let it go this far. Until about 3 years ago I kept myself in check with VERY LITTLE effort. Now suddenly it's going to take major effort.....and I'm actually pretty sure I don't really know how to go about it. It's not just about losing my 65's about doing so all while physically shaping my body......I don't want a lot of loose skin sitting atop my for the first time I'm going to have to plan my body. Yikes. And I'm nervous. But this nervousness about not doing it right had kept me from starting to change.

But no more.
Change will come.


  • citybelle24
    citybelle24 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! 50lbs is roughly my goal weight loss. It seems daunting! I joined my fitness pal in January 2013 and lost 30 pounds, but I've gained it back recently and need to get back on track and lose all of this weight!
  • shrpai92
    shrpai92 Posts: 2 Member

    I am looking to lose about 50 lbs as well. I've started counting my calories which is really helping a lot. Its now sort of like a game for me and I feel great when I stay under my magic number. Would love to be friends to help one another!
  • suzyque32
    suzyque32 Posts: 8 Member
    I hear you! I started using my fitness pal late January with encouragement from my sons. I LOVE it! It has made such a difference in my food choices because I can see, every day, how many calories I am eating. I have to track my carbs and sugar because last year I was told I am borderline diabetic. Add menopause on top of that and it was time for this girl to do something about it!

    I've lost 16 pounds since Jan 6th, most of it came off when I started using MFP. I religiously keep up with my food diary every day. For me, when I submit my completed diary and see "if you eat like this every day, in 5 weeks you'll weigh XXX" is my motivation!!! I also used this calculator and try to stay right at 1200 calories a day. According to this, if I continue at around 1250 a day, by Jan 2015 I will reach my goal weight. Just 9 more months from now and I can be "normal"?! I plan to continue to use MFP once I reach my goal weight - and if I see 5 pounds creeping on, gonna stop the madness right there. I NEVER want to let this go again.

    We can do this!!!
  • yolohunter
    yolohunter Posts: 79 Member
    Hi there. Yes, I need to lose over 50 lbs too! I have been trying to stick to my goals using MFP alone, but it would be great to have some friends for support and help with staying on track. Add me as a friend :)
  • rhondacollier5
    Hi to you all,
    Yikes! I can't say 50 yet. I started this program 6 days ago. Yes I need to loose 50 lbs. I can't say that though. I get too discouraged. So my goal for now is 30-35 lbs. If I loose even 10 my doctor would be thrilled. I agree with you Suzygue I really like that "in 5 weeks..." at the end of each day. I found that with online diets I am really truthful with my food and excercise log. Really, if I "fudge" on items who am I really hurting with the lie anyway. For me the 2 hard things will be; 1) I am restricted in exercise to to disability, 2) I eat when I am in pain. The good news is 1) I have unlimited time. (I don't work), 2) I have the money to buy good food. Looking foward to supporting you in this weight loss thing!
  • blinkinflip
    blinkinflip Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I need to lose 56 pounds and thanks to a staggering 11lb weight loss this week, am feeling really positive! I've been struggling with my weight for most of my adult life - at least 24 years so to be feeling like this now seems almost unreal. Exactly a week ago I felt almost like giving up on myself. But thanks to my friend badgering me I decided to try the 5:2 diet again and something has just clicked!
    I definitely agree about the sugar. Last time I tried the 5:2 I thought I'd have slim fast shakes on my 500cal days but just couldn't stick to it because I was so hungry. Now I'm off the sugar and it's a wholly different experience. I just hope it stays like this. I must have started, and of course given up on, at least ten diets a year over the last 20yrs so lets just say I have trust issues regarding dieting, the whole industry and my own ability to stick to a plan!
    Good luck to all fiftypoundplussers!
  • gausten
    gausten Posts: 3
    Hello to you all!
    I should have clicked on the link to see if anyone had responded.....I assumed it would tell me! Ha! Might say a lot about my laziness level right there!

    I have to say, it really is encouraging to see others being too lose the larger amounts. I mean, it's not good we all GOT HERE, of course......but I truly feel in this circumstance getting support well as viewing....others who have a large amount to lose is incredibly helpful. I realize that one might only be on here to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. But there's a big difference between being to change maybe one thing to get rid of an extra ten pounds........and being too do an overhaul and lose 70. Ohhhhhh if only I'd stopped at "ten extra"! ! !

    I look forward to making this journey more knowing that JUST MAYBE I'll say something that helps someone else. This is the first time in my life I'll attempt to actively lose weight and get in shape. Thankfully, I have no doubts about my ability to do it. I quit drinking all alcohol 6 years ago.....haven't looked back since. When I say I'll do word is gold. And I say YOU ALL ARE GOING TO DO GREAT! ! ! So! You have to do it now our makes me look foolish! Lol
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    I'm guessing I should lose another 50 lbs, or somewhere around there. Never actually been to the weight I should be. But either way, you can still add me if you like! Anybody can actually :)
  • alicemelinda1
    Hi! I've got just over 50lb to lose so looking for as many MFP friends to help in the journey! Anyone with similar goals can add me. I'm 28 years old and have a 3 month old baby, so a little of that is post pregnancy weight however I was borderline 'obese' before I even got pregnant!! Would love extra support and to be able to encourage others :-)
  • Acherona
    Acherona Posts: 134 Member
    I want to lose about 135! I would love it to be 50 even though its daunting 135 is VERY daunting and seems at the moment unrealistic ... anyways good luck all of us we can do it if we work together!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hi! My goal weight's 47 pounds away. Is that close enough? I started out needing to lose 75 pounds! I had a knee injury a couple of weeks ago and that has slowed my progress, but I'm still committed to my goals and happy to support anyone with similar goals. I'm finally making my health my first priority, after letting everything and everyone else come first for about 15 years.
  • gausten
    gausten Posts: 3
    Posting a little something just to kick this post up in the radar! ;-)
  • jolene325
    I want to lose over 50 lbs. Honestly, I am feeling very overwhelmed and would really love any support anyone would like to give.
  • junkey17
    junkey17 Posts: 7

    I would like to lose approximately 70 or so pounds. I lost a bunch of weight last year but due to long hours, inactivity at work and no tracking of what I ate, I gained it all back. Anyone one can add me if you’re looking for some real motivation, tips or tricks to help you to your goal..
  • Skittle_BoomBoom
    I will have to lose 60 pounds to be within the BMI index's "normal" range. However, I would like to lose enough to feel good about myself, not what some index says. I'd love to join you.
  • 2002envoy
    Yes, and I'm not happy about it . I have always been able to lose weight and maintain just by walking, But with 46 years of age and Menopause it will have to be a lifestyle change.
  • lindseyas1
    lindseyas1 Posts: 25 Member
    54 pounds here. You can do it! I lost 50 pounds a few years ago, put 20 back on, and am now working back toward my original goal of 80 pounds. You'd think I'd be discouraged having gained, but honestly, having done it before makes me so sure I CAN do it. It's amazing to me how quickly your body begins to crave healthy food and exercise. I miss it when I don't have it! The first time I went for a long run in over a year, I cried because it felt so good to feel strong again.
    You go girl! You have tons of support here!
  • SWellz
    SWellz Posts: 62 Member
    Yes, and keep it off! I've been up and down with my weight since high school, and I need to take control and maintain the changes I make. I recently became a nurse and that has only encouraged me to lose weight and get healthy; I see so many patients with unhealthy baselines who have to overcome so much more than someone who was generally healthy to start with. I don't want that to happen to me should something unexpected happen.
  • trinket1075
    I have about 70 pounds to lose, and a whole new life to start. I have been battling with my weight for about 17 yrs now and my son is getting married in july. I am ready to start losing the bad eating habits i have (cereal at 9pm) and get healthier so as i can enjoy my time here with my children and the grandchildren in the future. I want to feel good about wearing shorts and cute tank tops in the summer and feel sexy again around my husband. I AM TAKING BACK MY LIFE!!!!!
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    I want to lose about a 100lbs, but 50lbs is my first weight goal so feel free to add me if you want!!