10th time lucky!

Hi All,

I have tried and failed so many times but with this website, application and community I am hoping to get motivated, help and inspire others with my transformation! I will do it this time.

Please feel free to add me so we can help and support each other.

I am from England, UK. 26 and my name is Garry.

Happy fitness!


  • doover3
    doover3 Posts: 25
    Hi Gary,

    I'm on my 3rd go (oops), also from the UK.

    Good luck this last time around!
  • GarryA1987
    GarryA1987 Posts: 31 Member

    Its so difficult! I work 12 hour shifts as well (2 days / 2 nights) so I struggle with 17:30 - 05:30 without keeping myself awake with sugar! I am sure I will use the community here when I am working to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Good luck to you too!!
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    I'm hoping it's 10th time lucky for me too :-)
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hi Gary,

    It's a tough cycle to break, believe me I know. Just fill yourself with good inspiration from here, particularly the success threads. If you want it enough you'll get there.
  • Dhani2
    Dhani2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Garry,

    Same here...tried many times before but hoping to stick with it this time. My drop off is when I fall ill. I've been dealing with shingles and hives mainly. Prednisone has not been a friend to me at all. The last time I started, I was soaring high and fell off due to a severe shingles attack which I'm still sort of recovering from. Despite being unable to physically do much, I CAN make healthier choices and hope to stick with them. Good luck to ALL of you. The Greatest thing I've witnessed here on these boards are all the members who keep coming back regardless of circumstances...they keep pushing, keep hoping and keep trying. That's awesomeness!!

    Stumbled but never fallen...
  • doover3
    doover3 Posts: 25

    Its so difficult! I work 12 hour shifts as well (2 days / 2 nights) so I struggle with 17:30 - 05:30 without keeping myself awake with sugar! I am sure I will use the community here when I am working to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Good luck to you too!!

    I know the feeling I'm a 8-4 office jockey, but I have a 90 minute commute either side of that, plus an OU degree, voluntary work, etc etc. I'm in a constant rush, so biggest challenge is preparing for life and making time to work out!
  • GarryA1987
    GarryA1987 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm hoping it's 10th time lucky for me too :-)

    Good luck Sarah, just message me if you need a bit of motivation!
    Hi Gary,

    It's a tough cycle to break, believe me I know. Just fill yourself with good inspiration from here, particularly the success threads. If you want it enough you'll get there.

    It really is tough, I was quite large a few years ago and i trained hard but wasnt very strict with my diet and got down to 80kg... ive gone up to 92kg and just couldnt shake it until now... I've given up fast food for lent and using this site for the encouragement and motivation I need! Fingers crossed as I plan to propose in June and want it to be perfect :smile:
    Hi Garry,

    Same here...tried many times before but hoping to stick with it this time. My drop off is when I fall ill. I've been dealing with shingles and hives mainly. Prednisone has not been a friend to me at all. The last time I started, I was soaring high and fell off due to a severe shingles attack which I'm still sort of recovering from. Despite being unable to physically do much, I CAN make healthier choices and hope to stick with them. Good luck to ALL of you. The Greatest thing I've witnessed here on these boards are all the members who keep coming back regardless of circumstances...they keep pushing, keep hoping and keep trying. That's awesomeness!!

    Stumbled but never fallen...

    I'm sorry to hear that you have had the problems stated in your message and I fully respect that you can make the healthy choices and if we all work to support each other... we WILL reach our goals and we WILL get the results we want... If i can inspire one person, thats a good enough start for me! I plan to push myself harder and further than I have before!
    I know the feeling I'm a 8-4 office jockey, but I have a 90 minute commute either side of that, plus an OU degree, voluntary work, etc etc. I'm in a constant rush, so biggest challenge is preparing for life and making time to work out!

    Wow, you sound like you are as busy as I have been over the last couple of weeks! I have found my routine of fitting it in though and I hope this routine sticks... I stopped smoking 60 days ago today... if i can do that, i can stop eating unhealthy food and use my extra energy down the gym!
  • marapalumbo
    marapalumbo Posts: 85 Member
    I added you. I'm trying again, too!
  • GarryA1987
    GarryA1987 Posts: 31 Member
    This one feels good this time!!

    I did try and do my own bespoke diet of Monday to Wednesday... didnt work out too well :laugh:
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    The important thing is you keep trying...dont be to hard on yourself for slipping, just keep moving forward.. that motivation will come.
  • GarryA1987
    GarryA1987 Posts: 31 Member
    The important thing is you keep trying...dont be to hard on yourself for slipping, just keep moving forward.. that motivation will come.

    Exactly! I am allowing myself one thing if i start craving... where i would used to sit and be able to eat a whole pack of chocolate digestives (nom nom nom!) if i have been good all day, I will allow myself only 1... the craving then goes away.

    Hopefully over time these cravings will subside more and I will be even better!

    Still allow myself a cheat meal now and again though so the body still gets tricked into jump starting my metabolism again
  • Singlejules
    Singlejules Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Gary.
    Like you I have tried and failed many a time. Its so easy to put on but sooooo hard to get off.
    Being on here will help as everyone is great and helps motivate each other. We can all do this together, but only if we really want too. :)
  • GarryA1987
    GarryA1987 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Gary.
    Like you I have tried and failed many a time. Its so easy to put on but sooooo hard to get off.
    Being on here will help as everyone is great and helps motivate each other. We can all do this together, but only if we really want too. :)

    I think we can all agree that its easier to put it on... and at the time, more fun! I used to love my McDonalds Double Cheeseburger and Big Tasty with Bacon lol - then someone made "Just Eat" and allowed us to order takeaway from the internet or iPhone app and i REALLY took advantage lol... i love my food, but it doesnt have to be tasteless and with the help of the guys on here... i strongly believe that i will succeed this time.

    I have taken before picutres but i'll get some after pictures when the job is done... hopefully on the date i set!

    Good luck... you WILL do it! :glasses: