Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?



  • aajohnny
    aajohnny Posts: 2 Member
    Wow this is great everybody, thanks for the support! I actually forgot to mention I live very close to work and I walk there everyday! may not be a long walk but I do it. I should totally man up and exercise regardless of my exhaustion. My apartment complex does have a gym, not that great but maybe walk on the treadmill and lift some weights a bit after work or something. This is just what I needed!
  • EyeHensley
    EyeHensley Posts: 12 Member
    I am going to suggest one change for you. Instead of using an elevator, take the stairs EVERY time. Trust me that little bit helps a ton!
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    If all you want to do is lose weight, reducing your calorie intake is enough for that. If you also want to have a healthy cardiovascular system, endurance, stamina, strength, and visibly developed muscles, you should also engage in cardio exercise and strength training. By dieting alone you will be certainly be lighter, but you will also be scrawny or soft and doughy and get winded walking up a flight of stairs, which isn’t a desirable situation for most people.

    I agree with all you say except the being winded walking up a flight of stairs. At target weight youre unlikely to be winded walking up a flight of stairs unless youre 80, have lung disease, anaemia or asthmatic, Just being active in your normal day to day activities without exercising will not make you breathless climbing stairs.
  • chrissyrohl
    chrissyrohl Posts: 2 Member
    Start by counting calories. Fitness pal will help you determine caloric needs in order to lose weight. I am on 1200 calories a day. If I exercise, I get more calories to eat. So yes, you can lose weight just by limiting your daily calories. As you lose weight, you will probably feel like working out. Start by walking. It's simple, fun and effective if done consistently . Good luck
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    If all you want to do is lose weight, reducing your calorie intake is enough for that. If you also want to have a healthy cardiovascular system, endurance, stamina, strength, and visibly developed muscles, you should also engage in cardio exercise and strength training. By dieting alone you will be certainly be lighter, but you will also be scrawny or soft and doughy and get winded walking up a flight of stairs, which isn’t a desirable situation for most people.

    I agree with all you say except the being winded walking up a flight of stairs. At target weight youre unlikely to be winded walking up a flight of stairs unless youre 80, have lung disease, anaemia or asthmatic, Just being active in your normal day to day activities without exercising will not make you breathless climbing stairs.

    Maybe not a single flight, but people who don't exercise often get winded when they are active above their ordinary life activities. I have seen non-obese "healthy" 30 somethings huffing after going up 1+ flights of stairs, jogging short distances, carrying a box a few hundred feet, etc.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    If all you want to do is lose weight, reducing your calorie intake is enough for that. If you also want to have a healthy cardiovascular system, endurance, stamina, strength, and visibly developed muscles, you should also engage in cardio exercise and strength training. By dieting alone you will be certainly be lighter, but you will also be scrawny or soft and doughy and get winded walking up a flight of stairs, which isn’t a desirable situation for most people.

    I agree with all you say except the being winded walking up a flight of stairs. At target weight youre unlikely to be winded walking up a flight of stairs unless youre 80, have lung disease, anaemia or asthmatic, Just being active in your normal day to day activities without exercising will not make you breathless climbing stairs.

    Maybe not a single flight, but people who don't exercise often get winded when they are active above their ordinary life activities. I have seen non-obese "healthy" 30 somethings huffing after going up 1+ flights of stairs, jogging short distances, carrying a box a few hundred feet, etc.

    Smokers suffer this a lot of the time (I was never that bad but I've felt it some days certainly)
    It doesn't hurt for anyone to try and raise their fitness level though. It's not always easy but the payback is you do end up feeling better as your fitness level improves - I've yet to meet anyone who would say otherwise. There is also for most people no need to become an extreme Gym rat either - if you choose to great but just feeling better and toned (and having a few extra calories available in your day too) are great also
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    Not me!! I have an underactive thyroid therefore I have to work!! And workout hard!!
  • ELM70CA
    ELM70CA Posts: 35 Member
    It is possible but it will take longer and you will have to watch your calorie intake very closely. I hear you on the being busy and exhausted. Anything is better than nothing. What about doing squats or push-ups etc randomly through- the day, just to get your heart rate up? Exercise is so great for your mood, even If you could get bits in here and there throughout the day, eventually you will find you are not so tired. I know, easier said then done ;)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It is possible but it will take longer
    If you can maintain the same calorie deficit, it will take the same time.
  • hennaj22
    hennaj22 Posts: 30 Member
    It is possible to lose weight without exercising but its more efficient to exercise and eat healthy. Don't make excuses. There's always time to do a little bit of exercise. When I was 18 I got a gym membership but I never used it because I was too tired after work and school to do anything other than sit in front of the tv and eat. That's how I got to the point where I needed to lose 100lbs to be back to a healthy weight. If you really want to lose weight you will find time and energy to make it happen. Plus, exercising gives you more energy so if you start now you might be more tired for a couple days but it will even out and then you will have more energy than you know what to do with :) Good luck!
  • Teenie71
    Teenie71 Posts: 52
    Yes you can! I lost 18lbs in one month without any exercise! Feel free to PM me if you need any help or motivation!

    Beach Body coach much? GTFO with all that nonsense around here. Reported.
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    I think you have to figure out what works for you and your schedule.

    I haven't committed to joining a gym and working out daily. For me, I know I won't go to the gym daily or keep it up. I signed up for a month when I first started and I found it boring and tedious. I can't always afford it either.

    I've made small changes to my daily routine that I can stick to forever. In incorporate light exercise. Instead of taking the bus to university, I walk. It's a 20 min walk there and back. 140 calories burned (that's with my weight, height etc.) I do the same when I go food shopping, or go into town. Short journeys I go by foot.

    I decided that my best route for weight loss was keep under a certain calorie goal and trying not to constantly eat junk. I still eat junk, but I no longer crave or binge on it. I've been eating between 1450 calories and 1600 cals a day, and losing 1lb easily. I feel great and it's working for me. I barely slip up as I am satisfied with the amount I eat and I don't deprive myself from the food I love.