Need support and help with motivating myself

Hi. My name is Liz. I'm technically not "new" to Myfitnesspal, but new to posting. I'm 46 years old and currently weigh 189 lbs. I've never been so overweight and unhappy with myself in my life. i suppose I'm using life's circumstances as excuses for my lack of will and motivation. I'm currently going through a divorce and I've recently moved to a new town where I don't know anyone. I lost a ton of friends because of my divorce. Which sucks, to say the least, but it is what it is. Every night I'm all gung-ho to get on track, but when the next day comes, I'm just not felling it. I have zero excuses truthfully. I have nothing but time and really, no distractions. So what is it?? I don't know. I need some support and someone to hold me accountable. Help please!! Lol.


  • Booperdo
    Booperdo Posts: 4
    I know the feeling about not feeling good about yourself. I have decided I am doing it this time! Good luck with your journey...feel free to add me if you would like support. :)