EMOTIONAL EATER!! Calling it out LOUD!

I'm a Emotional eater, i eat when i don't need to and if i crave something i will go out and get it ... and i eat til the point where im about to burst .

Yesterday i ate fried rice for bk at 12 pm, and than turned around and ate a piece of king cake1230pm, and than left work at 430 pm and went right to burger king cause it was on the way home and i smelled it. i ordered a big king (BK big Mac) a Fish Deluxe sandwich and a med fries and knowing the first 2 bites i was full like overly full and than i kept eating and eating and kept going til i didn't have anymore.. and i felt horrible for the rest of the day. and now im looking into gyms, i need to start over and get on track.

My mother and i got into a huge argument fight on Friday and i haven't been eating normal since, work is stressful, life right now is stressful and i gotta find another way and not go to food cause the Food is killing me. !!

Everyone on here is telling me to Keep my head up and helping me throughout the whole way! so i'm restarting my journey and i believe i can do it..and i really don't want to turn back.

only problem is I Say that now but tomorrow i believe i will mess up some way. :( and i don't have the confidence i need to keep up. so im hoping i can get more support. i've been reading post ..and hopefully i can stick with it. i know i have to believe and i will do my best.

calling out and sharing some info. i hope i get help. i know i need to stop eating when im not even hungry but its a new day a work in progress!


  • beckybojack
    It is the same for me. I am definitely an emotional eater. When I get upset or very stressed, I look to food to help me feel better and it ALWAYS does! It is a temporary fix but it definitely helps. I feel much happier. That's what makes it such a huge problem. If it didn't work so well, it would be easy to stop. Here's to hoping I find a different, much healthier way to deal with my problems. Today is a new day and I am starting over like you.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I understand. I had a day kind of like that yesterday. In the past I would get completely derailed by that. This time I'm determined to keep moving forward. I don't have to be perfect - I just have to keep going. If you keep going, you will get closer to where you want to be despite a bad day - and bad days happen. The way to get to your goal is to keep your eyes on it, never give up, and be *kind* to yourself. This morning I did my DVD (or tried - I'm still far from 'there' but I'm doing my best) instead of beating myself up about yesterday. It doesn't matter if you mess up tomorrow (because at some point we'll have another mess up). What matters is that we continue to walk towards our goal, not away from it.

    "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." ~ Maori Proverb

    We all have internal mental loops in our head. Things we repeat to ourselves over and over. Change those negative loops. Don't allow them to continue - consciously replace them with a positive one. It seems weird at first but eventually the bad one's fade away.
  • candykoated
    candykoated Posts: 55 Member
    You're not alone in this! TRUST ME! I do the same thing. I've been trying to be more cognizant of my feelings when that "hunger" pang strikes. I try to determine if I'm really hungry or if my stomach is rumbling because it's used to having food shoved down my gullet around this time! My mind works like this: If I'm watching t.v., I need to be eating/drinking SOMETHING! ; If I have junk in the house, I need to just eat it all up so I won't be tempted to later on! If I'm mad, I need to eat; If I'm bored, I need to eat; If I'm feeling lonely, I need to eat! You get the picture here. It's a vicious cycle, but we have to do are darnedest to make sure that we choose healthier options than the junk. That's where I started with my realization to all of this! You can defeat this girl. You got this!
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    Sending a friend request as a supporter and motivator.

    I understand the affects of emotional eating and the end result and i would be happy to provide any tips and hopefully an ultamatum :-)

    But this post is very courageous of you to do because to fix a problem/situation you have to acknowledge it.

    To you I applaud and hopefully we can help you through it :-)

    - James
  • hdunksmith
    Telling the truth to yourself about what is going on is a great way to start. You will need to come up with some new ways to deal with your emotions. It will take practice to learn how to use different ways to process your emotions. Finding support in a friend or counselor is a great way to get started on that. Or, just reading up on different things to try in dealing with emotions and stress, trying them to see if they work for you. Besides talking out my problems to friends, I also go for a walk, clean things or write in a journal. When you care about yourself and want to take care of yourself, you can find healthy ways to express emotions. Work on appreciating your own talents,gifts and strengths, and who you are. Then you will want to make good choices for yourself.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Sending a friend request as a supporter and motivator.

    I understand the affects of emotional eating and the end result and i would be happy to provide any tips and hopefully an ultamatum :-)

    But this post is very courageous of you to do because to fix a problem/situation you have to acknowledge it.

    To you I applaud and hopefully we can help you through it :-)

    - James

    What a great post/reply.

    I also wanted to add that you will also have good days. Days in which you will make choices that take giant steps towards your goal. As time goes on you'll have more good days and less bad days. It isn't always such a struggle. I remind myself of that often. Tomorrow will be imperceptibly easier than today but it all adds up over time and one day I realize that things really are easier.
  • ELM70CA
    ELM70CA Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there, I sent you a friend request. I have had a poor relationship with food my entire life. I am 43. Two kids. I used to under eat and over-exercise etc, then I went the other way in my 30's. Trying to make a permanent healthy life-style change. I am forgiving, accepting & have a great sense of humour. We can do this girl.
  • amatolauren
    amatolauren Posts: 57 Member
    thank you very much!! you all are awesome.. thank you all so much for the support. :))