Looking for friends to keep me motivated. Ready this time!


My name is Emily, I'm 23 years old and I now three pounds less than the heaviest weight I have ever been. I joined MFP last year in June, but it was mostly to get my mother off my back about losing weight. I wasn't doing it for me so it didn't work- and I ended up gaining almost 20 pounds over the next 6 months.

This time I'm doing for myself and I'm actually committed to it. I joined a Biggest Loser competition at my gym and I've been planning meals.

I'd love to get some friends on here to help keep me motivated- I know getting the results I want is going to take a long time and I won't always feel as motivated as I do right now. I also would like to get some recipes that have helped others in their weight loss journeys (especially ones that can satisfy my need for chocolate).

Thanks for reading and good luck!


  • hennaj22
    hennaj22 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Emily! (And anyone else that wants to be friends) My name is Jenna and I am also 23. A little over a year ago I set out to lose 100lbs and I did great for a while (lost 34lbs) but then gave up for about 6 months and now I'm back at it again. I would love to trade recipes with you because I love baking and cooking and am always looking for healthy recipes to try out. Add me if you want! :) Good luck!
  • Good luck this time round! Im planning to lose 2pound a week! Bare in mind im only eating 1300 he most a day not even that! But then ive been dieting since January 2nd 2014 and i havent been as attracted to food as i was! I was 154 pounds and now i range with 150 to 152. Its hard and annoying as i exercise 4-5 days a week i have recently started going jogging 3 times a week but i lost the 4pounds by doing Just dance on the wii for 50 minutes a day burning at least 400-500 caloires a day. I came across this website on Saturday and thats when ive started using this a bit more! Its so helpful and ive started doing meal replacement diet and whey shakes!

    The one meal i recommend is on this website https://www.philadelphia.co.uk/Recipes/Spaghetti-Carbonara?r=9295
    Its under 300 cals and healthy and tastes delicious! Also a stir fried is good for you too! Also maybe for a snack have a smoothie insteaad of chocolate or crisps OR drink water!

    Water made me lose inches i was a size 16 now im just under a size 14!!!! I drink water in the morning, take a bottle to college, and with my dinner and to bed BUT water stops cravings as sometime when your hungry its just cos your dehydrated.

    If you want to have a look at the shakes the website is : www.myprotein.com Its amazing and at a reasonable price!

    Wish you the best of luck with everything you do!

    BTW im 17years old and 5ft5
  • mondriantree
    mondriantree Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for replying Jenna and Abbie! Added you both :)

    Abbie- that spaghetti looks delicious! Can't wait to try it. I used to do Just Dance- that is one intense game! Congrats on your weight loss :)
  • mondriantree
    mondriantree Posts: 37 Member
    Everyone has been really supportive so far! Than you for all the friend requests and messages :)
  • Thanks babe :)

    Just dance 3 ( i think thats the new one) has a personal work out you can do 10 mins 25 mins or 45mins :)
    But my biggest thing that changed me was water!!! And cut out as much crisps chocolate crisps fizzy drinks and take aways as u can! I had my first bag of crisp yesturday first pack i had for over a month!
    It is hard its never easy to lose weight, but if you have the support and corage from your family and friends youll be fine!
    I got jogging with my boyfriend every sunday and he does PE at college 5 days a week so with him helping me he knows what ive gotta do to lose weight and tone up!
  • fordmusic
    fordmusic Posts: 20 Member
    Keep at it! Feel free to add me. I too started about a month ago at my heaviest weight ever and I am already seeing results.

    www.Prevention.com is a great website for healthy recipes!
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    I'm the same 3lbs less than my heaviest weight, it needs to come off!!!
  • mondriantree
    mondriantree Posts: 37 Member
    Prevention.com looks like an awesome site! Thank you for the tip.

    Good job on no longer being at your heaviest weights ever! Let's not get back up there again :happy:
  • ChakarraW1
    ChakarraW1 Posts: 5 Member
    I'll be happy to be your friend.
  • sandjar131
    sandjar131 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi There - feel free to add me as a friend!
  • dgonzalez36
    dgonzalez36 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Emily!

    You can add me also, hope this time is different for you! The first time i used MFP I lost 20lbs but then got
    totally unmotivated, lazy, and was fine with that weight loss. The result was gaining it all back and then some with my pregnancy.
    It's a long journey but it'll all be worth it in the end. Good Luck!
  • mondriantree
    mondriantree Posts: 37 Member
    Wow this site is just blowing me away with how supportive and kind you all are! I've gotten some great messages and friend requests. Thanks to all of you :)
  • megmo1985
    megmo1985 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi there! I'm 29 years old (yikes, when did that happen!?) with a similar story. Was doing really well for a couple of months and life took over and I had to stop. It's always good to have other friends to help us stay motivated!
  • Hi hiya I'm new to all this only been doing it 3 weeks, your more than welcome to add me :0)
  • msfine2328
    msfine2328 Posts: 73 Member
    Good for you for doing it for yourself now. Step in the right direction. Cant do it for anyone but yourself or it wont work. I joined a year or so ago and did great and just this September feel of the wagon because of life and it was just a bit much. Luckily I didn't gain that much in my being gone. Now I feel I truly need to be back even if life gets in the way. Feel free to add me as a friend, or anyone else for that matter.
  • briannagravelle
    briannagravelle Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to mfp it as been a month of using it now lost 11 pounds, before was doing weight watchers and lost 80 pounds now with a 91 pounds lost I cant seem to loose more, need tricks and motivation , new mfp friends pleasee ad me !! briannagravelle :)
  • briannagravelle
    briannagravelle Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to mfp it as been a month of using it now lost 11 pounds, before was doing weight watchers and lost 80 pounds now with a 91 pounds lost I cant seem to loose more, need tricks and motivation , new mfp friends pleasee ad me !! briannagravelle :)
  • ShayShayFletch
    ShayShayFletch Posts: 89 Member
    Hi All, very active with a goal just like you.......Love this site! Feel free to add me
  • do help me too.. i lose motivation very soon :(
  • mattw926
    mattw926 Posts: 26 Member
    If you need friends to encourage you and keep you on track, add me. I am a firm believer in team work. It really has helped me so far.