Trying to burn calories at my 9-5 Office Job



  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I hope this doesn't sound snotty (it may) but when I see posts about people doing exercises at their desk/cubicle I just think it sounds kind of absurd. I definitely agree with walking around as much as possible throughout your work day...I too have a standard desk job, so I know it can be a challenge at times but you can always find ways to get a BIT more movement into your day. But for me personally, buying an under-desk cycling device or doing exercises at/near my desk would just feel embarrassing and strange...why not get in a workout before work or in the evening instead?

    I have absolutely no time before work to exercise because I have 2 children that I must get washed, dressed, and dropped off at school. THEN I drive 30 minutes to my office. I could walk on my lunch but I only get 30 minutes and I live in Missouri where the weather yesterday was 50 degrees and last night we had a snow storm. Could I work out after I get home? Probably, but I have MS so the evenings are exhausting for me. We do home work, cook supper, clean house...etc. Please tell me how someone like me can be more like you...LOL

    PS I work in a rural area. The building I work in has not one step.

    Ahh, a rural area! So you have lots of space to get out and walk when you're at work. If you're too exhausted when you get home from work, you could wake up before the kids do and do a brief workout. And what's wrong with 50 degrees outside? People are training for marathons and such in weather colder than that, with snow, rain, or blasting wind (that's what I'm dealing with today).

    Besides MS, which I know virtually nothing about, it sounds like a bunch of excuses. With that said, you don't have to exercise to lose weight. But I imagine if you really wanted to, you'd make time for it.

    Wow, judgmental and full of snark.

    What judgement and snark? I was being serious and offering legitimate suggestions. She doesn't have to exercise at all to lose weight. I would say the exact same thing to anybody I know. In fact, I think I've said words fairly close to this to my mom before.

    ETA: If I wanted to be snarky, I would have suggested kegels or something as equally ridiculous as that.

    Kegals are great! keep it tight. won't burn a calorie, but it strengthens the pelvic wall, same with butt squeezes, firm it up. You come across as snarky, borderline rude, and clearly display a lack of tact.

    Well, sorry you feel that way. You're one of the few that seem to think that.

    I work an 8:30-4:30 desk job as a full time Graphic Designer at an advertising agency. I do get a bit of movement throughout my day when I run the wide format printer and have to cut, fabricate and organize sign runs...but I do agree it's EASY AS HELL to make excuses not to do something.

    Can't workout in the evening? Wake up 25 minutes earlier, it won't kill you.

    Can't workout in the morning? Hit the gym the second you get's what I do. Don't set your stuff down, sit down on the couch, think about dinner, etc....walk in, turn on a workout DVD and get to it. Maybe that's something you should try since it's hard for you to get out and walk (saying it's too cold) maybe you should try a less intense home workout DVD like Cha-Lean or modify Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. They're both basic movements with light dumb bells...anyone can do it.

    Even when I get up to go to the bathroom at work I can add in a few lunges, stretches, squats, knee/quad/calve pulls.

    It's effort & planning vs. life & excuses. We all have a life to live & things to do, we all have excuses & reasons why we can't/shouldn't/won't workout or eat right. It's about fighting those feelings back. It's about being a beast and giving 100% everyday.

  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    I also have a 9-5 (well, 7:30-4, actually) job that has me sitting at my desk most of the day. I decided to get a Fitbit to track my steps throughout the day, to get a better understanding of how much I was actually moving during the day. When I first got it I was regularly coming in at 2-3000 steps for the ENTIRE day. Now I'm usually over 10K by the time I leave work at the end of the day, and add in another 2-5000 with a walk after work.

    Just taking walking breaks at work makes a huge difference. I usually try to get up and walk for about 15 minutes every 2-3 hours, which usually nets me 1-2000 steps, depending on how fast I can get going (I work at a museum so I often have to weave between some SLOW groups :smile: ). We also have a single-person staff bathroom that isn't used very often - so occasionally when I head over to use it, I'll also do some running in place. With all the water I'm drinking now, it usually adds to up to quite a few bathroom breaks, and I'll run after 2 or 3 of them.

    Even just running in place at home for a bit before leaving for work is good. Just MOVE as much as you can. :happy:
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I walk .8miles during my first and second break and walk 2.4miles during lunch.

    I round my day off with a 4mile run in the evening.
  • jennycita
    jennycita Posts: 40 Member
    I drink water at my desk all day and every time I go to the bathroom I do a set of squats.

    This is actually a simple and awesome idea!! I will do this!:drinker:
  • queenjane1023
    queenjane1023 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm going to go with: 1) no excuses, 2) sitting at your desk and moving yr feet or something is not exercise, 3) figure out a schedule. Everyone is busy and has other things to do. Figure it out. Get up early, go to bed late. Suck it up. No excuses.


    When I was finally fed up enough, I found a class that met at 5:30am and joined. It was the only time in my day I could get out, while my family were all still sound asleep in bed. Did I want to be comfy under the covers too? Hell yeah, but I made the commitment to get my butt out of bed and get to the gym, still be at work on time, and still have the evenings to spend with my kiddo after work. Prioritize.
  • Chillyfrog
    Chillyfrog Posts: 207 Member
    I hope this doesn't sound snotty (it may) but when I see posts about people doing exercises at their desk/cubicle I just think it sounds kind of absurd. I definitely agree with walking around as much as possible throughout your work day...I too have a standard desk job, so I know it can be a challenge at times but you can always find ways to get a BIT more movement into your day. But for me personally, buying an under-desk cycling device or doing exercises at/near my desk would just feel embarrassing and strange...why not get in a workout before work or in the evening instead?

    I have absolutely no time before work to exercise because I have 2 children that I must get washed, dressed, and dropped off at school. THEN I drive 30 minutes to my office. I could walk on my lunch but I only get 30 minutes and I live in Missouri where the weather yesterday was 50 degrees and last night we had a snow storm. Could I work out after I get home? Probably, but I have MS so the evenings are exhausting for me. We do home work, cook supper, clean house...etc. Please tell me how someone like me can be more like you...LOL

    PS I work in a rural area. The building I work in has not one step.
    I feel ya. I've been in your position and it's hard. My kids are older now which allows me time to get to the gym, but before it seemed impossible. I'm also right there with ya on the exhaustion of an autoimmune disease. Some days it's hard just to function! But... I've found if you want to improve yourself you just have to do it. You can't think about it, you can't think about how tired you are or how much pain your in (well not all of the time), you just have to push through and do it. Even if it's just for 20 or 30 min and you can't even give 100%. You'll be glad you did. Since you live in a rural area and you have to work out at home, maybe you can get your kids involved and they can work out with you (which would help keep them occupied if they're younger)?
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    You can try looking up HIIT workouts - some are only 5-10 minutes and it depends on if you have enough space to do so (without people getting weirded out). They are usually pretty basic but again, you might have to check out several before you find one that will fit into your day.

    Don't worry about the people getting snarky/rude and telling you to workout before or after - there are many of us that do already. My goal when moving through out the day is not calories - I don't count workday exercise unless it's nice out and I'm able to go out and walk on my lunch. My goal is to KEEP moving. When I'm at my desk all day, not moving much, I feel like a slug. It makes it harder to motivate myself for after work activities. When I make small efforts through out the day they are contributing to my overall activity level and helping motivate me - it's not just about losing weight. It can mean the difference between going home and turning on netflix or going to the gym or out with friends.

    I will definitely check out some of the links you helpful people have posted.

    Here are a few I keep bookmarked.
  • grimelle59
    grimelle59 Posts: 12 Member
    no i completely agree with you i just decided to take smaller breaks and walk around more often instead of staying seated for hours straight
  • nitadances
    nitadances Posts: 16 Member
    Do as much work as you can standing up instead of sitting down. I had an adjustable keyboard tray which I could raise up and I'd raise my computer screen and stand. You burn more calories just standing. If you can't adjust your keyboard tray, you can organize your desk so that some tasks can be performed standing instead of sitting. Also try sitting on an exercise ball instead of your desk chair. Not one of those ones in a frame...a real one that rolls around. That will work your abs automatically. Instead if emailing or phoning coworkers, walk over and speak in person. Volunteer to be the person in charge of doing the mail.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    The Mayo Clinic actually did a study that states that people who fidget actually burn up to 350 calories more a day than those who don't.

    Anything you can do to increase movement is good. I too work at a desk all day - in the midwest where walking outside on a 30 minutes lunch isn't always weather conducive. I do when I can - and get a little over a mile in. I do have pedals under my desk and use them on long conference calls.

    I use reams of paper for weight (they weigh 5# each just for information) and do squats when I get up to use the restroom and stuff.

    Anything is better than nothing.
  • shaythep
    shaythep Posts: 73 Member
    I work a 9-5 and I usually do a Leslie Sansone walking DVD for at least 10 minutes.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I hope this doesn't sound snotty (it may) but when I see posts about people doing exercises at their desk/cubicle I just think it sounds kind of absurd. I definitely agree with walking around as much as possible throughout your work day...I too have a standard desk job, so I know it can be a challenge at times but you can always find ways to get a BIT more movement into your day. But for me personally, buying an under-desk cycling device or doing exercises at/near my desk would just feel embarrassing and strange...why not get in a workout before work or in the evening instead?

    I have absolutely no time before work to exercise because I have 2 children that I must get washed, dressed, and dropped off at school. THEN I drive 30 minutes to my office. I could walk on my lunch but I only get 30 minutes and I live in Missouri where the weather yesterday was 50 degrees and last night we had a snow storm. Could I work out after I get home? Probably, but I have MS so the evenings are exhausting for me. We do home work, cook supper, clean house...etc. Please tell me how someone like me can be more like you...LOL

    PS I work in a rural area. The building I work in has not one step.

    Sounds more like excuses and a case of HTFU lol

    Wake up earlier and layer up. Boom, problems solved.
  • Rerun201
    Rerun201 Posts: 125 Member
    If you make it a priority, you will find the time. :frown:

    Go to bed earlier and wake up before the kids. 10 minutes of exercise is better than none; anything beyond a certain point and the return on the investment drops off. If you could get up 45 mins. before then kids, then get in 30 mins of working out, you'd be miles ahead.

    Walk to the bathroom on the other side of the building when nature calls.

    Isometrics can be performed at your desk to strengthen nearly any muscle group. As I do have some experience with MS (my wife has it), I think they are probably the best thing you can do for your muscles. They're great for us healthier folks as well. There are a lot of recent titles available if you're looking for a book on isometrics, but I think you could probably find one for free on the net if you looked closely. I found one in .pdf format for free called Isometrics, by Henry Wittenberg, former gold medalist in Olympic freestyle wrestling. It's dated (1964) but useful and free.

    I, too, have a desk job. However, I do not allow myself to sit at my desk for 3 hours straight. I drink too much water and coffee to be able to pull that off. So when nature does call, I walk to the other side of the building for the bathroom and back. I avoid the elevators when time and energy levels allow.

    You may have a desk job, but it is against the law for anyone to chain you to it. Don't chain yourself to it.:noway:
  • VenusCannon
    VenusCannon Posts: 13 Member
    Here's what I tell people to work out at their desks When you're typing or even taking on the phone stretch one leg out under the desk lifting it a little then the other. When you're in a place where not on the phone or extremely busy just stretch(if you have to yawn or something, others seem to accept that) bring your arms up over your head and feel the stretch. If there's room on this stretch bring arms down and out from sides hold for 2 seconds and relax bringing them down. You can raise your bent legs off the floor alternately a few times too. Twist side to side in your chair like your working a kin out or something or at least use it as an excuse if someone stares. You can lean side to side, work your shoulders with shoulder rolls or turtle necks(raising shoulders and then releasing). You can put one foot out under your desk and flex your foot toe up and release for calf and heel stretches(very helpful if you wear heels) then do the other. If you do these off and on throughout your day you'll have gotten so much exercise. You'll be more alert at work too.

    Also, don't forget to count groceries(walking, lifting), cleaning house, washing the car, mowing grass,Lifting the small children in your household, cooking(do a little salsa or step touches to your favorite music just watch out for the hot pot handles on the stove), do chair squats (sit, stand and repeat) while waiting for your tea or coffee to brew or the children to finish their meal. There are lots of hidden exercises in a day. Take a moment and put on your child's favorite movie and dance crazy with them like no one is watching. Hope this helps!!
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    Simple things are to use stairs over escalators / elevators when possible, make sure you get up, stretch, and walk around every 60-90 minutes, sometimes when I go to the bathroom I use the handicap stall and do 30 squats and 30 wall push-ups... xD I take a 30 minute, relatively brisk walk with my coworkers every day (weather permitting). If before or after work you find it's a bit difficult to squeeze something in, I'd invest in some 10-20 minute workouts. There are a TON of DVDs and videos uploaded onto Youtube at your disposal, and there's NO way you can't cut out 10-20 minutes a day for a workout.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I agree with the simple things like walk more etc. I also agree with squats in the bathroom. I recently started bringing my resistance band to work....I can sneak in the back for 5 mins a few times a day - I feel so much better and it has helped my back pain :)
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I'm going to jump on the "exercise at lunch" bandwagon. Great part about exercising in 50 degree weather is you SWEAT LESS so can spend more of that 30 minutes burning calories, instead of wiping yourself down and changing clothes.
    I totally understand that making life work with kids, AND MS is a trial in and of itself. You're asking for advice here, and making excuses isn't going to help you progress, so find SOLUTIONS to every reason you can't work out, and you'll find a way to get fit.
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    I really like the suggestion of using the bathroom on another floor. We only have 2 floors in my office, but I drink 3 liters of water during the day, so that would add up to a lot of stairs! I am thinking of adding 10 squats to every bathroom break too. What great ideas. I walk for 10 minutes 2x a day during breaks and ~20 minutes at lunch, in nice weather. It may not be enough to work up a good sweat, but the walking is definitely good for me both physically and mentally.
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    Try to change your work routine so you can move around more. Have walking meetings for example. Alternative is to make time for exercise. I'm length swimming at 7am and in the gym on my lunch breaks. Make time. You'll feel so much better for it. I look forward to exercise when I've been stuck at my desk all day.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I hope this doesn't sound snotty (it may) but when I see posts about people doing exercises at their desk/cubicle I just think it sounds kind of absurd. I definitely agree with walking around as much as possible throughout your work day...I too have a standard desk job, so I know it can be a challenge at times but you can always find ways to get a BIT more movement into your day. But for me personally, buying an under-desk cycling device or doing exercises at/near my desk would just feel embarrassing and strange...why not get in a workout before work or in the evening instead?

    +1, also maybe walk at lunch? It's simple, you probably won't get sweaty, and it's pretty good for your all around health.

    Even if you get a little wipes & underarm deodorant. We have some nice hills....spring is finally here (yeah)!

    Maybe just wearing a pedometer will encourage you to get more steps in everyday.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I work a 9-5 and I usually do a Leslie Sansone walking DVD for at least 10 minutes.

    Yep -

    In the office with the door for me too (volume muted...MP3 player & earbuds). Then a simple eat at my desk lunch.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    I understand the MS thing... I'm still trying to figure all of that out. I'm a teacher, so I'm in a bit of the same boat.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I agree with the simple things like walk more etc. I also agree with squats in the bathroom. I recently started bringing my resistance band to work....I can sneak in the back for 5 mins a few times a day - I feel so much better and it has helped my back pain :)

    Totally going to do this now! I have a few resistance bands at home, starting tomorrow I'm bringing one with so I can sneak in some toning while I sit. :)
  • Sarah_828
    Sarah_828 Posts: 23 Member
    Some little things I do are to stay active are use a yoga ball instead of a rolley desk chair, take the stairs instead of the elevator, do some reverse situps on my ball, and just stretch every few hours.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    I have an office job where I'm not allowed to eat lunch at my desk, therefore my 30 min break at lunch time sort of has to be used for food consumption, so instead I make long bathroom trips... Its really amazing how many squats, jumping jacks or whatever (that doesnt require my hands touching the floor) that you can sneak in! My butt thanks me for it!
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    I have a friend who has a challenge for the day with bathroom breaks... So everytime she goes to the bathroom, and with how much water she drinks, I am imagining it is a few times, she does some lunges, or wall pushups, or squats... I have started doing the wall push ups everytime I have to go to the bathroom, and have also started lunges and squats when I have to go to the copier (granted, it is stuffed in a little nook, so no one is able to see me doing them, but I guess even if they did, it wouldnt be the end of the world, as I am "working on my fitness"!)!!! I would suggest little things like that... I am lucky that when I have to bring the mail out, I have to walk a few blocks, so most days, I find a longer route to take! :) Good Luck!!!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    I walk to the other building to use the restoom. I take the stairs. I park at the far end of the parking lot. Just doing this has added about 5000 steps to my day @ work. If I'm on a conf call I have small hand weights that I use to do reps or walk back and forth in my office with my headset on. I don't call or instant message people at work - I go and visit their offices now. Added bonus I get the answers I need sooner! ;)
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I wonder if it was brought to the attention of the manager/director/president of the company etc if any of the companies would be willing to institute a company wide exercise program say in the morning or in the afternoon? I know there are lots of companies that do that, have say Yoga class or stretching or Tai Chi or something?

    I believe there are studies that show it increases productivity to exercise...just an idea
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I would suggest getting up just half an hour earlier and doing some sort of workout in the morning. I use Focus T25 (it has modifications for beginners), and even with the stretching in the end it is under 30 minutes. I walk on my 15 minute breaks and usually for half of my hour long lunch. I keep an umbrella at work for days it is raining and bundle up when it will be colder.

    Everyone can find time.
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I have a reminder set in my Outlook calendar every hour to get up and go for a quick walk. I am not sure how large your office is, but I also make it a point to use the restroom on different floors, as well as refilling my water on different floors - and (obviously) taking the stairs! I feel like those little things make a big difference!