At a Stand still feeling down

Since having my second son i had been losing steadily went from 253 to 227 and now am not seeing the scale move it makes me very depressed to the point of tears when i weight myself once a week and see no change. I work out daily sometimes taking one day off and its just very frustrating so im looking for some friends to help me see what it is that i am doing wrong or how to stay away from the sad zone :) !! People who log consecutively and are very motivated and upbeat anyone who likes to keep others on track and dosent mind saying if they see a problem with certain foods or what not.... also would love to give my support back ! thank you for reading have a great day :)


  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Congrats on getting down to 227.

    If you're working out regularly, then you're probably eating more than you should be if you aren't dropping.

    Since your food diary isn't open, it will be hard for most people to give suggestions on what to do.

    One of the biggest suggestions people will give though is.... log EVERYTHING and measure EVERYTHING. Then it will become easier to really see how much you are consuming.
  • bunnyboo7
    bunnyboo7 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh thank you sorry i will open it would probably be helpful thank you
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey lady! Congrats, every bump is a milestone. Also, something great is also to measure yourself. I do this less often, once a month or so. Waist, arms, thighs and neck. Sometimes when the Scale isn't moving you are gaining muscle. So this is another way to see progress. Also I could use some tough love every once in a while :)
  • bunnyboo7
    bunnyboo7 Posts: 40 Member
    Seems like a good idea thank you i never thought of the muscle like that :)