Feeling anxious about upping calories

Hey guys,

So I'm having a bit of an issue. Over the past couple of years I've gone from 76 to 68kg (with a few ups and downs in between) and am now pretty happy with my weight (should add that im 170cm tall with a fairly athletic build/high muscle tone)I work out almost every day and consider myself very fit. I've been on 1200 calories per day for pretty much the past year (obviously with some exceptions but my intake on every normal day has been 1200) and that's worked great for me but since I'm now happy with my weight I figure I should up the cals. The problem is whenever I think about eating more than 1200 I get weirdly anxious. I think I just dread going back to feeling how I did when I was overweight so much that the thought of putting on weight is just terrifying!! Seems weird to me, because I have no problem having the occasional ridiculously high-calorie meal ;) This is really unusual for me, I'm not a super anxious person an I don't have anxiety disorder or any other mental health issues (apart from a short stress-induced bout of bulemia about 5 years ago) so I'm really confused as to why this is happening and looking for others who might have had similar issues, and anyone who might have some advice!


  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    I feel exactly the same way. I've actually hit a plateau lately that I'm trying to get past, and upping calories to do it freaks me out a little. In my mind, I'm trying to lose fat, why would I eat MORE to get rid of it? For now I'm going to decrease my calories a little bit from 1250 ish to hopefully 1100 or so and see if I get anywhere, and if not I'll try upping it (i'm living on the budget of a poor college student, so less food makes it easier in some ways :p) For you, since you're wanting to try increasing your cals, I would try just increasing by 100 per week and see how it goes. That way even if you started gaining (worst case scenario) it wouldn't be by much and you could catch it right away. Otherwise you'll either stay the same or lose weight, neither of which is bad at all. I hope this helped!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    This is science...just understand that and trust the science. Up them slowly over the course of a month or so...you'll be fine. 4-6 weeks from now you'll wonder how in the hell you ate so little.
  • Hey Kwedman488, cheers for replying that's really helpful! And by the way, about half a year ago I was plateauing and I upped my cals by 100 and lot 3 more kilos! It was awesome :) and thanks cwolfman 13 too! I've put my allowance up to 1400 now which still makes me a bit iffy but I've talked myself into it... and if I gain a little bit I'll try to compensate by working out harder rather than eating less. Already today after eating 1400 yesterday, I feel more energetic and way less cold, and I don't have a headache or anything! Pretty happy :)
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Hard to address properly without seeing your intake...

    1200 is mighty low for anyone. When was the last time you had a refeed/controlled cheat meal or high carb day By high we mean twice as much as normal....? Either incorporate one a week or

    Add 100 calories a week for a 3 weeks. try to make half of that protein calories at least. If you're like most folks, your protein intake is low.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hey Kwedman488, cheers for replying that's really helpful! And by the way, about half a year ago I was plateauing and I upped my cals by 100 and lot 3 more kilos! It was awesome :) and thanks cwolfman 13 too! I've put my allowance up to 1400 now which still makes me a bit iffy but I've talked myself into it... and if I gain a little bit I'll try to compensate by working out harder rather than eating less. Already today after eating 1400 yesterday, I feel more energetic and way less cold, and I don't have a headache or anything! Pretty happy :)
    "Compensating" by working out harder will have the same effect as eating less in the first place. Give your body the fuel and nourishment it needs and deserves. :flowerforyou:
  • Hard to address properly without seeing your intake...

    1200 is mighty low for anyone. When was the last time you had a refeed/controlled cheat meal or high carb day By high we mean twice as much as normal....? Either incorporate one a week or

    Add 100 calories a week for a 3 weeks. try to make half of that protein calories at least. If you're like most folks, your protein intake is low.

    Thanks dude. Yeah I struggle a little with protein because I can't really afford to eat meat every day but I usually get about 60g I think. I've started eating around 1400 the last few days but I still feel paranoid about putting on weight. ; guess its all just mental, gotta talk myself out of that mindset :S
  • Hey Kwedman488, cheers for replying that's really helpful! And by the way, about half a year ago I was plateauing and I upped my cals by 100 and lot 3 more kilos! It was awesome :) and thanks cwolfman 13 too! I've put my allowance up to 1400 now which still makes me a bit iffy but I've talked myself into it... and if I gain a little bit I'll try to compensate by working out harder rather than eating less. Already today after eating 1400 yesterday, I feel more energetic and way less cold, and I don't have a headache or anything! Pretty happy :)
    "Compensating" by working out harder will have the same effect as eating less in the first place. Give your body the fuel and nourishment it needs and deserves. :flowerforyou:

    Cheers for replying :) yeah I guess you're right, like I said before I think it's my mindset, I really am paranoid about putting on weight... Should probably chill a bit more :P
  • In case you guys were wondering (and I know this is super old but I just came back and read it) - I now eat about 1800 a day minimum and have actually lost more fat & built muscle doing that than I did when I was on 1200. No idea how I ever ate so little!!
  • smand2000
    smand2000 Posts: 88
    And we have a winner!!! Congrats and good for you. Get to enjoy more food and a healthier body. Win-win. Great update.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Up your calories SLOWLY. This will rebuild your metabolism while keeping your weight nearly the same. Your body is not meant to STAY in a deficit.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    This is science...just understand that and trust the science. Up them slowly over the course of a month or so...you'll be fine. 4-6 weeks from now you'll wonder how in the hell you ate so little.

  • Wow thanks for coming back and updating! I keep hearing that I should eat more that 1200-1300 calories/day to lose weight. I'm really nervous about doing it though. This helps motivate me a little more
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    In case you guys were wondering (and I know this is super old but I just came back and read it) - I now eat about 1800 a day minimum and have actually lost more fat & built muscle doing that than I did when I was on 1200. No idea how I ever ate so little!!

    Good for you! This is awesome to hear. :smile: I know a lot of us are so scared to increase the amount of calories after years of eating at 1200. I'm up to 2000 on average myself and I feel great and am maintaining. Happy Dance!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    In case you guys were wondering (and I know this is super old but I just came back and read it) - I now eat about 1800 a day minimum and have actually lost more fat & built muscle doing that than I did when I was on 1200. No idea how I ever ate so little!!

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Up your calories SLOWLY. This will rebuild your metabolism while keeping your weight nearly the same. Your body is not meant to STAY in a deficit.

    Yup, slow increases. You'll be ok.

    Edit* I'm dumb... i just realized the date differences... lol. DAMNIT JOE
  • Aaaaan I'm back. After realising I'd gained again eating 1800, I'm a bit concerned I've damaged my metabolism - if that's even possible? So now eating lower again, but working on the assumption that I'm probe eating a bit more than what I am logging as I don't weigh my food..
  • Apocalypz
    Apocalypz Posts: 155 Member
    You're being self-aware and you're making choices/changes to fit what your goals are in the future. Good for you! Looking at the 600+ calorie increase from a year ago and how you're handling it all so well is quite the accomplishment on your part. You're tops in my book!
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    It is a bit a delicate game to find the fine line between maintenance and gaining/ losing weight. It is a bit trial and error and everybody is different. The only thing I would suggest is to not act too quickly. I would watch my weight gain or loss for a couple of weeks before cutting calories again. It might just be a momentarily fluctuation of weight.

    I do not believe that you have damaged your metabolism. I also believe that over a long time to eat just 1200 cal cannot be good for you. You might want to consider doing one fast day a week. Look at the 5:2 diet to see the science behind it.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    I had similar anxiety when thinking about upping my calories from 1200 to 1350. As my BMR is 1550, I am still able to nose weight with the extra calories, and it makes sustainin my diet so much easier than it was at 1200. I am also trying to lose less muscle mass through my journey so it makes sense to up my caloric intake a bit. 1350 works much better for me. Realistically, I could eat 1550 and still lose weight as my TDEE is something like 2300... But I like leaving that 200 calories buffer there in case I over estimate anything