Hello Groupie Im New

I decided to join this because Im serious I want to lose weight Im 29 yrs weigh over 275lbs and Im tired looking in the mirror at myself to see this disgusting body. I want a new healthy lifestyle. This year I would like to have a baby and effort for this to work I need to have my cycle regulated. My cycle has been off for a while and therefore its not been regular at all so I would think if I lose at least 80lbs ill be fine. I hope this group would motivate and encourage me to stay positive because I tend to get emotionally depressed at what going on in my body why certain things dont happen when I expect it to. So please people I need your help with everything eating menus, exercise whatever assistance you can render Ill appreciate it. Thanks every1.


  • luvclay10
    luvclay10 Posts: 26 Member
    this site is a great support, and very motivating! Its wonderful to realize you need a change! we all feel the same way, just be kind to yourself, we all stumble once and a while the important thing is to keep showing up! you are at a great age to lose weight and develop good habits. So stay strong and feel free to friend me if you would like !!
  • OChristina1
    Hi there, I'm new here too :) I just saw your comment and wanted to share my routine with you - to hopefully offer some hope and encouragement :) . I joined here to try and shed my last few lbs, but I actually started exercising 4 months ago. I used to have the exact same issues as you (with cycle), but since sticking to a disciplined exercise regime (five days a week)...it has really turned it around. It's now regular (bang on every 27-28 days). My cycle used to be ALL over the place too...so I can fully sympathise with your current situation. I also understand how weight issues and a dodgy cycle can be so painfully depressing :( . I used to be extremely active and fit as a teenager, but as I approached my 20's I became very lazy with regards to exercise! Like yourself...I decided a few months ago - that enough was enough and that I was sick of feeling tubby, unfit and out of sync. Because of this, I purchased some fitness clothing and promised myself that I would get my *kitten* into gear lol! I also bought a pair of jeans that were 2 sizes too small as motivation to fit into them :). I'm not saying you have to do the same as me lol, but I will just quickly share what I do exercise wise with you :) Okay..Number 1) Walk/jog for 30 minutes-5 days per week every week. After 1 month - increase this to 45 minutes. I started off by walking for 10 minutes to warm up and then tried jogging for 10 minutes and then walking for another 10 to cool down. Don't worry if you struggle to jog for 10 minutes in the beginning. Just break yourself in gradually and just keep pushing yourself a little bit more each week. By the end of the month, I was managing to run for 12 minutes without stopping quite comfortably. Number 2) Hula hoop...yup :) - If you can't already do it...give it a good go and keep trying until you get it. It is amazing for trimming the waist line. If you can already do it - then Start with doing ten minutes on top of the running each day. Number 3) I would do 10 women's style push ups too. They are a little easier than the full male style ones. I did these three things combined for a whole month (5 days per week...sometimes 6 if I had time) and felt so much better for it after just the first month. In the second month - I hula hooped for 20 minutes a day, pushed myself to jog non stop for 15 minutes and walked for 30 minutes and increased the number of push ups. By the third month, I was running for 20 minutes non stop comfortably, walking for 25 mins along with doing 20 assisted push ups. You get the idea :) . I'm at the point now where I can run comfortably, non stop for 40 minutes and then cool down with a 10 minute walk. I then hula for 20 minutes and do 20 push ups. This little routine has been enough to give me a boost and a more positive state of mind...not to mention sorting the cycle :) The whole exercise thing has seriously helped with everything. I'm now just tying to shed my last few pounds (which don't seem to want to go) lol!..They do say the last few pounds are the hardest! Anyway, I really feel that you are already on the right track with what you are saying. It seems you have mentally hit that point where you feel ready to go for it :) And what better reason than trying for a baby :) . I wish you all the best of luck xx

    P.S - diet wise....I increased water, lowered alcohol and cut out jaffa cakes and crisps (my big weaknesses lol). I had the very occasional cheat day though. Hope this helps x