My Advocare Results

Hey! Just wanted to share my results for anyone interested in the Advocare 24 Day Challenge.

I feel like I need to preface this with the following -- "Yes I know there is no quick fix" "Yes, all one needs to do is limit their calories and work out to loose weight" "No, I am not a seller of the product and am not trying to get you to buy it"

I simply want to share my unbiased, first-timer, experience in case anyone was interested. If you're not interested, and think ANY diet program is whack, that's fine too :)

For those who don't know, Advocare is a 24 Day Challenge where you have diet restrictions with supplements provided. There is a 10 day cleanse phase (where you cut dairy, processed sugars, and red meat from your diet), followed by a max phase (where you can add a little bit, gradually, of the food you restricted yourself in the clense phase).

Pros: Overall I lost 4 lbs in a month (my calorie limit is set to .5lb - 1lb a week so I feel like that's on target with my goals), but it wasn't the weight that really interested me. I was told by my sponsor that it wasn't really weight I would loose, but inches. She was definitely right. My size 8 pants I was squeezing myself into every day, now are very comfortable and even a little loose in certain styles. Total inches off my waist/hips/stomach area (the place I'm trying to loose most) was about 4 inches overall. I'd say a success in my book. During and after the cleanse phase I had a lot of energy and felt really good. I never had a crash feeling, or felt sick. Overall, I felt the best and saw the most results in the 10 day cleanse phase.

Cons: The rest of the challenge after the cleanse phase was a little lack luster. Both with weight and inches lost. The supplements I took didn't exactly make me feel much different. Plus the program is pricey.

Final Opinion: This is a pricey program that I'm glad I did, but probably wont do again. If I did feel like shelling out a little cash for an extra boost in my weight loss, I would only pay for the products used in the cleanse phase, as I said earlier, I don't feel like I got much benefit from the max phase.

Anywho, feel free to ask questions! Good luck to everyone on their weight loss! :smile:


  • sluggermccy13
    sluggermccy13 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the post! I just bought the advocare 24 day challenge for a jump start to get back on track w my diet ( the winter has been too long and cold). Thanks for sharing. I'm a little nervous.. Any helpful tips? I plan I starting Sunday
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey! Sorry I didn't see your post until now!

    My biggest suggestion is to try and stick with it as best you can! The diet restrictions are hard at first, but after about a week I really liked the idea of finding recipes and trying them out that fit into the plan. I was even on Advocare over Valentine's Day, so I searched and found this tofu cake recipe which ended up being AMAZING!! (side note - boyfriend had NO IDEA it was tofu!) It was very thick and rich and 1 piece was only around 250 calories (which for how rich it was ended up being the right amount to satisfy ANY sweet craving) I personally felt the best in the cleanse phase and wish I had just kept up the diet restrictions throughout the max phase. Its been about a month since I've been off of it, and I've gained 1 lb back (really not that crazy) but my pants and such are still fitting great, so overall I'd say it was a great way to "kick start" my healthy lifestyle! Good luck and let me know if you want any of the recipes I used or anymore "hits". :tongue:
  • miriamg3
    miriamg3 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey I'm doing advocare and would love some of your recipes =)
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey! The chocolate tofu cake was my favorite thing I made. Just any box of cake to your liking, and instead of adding eggs/oil/butter (or whatever else it calls for) just add a package of extra soft (dessert type if you can find it) tofu. I also added about 1/4 cup of water because the batter seemed too thick to me. I was told to bake it per the instructions on the box, but I found it took about twice the time to cook through. When it came out with was really rich and delicious. Almost more brownie like, but overall PERFECT for your sweet tooth crazy with minimal calories.

    Other than that, my diet consisted mostly of grilled and baked chicken. I used the crock pot a lot cause it infuses lots of flavor without many ingredients needed. One off the top of my head is a couple pieces of frozen chicken with a jar of salsa. Come out super yummy! I added some broiled veggies (cause I really like the crispiness that you get from broiling) and you have a really good Advocare friendly meal!