Weight Loss Buddies

Hello! I'm not exactly new here, but I only started seriously using the site recently. I'm looking for some weight loss buddies who can help me stay on track and in return I will try to do the same. My biggest problem is staying motivated to eat the right things and exercise.

Some information about me
SW: 185
Height 5'5"

So, if you are interested in losing weight together and helping each other out add or message me! We could also text or kik if you are comfortable with that :)


  • Ginster87
    Hey, I'm new to the site and would also like a few friends on my list to check in with :) I'll add you if that's ok...
  • Envirogurl
    Be happy to be a buddy, its always helpful when you have a buddy to help. Good luck. I am having my 4th weigh in tomorrow , wish me luck. Be blessed
  • katarinadaly
    Hey, I'm new too! I struggle with the same thing. Eating right. I've gained 20 pounds over the last year and I feel miserable. I'd like a weight loss buddy too, we're pretty close to the same weight and goal weight :)
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Swwamy, We are almost in the exact same place! I need that motivation too. I have another post. where i started a challenge for myself and a couple others have joined if you guys would like to also


    That would be awesome! Feel free to ADD ME!!!
  • swwamy
    swwamy Posts: 10
    I've added and messaged all of you :))
  • amme111
    amme111 Posts: 5
    hey my name is Amy and I've fallen off the wagon for a good few months :/ I plan on starting back up hard core over the summer :D I have a pretty good amount of experience with the weight loss process and have had a few "weight loss buddies" before but they've all been pretty dang unmotivated! I would LOVE to find someone who has a decent sense of self motivation and enough dedication to keep in contact every day!
    I'd like someone between relatively young who understands what it's like to juggle weight loss, school, work, and extracurricular activities.It would also be great if you had the same goals as I do! I want to go from roughly 150 to 120/115 :) I also plan on getting up relatively early for the next few months, then ridiculously early once school starts back up ;)
    Basically, I just need someone to push me to eat right, sleep enough, exercise, and respect myself. And it would be my pleasure to do the same for you! We can share healthy recipes, new exercise ideas, and weight loss tips and tricks :D I've used the Lose !t site for calorie and exercise tracking before and plan to again.
    Just a bit more about myself, I'm VERY competitive and would love to have someone to keep up with!! I like corny jokes (what do you call a fake noodle? .... an impaaaasta :P) and work as a waitress. I have slight self-esteem issues and love biking /hiking!
    Anyways, I would LOVE love love to hear from you!! Please contact me at amytaylor0@gmail.com (it's much easier for me to keep in contact via email, rather than through the fitness pal website, that's probably how I'll be contacting you ) if you're interested in losing weight, eating healthier (which means better skin, hair, and nails), gaining muscle, organizing your life, and working on becoming a better person altogether :)