Depressed = Stress eating (hate it! Help!)

I've been going through depression for the last couple of years. This bout I've been going through lately has been one of the worst. To make it even more stressful, I went on a 3 day family emergency trip and never had the time to eat properly, it was always pizzas and fried chicken, basically whatever was available the fastest and fed the whole family. So when I got back home, I thought I was looking after my eating but I ended up gaining another pound the very next day. So 4 pounds in 4 days. It sucks so bad because I worked so hard to get to a 41 pound weight lost and it's adding to my depression. I need advice, support, motivation, anything to help me get back on track and out of this awful rut.

also, this morning I binged on breakfast, whatever I could get my hands on. I'm estimating... 1000+ calories on that one meal. I haven't eaten since. I'm so disgusted with myself..


  • workingthisout
    workingthisout Posts: 35 Member
    Hang in there hon, sounds like a really stressful time :( Try not to focus on the 4 pounds or the bad eating, you can always jump right back on track. It sucks when it happens, but you've just got to look forward, keep your health and goals in mind, and you'll get through this. Are you able to get a good workout in? Burning some calories will help make up for your breakfast Even though you've gone over on your calories, try to eat healthy the rest of the day (don't starve yourself) so that you don't binge or pick unhealthy choices tonight. & congrats on the 41 pounds lost so far!
  • anyd18
    anyd18 Posts: 35 Member
    Just hang in there, we all have our ups and downs but its the people who can get past it and keep on trekking that come out on top. 4 pounds, yeah it sucks, but could be 10 pounds, 20...etc. so think positive. When I get stressed and depressed, it always helps me to just go out for a walk or call up a friend. Best of luck!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I promise you, that a lot of those 4 Ibs will be water weight, and will drop off within the next week, most likely, if not faster. Fast food is notoriously high in sodium and really does do a number on the water balance of your body. Just get back on is so self defeating to be burdened by guilt over food, and only leads to further overeating, as you have found. You have a new day tomorrow, so use it to get back to what was working. You have not undone anything. I can relate to depression and eating based on that as I have had periods of months where I have been trapped in a binge eating cycle, which sapped all energy to even workout and only made the depression worse. Be good to yourself. Remember you are human and no-one eats perfectly, all of the time.
  • gabrielsnapcity
    Even if you had been binging that much, I very highly doubt that those food gave you 4 pounds of actual fat. Pick yourself up and get back at it. Also, get the bad foods out of your house! It will make it very hard to eat right if theres incessant temptation. Cardio helps me with stress, the dopamine you get from it will help a lot.