Easter Day Challenge!!!



  • 053069
    053069 Posts: 52 Member
    YES!!! Count me in, my dear !!!
  • minischnauz4
    minischnauz4 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm pretty new to MFP, but this sounds like fun. I'll certainly give the challenge a try :)
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Sure! Anything to keep me focused & going strong ????
  • I'm in!!
  • I'm in! :)
  • I'm new, but I'd love to try a challenge!
  • wnlbutterfly
    wnlbutterfly Posts: 35 Member
    Add me too...soooo looking forward to spring!
  • I'm in! :)
  • Traciaq
    Traciaq Posts: 29
    I'm in!
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member

    I'm looking for a solid reason to keep going on my pathway to health and weight loss!

    Therefore, I've started a five week challenge for those who wish to join. It starts this upcoming Monday (St. Paddy's Day) and will finish on Easter Monday. Five weeks will fly by incredibly quickly! Let's be healthier at the end of it!

    It's set up for weekly weigh-ins on Monday (or anytime between Thursday and Monday). There is also a daily thread for a one-sentence mini-goal! I'm hoping that we are able to comment frequently and support each other. You track your goals and progress on our collective google spreadsheet.

    If interested, please reply, and I will add as absolutely many as I can while still keeping the group manageable.

    "Life is too short to keep getting in my own way!"

    The day this starts is the day my father died 2 years ago... He's the reason i'm working so hard to change my future. He suffered from over 25 mini strokes and a massive heart attack finally ended his suffering. I don't want that future... I'm ready for this challenge!
  • sarahmbm
    sarahmbm Posts: 36 Member
    I'd love to join. I'm struggling and need some accountability.
  • HelloSweetie81
    HelloSweetie81 Posts: 55 Member
    In, again!
  • LMH5163
    LMH5163 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!
  • Valereee
    Valereee Posts: 74 Member
    Yes, count me in. I accidentally walked down the Easter candy aisle in Walgreen's today. Yikes........
  • lyrical87
    lyrical87 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! lets do this!!!
  • me please!
  • martinishaken
    martinishaken Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in!! x
  • I'd love to join :)
  • I'm in too!
  • aoibhs22
    aoibhs22 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in :)