


  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    pre-logging works really well and is a good way to get back on track when you find yourself slipping off the path...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I pre-log frequently, and like most in this thread, often for both lunch and breakfast.

    During the work week, I almost always log breakfast up to 2-3 days in advance, because I make breakfast in our house and my husband and I eat/enjoy the same things, so I play around with different days like "Thurs I know I'm going out for coffee and a pastry with my friend so I'll do a bean sprout & cabbage omelet and toast, but Monday & Tuesday we could have refrigerator oats with strawberries and pecans".

    If I take my lunch to work with me, I pre-log. If I go out to lunch (which I do once weekly with my dad) I lurk on restaurant sites to decide what I'm going to order, or roughly, and pre-log the day of.

    For dinner I usually know roughly how many calories I "have left" and will eat that many, or a little over and then get extra exercise.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    pre-logging works really well and is a good way to get back on track when you find yourself slipping off the path...

    I completely agree! For me, it is also a fun way to play with my macros and determine which 3 specific meals will help me come closest to meeting them. Sometimes it is amazing and surprising what will work.
  • SashPar5
    SashPar5 Posts: 4
    I always try to pre-log my food for the day. I feel that it helps me stay on track and not eat anything that I don't log.
  • nedtoloseme
    nedtoloseme Posts: 98 Member
    I usually log in everything during the week. I have to decide what I want on the weekends - I'm usually on the go alot.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Yep! I plan my meals a week ahead of time and log the whole week. I make corrections if I stray from the plan, but it saves me time during the work week when I'm too busy to log. I also see it as a motivational tool. If I cheat, I know I'll feel bad deleting the healthy food I should've eaten and adding the high calorie food I actually ate. I log exercise, too, since I plan each day's workout ahead of time.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yup- every morning when I get to work- I log what I packed for lunch. boom. done.

    also helps me know if I have room to have one of the brownies someone brought in or not.
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    I generally plan my dinners ahead of time, like right after lunch or somewhere around that time, so that I know how many calories I can have outside of my regular 3 meals. It has been very helpful to me to go ahead and log it all as soon as I've decided. After all, if anything changes, I cant just edit it later anyway
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    I will go to bed earlier since starting MFP just to lay in bed and consider what I will eat the next day and then I log it. This seems to get me to bed earlier and out of the kitchen earlier. : ) If I stay up too late I start to feel hungry and I usually don't feel good if I eat too late. Sometimes the following day I will change some items in my meals or add items or even change my mind altogether. Works well for me. Very easy to do and I feel in control somehow. I too am a little OCD and that might just explain why I enjoy it. : ) : )
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Some people find that pre-logging works for them! I think it can be a very good thing to do and I do it from time to time. The only down side is that you can get obsessive!
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I log my entire day while packing lunches and breakfast in the morning before work since during the week I like to plan out what we are eating. It helps me know what I need to add or subtract for the day to stick to my macros.
    weekends I cant always pre-log as we occassionally go out or have dinners with friends/family so those days I just log as I go.
  • andibenoit
    andibenoit Posts: 71 Member
    I log the meals I eat at work as soon as they're packed, and I log some of my workouts ahead of time, too. I eat a lot of my workout calories back, so knowing an estimation ahead of time helps plan my day better.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I do this most of the time. It's easier for me to log from a PC than tip tapping on the app.
  • bestmeicanbe84
    bestmeicanbe84 Posts: 58 Member
    Add me to the pre loggers. I find it helpful for staying on track and not overeating. It also helps me use up things in the fridge before it goes bad and I have to throw it out.
  • ashleysarvi
    i always pre log helps me figure out what and when i can eat. if i dont i tend to go over quickly