Need motivation and thoughts about this....

Hi guys,

Again i want to thank all my friends who are supporting me. I did want to share a small story with you guys; Yesterday was family day and I had a great time with all of them... However, when it came down to seating on the table to eat my cousin brought up the fact that I may be gaining weight again (in front of everyone). I just stood quiet and shook my head. I heard him whisper something to my brother whom was siting next to me and i told him that it was rude to whisper in the table and that if he had something to share. He said that I may never be the figure that I want to have because both my parents are obese, and that i should just accept it and love myself the way I am.... He definitely discouraged me, is such thought even biologically true? I really would like to know what you guys think...


  • kammyrios
    kammyrios Posts: 47 Member
    I am sorry that happened to you. Your cousin was not very nice. Genetics do play a role in how our bodies look and how easily you may gain weight. That said, it does not mean that you are destined to be obese! The choices you make, the food you eat, the activity you do, all make a difference. It may mean that you must be extra diligent, but in no way is your goal impossible! You just have to have the intestinal fortitude to get it done! You may have a lifetime of poor eating habits and food choices and lifestyle to overcome, but you can do it! We will support you here... and you can show your cousin up in a few months!!
  • sumofRactions
    sumofRactions Posts: 16 Member
    Genetics does not cause a person to be obese, what causes obesity is eating more calories than what your body burns which is then stored as fat. Where that fat is stored and how many calories our bodies need to do an action is something we are born with and can't control. What we can control though is how many calories we chose to eat and how active we will be so that we burn those calories which means that just because your parents are heavy it doesn't mean you will be heavy too. All it means is that you won't require as many calories as some other people would to do the same action so you won't be able to eat the same amount they do and get the same results.

    My dad is over 400 lbs, his mom was too. I lost 50 lbs, have kept it off a few years so I plan on losing the rest now. Wanted to make sure I could keep the 50 off before I went through the work to loose the rest, found out I could. You can too. Your cousin's remark was unkind. Your brother was only right about the fact that you should love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, who you are though that one is something that you get to decide for yourself, don't let other people make that decision for you. Best of luck with your weight loss. You CAN do this!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Genetics dictates how your body is shaped and where the fat will go but you dictate how much of it you want. Your cousin is a jerkwad by the way, and why he thinks it is any of his business is beyond me. Set some healthy goals and make some friends on here who have similar interests as you to give yourself some support. You can be whomever you want to be :)
  • becauseofholly
    becauseofholly Posts: 28 Member
    Screw him. There will always be haters in life, you just have to ignore them and do what you want to do. Good for you for wanting to make a change in your life for the better. If he can't handle it, then it's his problem, not yours.
  • skcr1923
    skcr1923 Posts: 9
    thank u soo much!