medical weight loss clinic

Hey - is anyone following the medical weight loss clinic? I'm following a very similar diet (basically without all the supplements) and I was just wondering if anyone has had success on it? It seems to be pretty high protein and low carb. So far I'm 4 days in and 6 lbs down! I know that's a lot for 4 days, but I'm just wondering weight loss is sustainable long term on this type of diet.


  • soccerdog693
    soccerdog693 Posts: 73 Member
  • good4meFL
    good4meFL Posts: 5 Member
    I am currently also going to a weight loss center - it is also high protein and low carb - I am on day 17 and I am down 15.2lbs. I have done this before and ended up stopping before I got to my goal weight. They have a 3 phase program phase one is weight loss you stay on this until you get to your goal weight and then phase 2 on this phase you start weaning off of the diet pills and then phase 3 which is maintenance. I will continue going to them until I have maintained my weight loss for 6 full months.
    I go in every week to be weighed and check and I feel really good - I want to lose another 46.6 pounds (going to try for 5 more for a buffer zone - so I have a weight range that I will never allow myself to go over on again)
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Weight loss is only sustainable if you make lifestyle changes you can stick with. Can you stick with this diet forever? If so the loss can be sustainable. If not, you may gain the weight back when you go back to eating carbs. When you are ready to transition into maintenance be sure to have a long term plan in place and maybe go to the clinic or see a dietician to help.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Period. Perhaps you need the structure of a program—that's fine. But if you log everything you eat accurately & honestly and follow your MFP calorie goal, you will lose weight.

    Read this:
    I'm 4 days in and 6 lbs down! I know that's a lot for 4 days, but I'm just wondering weight loss is sustainable long term on this type of diet.
    You lost mostly water & glycogen. Your weight will fluctuate. A healthy loss is .5–2 lb. per week.
  • good4meFL
    good4meFL Posts: 5 Member
    The plan I am on definitely has a calorie deficit. I am logging everything I eat - I do believe that yes I need the structure to help me lose. No this exact way of eating is not intended for long term (the diet phase) but what you learn by the time you lose and then enter maintenance is intended for a new way of eating for life. I know that I need to change what and how I eat and this is what I will do with this plan.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    Sounds like Ideal Protein Diet. My friend is on that, and he is losing a lot of weight pretty quickly and so far has not had any bad effects that we are aware of.

    If this is it, the hard part is - he says if you stick to it religiously, and not cheat, then it will work. but if you eat ONE cheat thing, it wrecks it. If that is true, then forgettabout those of you who like cheat meals.

    It sounds very hard and very disciplined, but it has good reviews by those who are on it. but not sure how long term effects are as my friend has been on it a month. so far so good.

    but I really do not want to go on that diet because i would not be able to eat yogurt, milk, and fruit, three thing which are helping me stay on this diet now. so i do not want to do that, not sure if i could sustain it.

    I myself can eat the foods he eats and do it myself for free, and probably have similar results.
  • soccerdog693
    soccerdog693 Posts: 73 Member
    I am doing the lifestyle change for sure. Basically what you do is each day you get 4 veggies, 3 fruits, 2 carbs, 2 proteins, and 1 dairy, and you can mix and match those how you want (you get a list of what counts for each category). Plus 64 oz of water.

    I do think I really need the strucuture - I was on MFP for about 9 months before starting this and ended up losing and gaining the same 5 pounds. I can easily eat 1600 calories a day in fast food, soda, and ice cream, which is not conducive to weight loss. Not for me anyway!