sugar is the devil!!!

Hey lovelies...

i am a big sugar addict. chocolate and cake are what i love above everything haha. if i cut out sugar, i feel i need carbs, which obviously just doesnt help either. how can i get out of this? any recovering sugar addicts??


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sugar is not the devil...

    there is no reason to cut anything out just eat it in moderation.

    I am sure you still eat fruit right??? guess what sugar in that...
    carrots, peas, corn, sweet potatoes...yup sugar

    and a lot of others...
  • aarondnguyen
    aarondnguyen Posts: 270 Member
    Everything in moderation. Track your calories and log your food honestly. All of it. The good, the bad, the ugly. Have your diary viewable to friends so they'll hold you accountable. A good diet is one with balance and variety so you can stick with it for life. I still have processed sugars.. And pizza, and chocolate and other things -- in controlled portions
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    sugar is not the devil...

    there is no reason to cut anything out just eat it in moderation.

    I am sure you still eat fruit right??? guess what sugar in that...
    carrots, peas, corn, sweet potatoes...yup sugar

    and a lot of others...

    Yep. Your cells need glucose, and they also make it from what you eat.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Everyone loves chocolate, cakes, and other sweet things. I love chocolate so much I had 2 bars of it last night - and still came under my calories and macros. Everything in moderation. If you plan your meals affectively there is no reason why you have to avoid these foods. The only 'devil' is someone who has no self control when it comes to sugar and food in general!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I thought Fats were the devil. Then again maybe it was Gluten, Hmmm Isn't Barack O Bama the devil, or George Bush, Maybe Putin. To those Brits of a Certain age Margaret Thatcher was the Devil. No I've got it now it's definitely Wheat that's the Devil or maybe ......
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Ooops I forgot it's Protein today Protein is the Devil it says so in the Papers so it must be true........ or maybe it was Sugar
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I understand what you mean OP. You can't say sugar on this site without getting a bunch of useless posts saying sugar isn't bad.

    As the one guy said though, moderation is key. This is something you'll have to sustain for the rest of your life. If you can't manage to eat items with sugar in them in small quantities find a strategy. There are books like Mindless Eating and such which describe different things you can do to help with things like that.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Oh boy :yawn:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sugar is not evil.
    Carbs are not evil.
    No food, eaten in moderation, is evil.
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    I don't cut anything entirely from my diet, but I do refrain from eating treats and things as often.

    I make sure I log everything so that I'm accountable to myself. This is also good to look back on the days eating and realize - OMG, I ate that much junk? I need to eat better, and this mentally sticks with me for the next day.

    When eliminating (or at least reducing) anything, you either go cold turkey, or you taper. In this case, it's a taper proposition. Maybe find some smaller snacks to replace the ones you're having now. This way you still get your sweets as often, just in smaller quantities. I did this with chewing gum, werthers originals and other hard candys, and on the chocolate front, get a box of those lindt truffles and make it last a month (amazon subscribe and save can help you throttle yourself here).

    Another thing that helps is ensuring you are maintaining blood sugar levels by eating regularly throughout the day. I'll snack on instant oatmeal, and Nature's Bakery Fig Bars in place of candy bars. Still quite a bit of sugar though.

    You may also want to couple treats with other behaviors. For example, when a craving comes on, tell yourself you will wait 5 minutes. Sometimes that craving will go away on its own. If it doesn't, then drink a half liter of water with the sweet. This will help you feel fuller and hopefully reduce the amount of sweets consumed.

    Ultimately though, you have to be committed to yourself. You have to be able to say no and yes.

    Hope some of these suggestions help. Best of luck
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    You're made this way, so don't fight it... work with it! A couple of things to try...

    Make room for one small decadent treat every day, something you'll really look forward to. I like mini sundaes with the works--a small scoop of ice cream, a drizzle of chocolate or caramel, whipped cream, and nuts.

    I used to think it was crazy talk to think I could be satisfied with a square of good dark chocolate, but if I eat some after dinner it usually keeps me away from sweets for the rest of the night.

    Have a sweet breakfast like pancakes or waffles.

    Raise your standards. For me, this means I won't eat a store-bought cookie EVER because they suck compared to a good homemade cookie. I'll wait for that good cookie and then eat the heck out of it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I understand what you mean OP. You can't say sugar on this site without getting a bunch of useless posts saying sugar isn't bad.

    As the one guy said though, moderation is key. This is something you'll have to sustain for the rest of your life. If you can't manage to eat items with sugar in them in small quantities find a strategy. There are books like Mindless Eating and such which describe different things you can do to help with things like that.

    and this post was sooo useful....

    Actually most people if not all said moderation is the key.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member

    and this post was sooo useful....

    Actually most people if not all said moderation is the key.

    Note that I posted after fatdoob. Moderation is just a word and doesn't really help does it?
    Isn't it more useful to present a strategy to deal with an issue?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Should be it own thread but I'll just leave this here
  • adriennewx
    adriennewx Posts: 38 Member
    thanks for the comments guys, sorry for the slow reply...

    the thing is with me is self control. i have to be really strict. if i have a tiny bit of chocolate i dont stop haha.

    baby steps i guess :)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Say what?

  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Sugar isn't evil. It's actually amazing, and that's why people tend to crave it. It's a nearly pure form of energy that our body just loves because it doesn't require much processing inside our bodies to turn it into a usable form of energy. Our bodies are always looking for an easy way to gain energy (i.e. calories), and sugar is just that.

    The problem comes with our luxurious, first-world lifestyle. Sugar isn't the problem, it's the AMOUNT of sugar that's the problem, and because sugary goods are so abundant, it's very easy to get too much sugar. Our bodies function best when there is a balance in what we eat - not too much of anything, not too little. However, our eating habits have been utterly destroyed by the unnatural abundance of sugar, which in the past we would normally only get in fiber-filled foods like fruit.

    Edit: Pretty much what everyone else is saying - have it in moderation.
  • Slim_strategy
    You will drive yourself nuts if you start seeing certain foods negatively, I know I did. I find I want it more if I tell myself ''only once a week may you have ice cream'' etc. then I binge on ice cream.
    instead I focus now on what I should be eating instead of what I shouldn't be ,I eat what I like within my calories and choose to make healthy decisions and not so healthy decisions , but whatever it is, I choose not to feel guilty about it because this is a lifestyle change and when I think about it, a piece of chocolate isn't nearly as bad as the whole bar I would once consume . :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Check out Green & Black's 85% cocoa dark chocolate. It's absolutely the only dark I like and I love it. Six little squares a day and I'm good. Very low sugar, too, but you can't tell when you eat it because it's very rich.

    Don't give things up. Just find substitutes for the things you can't control.
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    It's true that we shouldn't villanize a particular food group, but let's face it - sugar leads to troubles. I don't just mean SUGAR, but everything we might eat that DOES turn into sugar. And if we're on this forum and if we're logging into MFP we might be trying to lose weight. And let's face it, if we limit our sugar our bodies just might start burning our excess fat as energy.

    End of lecture.

