Food Journaling -helpful tip

Ok - so a helpful tip for me, something that really helps,for me

this is not good for anyone with major guilt issues about food .

I like to once in a while go back and pick a week - preferably a week that i didn't lose, print it out and take a highlighter, look at foods that might have impacted that loss.

WHY? - well for me I tend to be a take each day as it comes person , so by printing out a "hard copy" of a weeks food and exercise logs, then I can look through and at a neutral time analyze what is there, data to me is very UN emotional while my relationship with food is VERY emotional.
So for me, to see this report its kind of like a payroll report on how I am doing, I can look and see strengths and weaknesses , and it works to take that emotional factor out.


  • BridgetWolfbear
    BridgetWolfbear Posts: 21 Member
    That is a really good idea!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    That would make me neurotic and start down a dark path of demonizing foods for me. If I didn't lose last week, it was probably me not being in a deficit, water retention, TOM. I guess my approach is live and don't look back.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Do what works for you. It's great that MFP has these different features.