First hand experiences of benefits of gluten-free diet?

Hey all. I recently got diagnosed with this MTHFR gene mutation issue, and along with it--thryoid, cortisol, and adrenal gland issues--and I found that it was recommended that I give up gluten. I need some motivation to do this because, let's be honest, bread rocks :brokenheart: , so has anyone had any luck with weight loss/de-bloating from a gluten free diet? What were your experiences. And if you have any of the issues I have, was giving up gluten particularly helpful?

THANKS! :heart:


  • sunandskies
    sunandskies Posts: 25 Member
    I've been gluten free for about a year and a half (Celiac disease) and while I certainly feel much better for it (more energy, no more random stomach ailments, less bloating) I haven't had any change in weight due to it that I couldn't just attribute to just eating more salads because sandwiches weren't a choice anymore.

    If you don't eat the substitute GF products (which there are plenty of and a lot of them are delicious) then yes, you will probably lose weight, but if you do eat the substitutes in the same way you eat the gluten products you may gain weight as a lot of GF products are higher in calories than the gluten alternatives. The whole wheat bread I used to eat has fewer calories and was more filling than the multigrain Udi's GF bread I eat now.

    So in short: You might possibly lose weight. Maybe. Some people with digestive issues like that lose weight once the food causing the problem is removed. Some don't. My bloating went down a good bit, yours might too. But you will feel better.
  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    What started as an experiment for me to find the root of my symptoms turned out to be a really happy adventure. It's been several years now. I say happy, because it truly only took a few days and weeks to feel better. I had joint pains, joint swelling, headaches, fatigue, and fogginess, but an overall healthy lifestyle and outlook. As soon as I stopped eating gluten foods, it all went away, except for some of the fatigue. The fatigue went away after I stopped eating so many processed foods and ate more whole foods. The weight loss and de-bloating, especially on my belly but also overall, were really just icing on the cake for me...the other symptoms were so upsetting for so long. I'm really happy I feel actually "normal" now (and I didn't even really know what that ever felt like before).

    Particularly helpful in letting go of gluten was NOT eating substitute products. It helps the cravings go away altogether. Plus, it only made me want my old favorite breads and pastas again... which I can count on just one hand the number of times I tried them over the years. Let's just say it was **not** a good idea and didn't take me long to learn that lesson!! :)

    Best wishes for renewed health and happiness :)
  • cwkwkw2
    cwkwkw2 Posts: 23 Member
    I literally lost 5 inches off my waist (pretty chubby) in the first week after I stopped eating sugar and gluten. I don't know if it was the sugar or the gluten but I have not e indulged in any added sugar or breads since then. It is amazing. The first three days were ridiculous. It seemed like everyone I knew smelled like cookies and cream. LOL. But, after that, it got better and then I noticed my pants fit better. So. If you try it, measure your waist and each thigh at the start. After 7-10 days, you should see a difference.
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    My son has autism and we did the gluten/dairy free diet for his behaviors and we didn't want to medicate. I will say he dropped weight so much it was crazy...he didn't look like the same kid after about 6 months, granted, he was not crazy skinny before we started. Just seeing the changes in his weight and his behaviors/sleeping patterns really opened my eyes to what we put in our bodies not only affect our weight but our attitudes, behaviors,sleep, the list goes on and on.