Prednisolone and losing weight

hi! :-)
i am on 60mg of prednisolone, i have been on pred for ages now due to a medical condition... therefore put on a LOT of weight! :-(
i've been counting my calories and watching what i eat and exercising but the weight isnt coming off, feels like there isnt a difference at all infact...


  • tasha_rena
    tasha_rena Posts: 25 Member
    I've lost weight while on pred, but I'm also never on it for longer that 14-ish days and my condition is largely controlled with other medication so I only end up on pred 1-2 times a year. Because it makes me ravenous, I am very careful to weigh and measure all my food - stay under on sodium and drink tons and tons of water, as it can also cause you to retain water in a huge way (and the water also helps to feel full longer.)
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    Hey there,

    I have Crohn's Disease, and I have been put on a similar drug before called Prednisone.

    Prednisolone is different from Predisone in the way that people with your condition (or what I'm assuming it might be) cannot break down Predisone to Prednisolone, so they give you a more broken down version.

    It really has weight gain effects, and the time I took it, I shot up from 162 to 205lbs in the span of about 6 months. But don't worry, all I can advise is to keep on a regular routine, and even if the pounds keep going up, they will come down!!

    In a month after I was allowed by my doctor to ween off the Prednisone, I lost 10lbs. The weight will come back off, so long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    The most important thing right now is maintaining your health, even with the drug. I would not change ANYTHING unless you talk to your doctor.

    You will get through this. Time is your rival, and you're better than it. :)

  • thanks guys, wish it would go though
    i've been on pred for nearly 3 years