How many of you have a calorie goal of 1200 or less?

saldanaagency Posts: 19
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I do. If you do too add me as a friend.


  • nldsmiley
    nldsmiley Posts: 38 Member
    I also do.
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    I do, it is very hard.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    me three
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Me four. LOL
  • Me five. It is hard because we have to exercise more to burn calories off.
  • chewy8874042
    chewy8874042 Posts: 38 Member
    I do and my food diary is open if you want to take a look. I have been doing okay, but sometimes it is a struggle. I would love some low cal food suggestions. :) Good luck!
  • bkelley32148
    bkelley32148 Posts: 279 Member
    I do also... I dont know how to add ya as a friend but if i figure it out i will lol
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    I do too. I have been getting used to it little by little and workout harder & longer to compensate for the extra calories I might eat during the day!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    me too. I sent a friend request. I only have 320 calories as a deficiency. The losing weight part isn't really happening but I like being able to see how much fat, sugar, and sodium I'm putting in my body.

    I'm actually having a hard time getting to 1200 because I work at a desk all day and when you're eating healthy 1200 calories is a lot of food!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Me Me!
  • Me too!
  • I do, and it's working out great. I'm doing the Suzanne Somer's no funky food diet.
  • me as well. I went over to like 1300 calories for two days now.. :/ but i guess its improving bit by bit.
  • i just joined 5 days ago and i also have a calorie goal of 1200... i joined cause i have a huge problem with portion sizes... but this week i've been going to zumba and i cant seem to reach my limit of 1200! im always under and it keeps telling me that my body is gonna go in ''starvation mode'' we'll see how it goes today since i wont be able to workout and im going out to dinner tonight.
    my day looks something like this:

    fiber 1 cereal and 1% milk: 1/2 cup each
    pasta with homemade tomato sauce: 2 cups
    0% greek yogurts with added fruits: 1/2 cup each
    lean chicken with veggies: 2 portions meat, 1 cup veggies
    1% milk after work out: 1 cup

    good luck!
  • I just got reduced to 1200 a day. And on days I can't exercise, it is hard! but I see it as a badge of honor for losing these 38.5 pounds. :D
  • Oh God, I do too, and I'm working out like a maniac and trying not to eat the earned calories! Add me!
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    ME TOO!

    :) But I'm on a high protein, mod carb lower fat currently.

    <3ing it!
  • chewy8874042
    chewy8874042 Posts: 38 Member
    Asparagus, Beet Root, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory, Hot Chili, Cucumber, Garden cress, Garlic, Green Beans, Lettuce, Onion, Radish, Spinach, Turnip, Zucchini

    Apple, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cranberry, Grapefruit, Honeydew, Lemon/Lime, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Tomato, Tangerine, Turnip, Watermelon

    These are supposedly negative calorie foods! I STILL log all of my foods, but I have really been trying to load up on fruits/ veggies that are low cal b/c I really want to eat after I work out, and for me its better to be able to eat more food that's low cal. Most of these fill me up too. :)
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i do....but i tend to exercise alot to gain a good 300-500cals back(still leaving an exercise deficit of about 650ish)
  • Wow! that's awesome!! IT IS REALLY HARD TO STAY BELOW 1200. But I'm loving it because to stay under I have to stay active. I just started swimming. I am going to try to swim everyday for 30 minutes and do the treadmill at night for 30 minutes. I will start lifting weights soon. That should help. If you can PLEASE share your typical breakfast lunch and dinner.
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