Looking for a buddy getting started....again

I am looking for some motivational help. I have been a start and stop person. I am not extremely overweight but I am short and the weight shows quickly. I would love to drop 20 lbs quickly. I have a park to run at when the weather gets better or a treadmill, elliptical, bike, ab roller and a total gym in my basement to use....but...I always seem to find other household things to do. My equipment is in the basement and my son has a room there also so mornings are tough....excuses I know....help


  • katie599
    katie599 Posts: 1
    Hi bbarber

    I am exactly the same, I always use excuses to try and get out of sweating.....

    You are really lucky to have all that equipment to use, looking at it should motivate you. Have you tried putting a poster of yourself in your basement of when you looking a little bloated (aka chunky/fat) so you can see yourslef and how you dont want to look?

    I use running to burn calories and what I do is book myself on to a charity run. Something in your area, like race for life, sports relief. There must be a charity event near you. Month to 2 months in advance so you pound the pavement to get ready.

    Book yourslef on something like that - you wont want to let your sponsers down so you may find that your keep up the phys.

    Hope I have helped....
  • delaroom
    delaroom Posts: 7

    I am the same. I used to exercise everyday (nothing too intense). But now, I find excuses not to do anything. Sit on my butt and eat in front of my computer at work.

    Support is really helpful. Like the other day, I entered sth on MFP and somebody liked it. It felt good :) If you want, I can add you as a friend and we can push each other to work out :)