10lbs is so hard...30lbs looks impossible!



  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    You're losing your motivation that's all. Although I don't use "mini goals" lots of people do...set a 5lb loss goal for a specific date and reach for that instead of all 50lbs. Other suggestions are to mix up your work out routine...go swimming or try Zumba (that's what I did, and it's pretty fun). Another good suggestion I keep hearing is try new recipes. There are tons on this website, and the Hungry Girl website...just shake things up a bit, and enjoy what you're doing. I have 55lbs to lose all together, so if you want we can do it as a team:)

    I am losing my motivation...because I just feel like no matter what I do...nothing works. I'm just frustrated with myself! I would appreciate any help and advice I can get.

    Remind yourself why you're doing it - because you are worth it and because it's healthy. Eventually, if all you're doing is drinking water, eating the right things and exercising then the weight HAS to come off. It's a matter of time.

    This week I didn't lose anything, but rather I gained. I busted my *kitten* this week and while it was discouraging to see that it didn't pay off on the scale, I reminded myself that it is paying off in other aspects. I feel great, my skin looks amazing because of all the water I'm drinking, and since I began eating healthy I have had no stomach aches as opposed to when I'd eat junk and get them everyday.

    What's the alternative? If you lose your motivation and lose sight of the bigger picture then you will just go back to your old ways that... guess what... weren't working either.

    Stay the course and the results will show.

    Thank you! that does sound good. I do feel alot better when I am working out. I feel sluggish now because I didn't workout at lunch time.
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    Honestly, what you really need to do is start to eat clean and fire your metabolism up. work out 4 times a weeks atleast an hour to an hour and a half. atleast 30 to 45 mins of cardio. or a mixture of weights and cardio. if you are to lazy to head to the gym, try using beachbody dvds like p90x or insanity which are ways to kick start your motivation to work out. you'll see results fast in my opinion and learn the basic types of cardio and weight training.

    I literally eat 6 times a day but know how to portion my meals and snacks. if you are working out regularly your body needs the fuel itself from healthy foods. (Never starve your body) I started using this website again because I really need to calorie count which is key to efficient weight loss. Maybe you should watch the show "Biggest Loser" there are so many helpful tips on that show for people who dont know much about working out and dieting. And some reason these overweight people losing weight gives me such motivation.

    I also use a website called bodybuilding.com which has great tips on dieting and workout plans that fit you lifestyle.

    Also if I can ask how are your eating habits, do you eat out a lot? Do you go out and drink with friends? These are things that can stop you from getting early success in weight gain.

    Well...I normally hit the gym 5-6 times a week and do varies things...because after many failed attemps and having trainers you learn that your body can adjust pretty quickly. When I am at work I do pretty well...as far as eating goes. It's when I get home that all hell breaks lose. I try not to buy junk food anymore, and cook less so I am not tempted to eat as much...I love my cooking (vain, i know! lol)

    I drink and go out once in a blue moon, and I really mean blue moon. So I know that's not my issue.

    I guess I am just expecting too much too fast!
  • kimchee_man
    yeah seems like you're doing everything right with the gym and not going out and drinking. hmmm you should try insanity that shed some good weight for me.