Gamma T25, anyone started this week?



  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I actually did 2.0 speed today, I missed the moves and I can do it better. I did do Gamma core/weights though. It's could to grow with the program, it it was easy, there would be nothing to work on. (at least I tell myself that) ;)

    Probably do Speed 2.0 tonight...legs are surprisingly sore today after the Gamma Pyramid last night. The body-weight exercises still kick my butt more than the ones with the weights; not sure if that means I should up my barbell weight or just get onto losing my other 20 pounds :-D

    Yeah, If I could nail all these workouts, I'd be bored with them. Still having fun figuring out all of the techniques.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Gamma was probably my favorite of the 3. But haven't nailed 3.0.. heck haven't nailed 2.0. But Ioved the addition of the weights. I have a bad leg so I have to do a lot of modified moves but I still love it. I have a FB group that helps keep me motivated so that helps as well. We are all at different spots Alpha, Beta and Gamma but we all work through it together. Up, Center, Back, Center, Out Wide x 2.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I am one week into Alpha and have a ways to go yet lol. BUT I did just order Gamma and I'm pretty excited to see the entire program through. :drinker:

    Good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    @RoseTears143 your results so far look awesome. :)
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    @RoseTears143 your results so far look awesome. :)

    thank you!!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    @Rosetears, I just noticed your picture, that is awesome. I wish I took more pics in the beginning, it is motivating to see the loss. Keep up the good work.

    I ate Italian out with friends last night, so back to T25 today.
  • anjuli360
    anjuli360 Posts: 6 Member
    Went from Alpha, straight into Beta; now I'm in my first week of Gamma, loving the challenge, and the soreness has me looking forward to results. Anybody have any data on what kind of calories you're burning during this phase?
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    @Rosetears, I just noticed your picture, that is awesome. I wish I took more pics in the beginning, it is motivating to see the loss. Keep up the good work.

    I ate Italian out with friends last night, so back to T25 today.

    thank you :) Yes, seeing before pics and comparing to where you are is super motivating on days when you feel like you haven't made any progress.

    I just got my Gamma apckage yesterday, and even though I'm barely half way through Alpha right got me all amped up to get through to Gamma :D
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Went from Alpha, straight into Beta; now I'm in my first week of Gamma, loving the challenge, and the soreness has me looking forward to results. Anybody have any data on what kind of calories you're burning during this phase?

    It depends on your height, weight, and exertion. Do you have a HRM? I have the Polar H7 HRM, I'm pretty heavy (205 right now) and 5'6"...I burn about 300-400 cals during a workout depending on which one i'm doing. And my heart rate stays pretty high throughout.

    I'd suggest getting a HRM to help track what you burn during exercise. Definitely worth the investment!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Went from Alpha, straight into Beta; now I'm in my first week of Gamma, loving the challenge, and the soreness has me looking forward to results. Anybody have any data on what kind of calories you're burning during this phase?

    It will vary by age and size.

    Here are my number take with my Polar FT7 numbers are averaged. Sorry I don't have my Gamma numbers.

    I'm 5'7 and was 180 when I did this. I have a bad leg so lots of modifying.

    polar FT7

    Cardio 250
    Speed 1 250
    Total Body 280
    Ab Intervals 200
    Lower focus 200

    Core Cardio 275
    Speed 2 250
    Ript Circuit 230
    Dynamic Core 230
    Upper Focus 230
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    Went from Alpha, straight into Beta; now I'm in my first week of Gamma, loving the challenge, and the soreness has me looking forward to results. Anybody have any data on what kind of calories you're burning during this phase?

    With My FT7 HRM in Alpha and Beta so far (I"m 5'4" 23 years old and 136 lbs when I started-currently 131.2 at end of week 2 of beta)

    Lower Focus: 260
    Alpha Cardio: 314
    Ab Intervals: 205
    Total Body Circuit: 296
    Speed 1.0: 319

    Upper Focus: 241
    Speed 2.0: 309
    Rip't Circuit: 254
    Core Cardio: 298
    Dynamic Core: 239

    All workouts included the cooldown after :)
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Today was my 4th day of Gamma--almost a week down! I really love all of the workouts except I haven't quite made up my mind on the Pyramid yet. Some of the moves I enjoy, others I loathe. I also agree with whomever pointed out that he does ask you to go a bit fast and initially with my 8lb dumbbells I felt like I was sacrificing form to keep up with him. I switched to 5lbers and that felt a lot better. He does say at one point in the beginning of the workout that it's about muscle endurance, which generally means low weights and high reps, but he doesn't really make that completely clear.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I did Gamma Pyramid today...I like it although that "11" rep killed me and I was more tired with the pushups today. It makes me feel strong but I do think he rushes too much at times. When he says in one DVD, we are doing this side faster, I think "why" is the timer going to fast? : )
    I like the Dvd's a lot but if you aren't used to this type of exercise or haven't had someone show you good form, I don't think he does that as well. You are expected to know certain things going in.

    I can see me using this set on and off for a long time though, maybe not all of them but definitely a keeper.
  • tamred69
    tamred69 Posts: 130 Member
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have just started my second week of gamma and I can't believe how much harder than alpha and beta these workouts are. On alpha/beta if I missed a day due to work I could easily just double up with gamma I don't feel I could with gamma. At the end of the workouts I am shaking. I was also running alongside alpha/beta but won't be with gamma . I do suffer from fibromyalgia and am having a flare up at the moment so that would account for some of it but I do feel it is much harder too. I also agree that in parts he goes too fast I am still getting up from the floor and he has already started with the weights. That being said I am enjoying it and looking forward to finding it easier but I don't think it will ever be easy.
  • anjuli360
    anjuli360 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone who replied on the Calories Burned! I was just curious to see if anyone else is burning more/less/same into Gamma as compared to Alpha and Beta. I find Alpha and Beta burned more fat/calories, while in Gamma I'm burning a little less calories, but not in a bad way as I am gaining muscle strength. Anyone have anything to share in that regard, as to what you're experiencing when comparing calorie burn during Gamma?
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks everyone who replied on the Calories Burned! I was just curious to see if anyone else is burning more/less/same into Gamma as compared to Alpha and Beta. I find Alpha and Beta burned more fat/calories, while in Gamma I'm burning a little less calories, but not in a bad way as I am gaining muscle strength. Anyone have anything to share in that regard, as to what you're experiencing when comparing calorie burn during Gamma?

    I think that's generally accurate since Gamma isn't as cardio-heavy. I think the only Gamma workout that I'm breaking 300 calories is Speed 3.0, the others I'm generally between 240-280.
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    Bumping. I just got this in the mail today, watching a few before my time to Gamma comes up...and I think...I'm ... a LITTLE .. scared! Yikes!! Everything is so fast in comparison and in speed 3.0--no modifier! Did you all do Pure Gamma or the Hybrid and why?