Baking ... and not eating the dough!

funkygas Posts: 191 Member
For those of you who have been following my tendency of eating too much when baking, I had a win last night. I wasn't going to bake anything for a while after I felt pretty sick earlier this week from too much cookie dough, but last night my husband asked if I wanted to make something with the abundance of peaches we have from the tree in our backyard.

I made peach muffins last night ... the kids and my husband were in the kitchen with me (they were doing the dinner dishes while I was baking) ... I only licked the spoon at the very end, and shared (that's right, shared) a finished muffin with my husband. And it fit in my calories for the day - actually I was still under.

And then this morning, I was able to run further up the hill on my jogging route than I have previously.

I guess I do have the will-power, determination and self-control to make this work. I think I'll wait a while before baking cookies again, though!

Now if I only I can figure out why the scales showed a nearly 1kg gain overnight ... I KNOW I didn't eat 7000 calories over maintenance!


  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    Well, I was happy with this outcome - obviously nobody else here cares as much ... but I thought it was a pretty big win!

    It would be good to hear other success stories from those who have struggled with cookie dough overeating ...
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    I care haha!

    I say I do because I am currently following the 5:2 Fast Diet but I still have to prepare meal for my family. The dish are so tempting but all I do also is sip to check if it tasted right. Tomorrow, is another day.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    It's all about the little steps! Awesome job! Keep at it :)
  • mlt2908
    mlt2908 Posts: 123 Member
    Great job! I always feel great too if I can bake something for my son and not eat the dough! I made him chocolate chip cookies last week and did not sample the dough, and out of the entire batch of cookies, I only ate a half of one, even though the cookies were waving to me every time I was in the kitchen! Then, I had to bake a cake, and didn't have any of that batter and did not yet have a piece of that cake. Tempting though!
  • laurelthistle
    laurelthistle Posts: 145 Member
    Good job! It's all about taking things one day, one hour, one meal, one temptation at a time and overcoming issues that have plagued you in the past. It's a huge accomplishment to have the will power and self control to mindfully change your previous bad habit! You should be super proud of yourself!!!
  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    That's awesome!!!

    I struggle with self control too... I've been craving on of those giant cookies all week, and I've been able to resist it, and that feels pretty great :glasses:
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i made double chocolate chip cookies a few days ago. i very quickly gave a beater eat to the 2 kids that were here, and the bowl to my hubby. i ate from the spoon i used to spoon out the cookies. i counted it as a cookie when i logged it.

    i dread christmas cookies. i make 12 different kinds, all in double batches. takes me 3 or 4 days of baking. so good and yet soo bad.
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    Way to go! I'm slowly working on the self control. I, like you, just don't bake cookies or brownies or cakes etc., becaue I don't currently have the will power to not eat the dough. It just tastes so good that I just want to taste it again and again and again. :smile: I'm always super proud of myself when I don't grab the donut that was brought to a meeting at work.

    On a side note, you most likely didn't gain a whole kg overnight. Probably just water weight :wink:
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    Wow, don't think I could manage to bake and not eat the dough/mixture. I always think it tastes nicer before it is cooked. Strangely I can resist it once it is baked!!

    Well done.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I totally understand what I triumph that is. I am guilty of standing in the kitchen, beaming, because I baked something and didn't eat 2 servings before it reached the oven.
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks guys - I'm glad I'm not alone in this.

    I think my downfall is just the cookies - especially when I've got a batch in the oven that I'm waiting to come out so I can put the next batch in. That bowlful of dough just calls out my name ...

    But I don't seem to have the same problem with cakes - maybe because the whole amount of the dough goes in at once?

    I too am a firm believer in the idea that the dough tastes better - my husband often complains that I make all these cookies etc, and eat lots of dough, but then leave all the finished products around the house (and I don't have the same inclination to eat them as the dough) ... that he feels obligated to eat!

    I'm going to try to avoid baking for a bit - maybe until next weekend when I have plans to try out my ideas for my 'ultimate chocolate peanut butter slice' ... gluten free!
  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    I care too! Your thread probably just fell down the list before a lot of people could see it. Sounds like 2 incredible NSVs to me! Fabulous Self control and Endurance. :smile:
  • WOW, that's awesome! Keep it up :)

    Does baking things make anyone else NOT want to eat them anymore? Sometimes I'll crave a slice of cake and bake a fancy pancy one but not even want to eat it anymore = free food for friends/family haha.

    So, its usually two extremes for me, either baking ridiculous amounts of cupcakes and cookies and forcing others to eat them and bugging them about how they taste (bc I don't try them), or (rare now) I eat most of the batter/dough before it goes into the oven lol.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Well, I was happy with this outcome - obviously nobody else here cares as much ... but I thought it was a pretty big win!

    It would be good to hear other success stories from those who have struggled with cookie dough overeating ...

    Did you really just whine because people didn't respond in the first 1.5 hours after you posted? :huh:
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    I think it is a HUGE win for you! you found a way to indulge without taking it too far and that shared muffin was inspired. (no left over half to call your name later in the night) i cant hardly leave food...grew up poor....just cant throw away your plan is great! i will try it next time i make something!:flowerforyou:
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    Did you really just whine because people didn't respond in the first 1.5 hours after you posted? :huh:

    Yeah, sorry, I just realised how whine-y that sounded.

    Thanks to everyone who have posted though - I love reading your responses!!
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    That's an awesome win! I am the same as you with baking, so this kind of thing is huge for me as well.
  • doover3
    doover3 Posts: 25
    Well done, so important to celebrate the little wins along the way! I have a big problem with grazing as I'm cooking/baking too, and yes, the cookie dough is always better than the finished product!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    I'm super paranoid about getting sick from raw eggs (although the chances are low), so I don't have this problem! My problem is after the baking is done!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    From one baker to another I salute you!!!

  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    An update ...

    I lost the additional 1kg again this morning, so it probably was just sodium weight ...

    And I made some peanut butter brownies for my daughter to take to youth group tonight. I put the recipe in MFP and realised I was likely to have a spoonful while making the brownies, and one of the finished product. Logged both of those - total of 300 calories. And that's ALL I ate of the brownies (they were VERY yummy, though!) Even though I was cooking in the kitchen by myself. Looks like I do have self-control ... I just have to want to lose/maintain the weight more than I want the dough.

    Having said that, after I come back from my next trip away (starting tomorrow) I am planning on making some cookie dough truffles so I can take photos of them and put them on my website - not even planning to keep them in my calorie limit after 20+ hours on the plane!! But I should be relatively good while I'm away from home - not planning to do much baking at all.

    Wish me luck!!
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    Had a staff meeting today, and didn't even touch the cookies or donuts. Skipped the orange juice, too. At lunch time, I ate fish without the bun, a protein muffin, and an orange. The peppermint patties and peanut butter cups sitting 8 inches from me stayed there. VICTORY! Just by limiting my added sugars to less than 25 grams a day and staying within my calories, I have dropped 17 pounds since January 1st.
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    i made double chocolate chip cookies a few days ago. i very quickly gave a beater eat to the 2 kids that were here, and the bowl to my hubby. i ate from the spoon i used to spoon out the cookies. i counted it as a cookie when i logged it.

    i dread christmas cookies. i make 12 different kinds, all in double batches. takes me 3 or 4 days of baking. so good and yet soo bad.

    This is March and you are wasting time worrying about Christmas already? Unbelievable. I can only stay in today and maybe tomorrow morning if it is garbage day. Could not keep all the rest in my head - would drive me crazy. I must be getting old.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    I know this sounds crazy but I used to buy the premade cookie dough in a roll and just cut off a slice at a time and eat it. Well, that is one thing that got me here but another poster said if you crave cookie dough like I did, take a banana, slice down thee middle lengthwise and add 1 Tblsp mini chocolate chips and 1/2 T peanut butter... Microwave till chocolate melts.. Awesome, tastes like a fresh cookie.. Try it..
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    I know this sounds crazy but I used to buy the premade cookie dough in a roll and just cut off a slice at a time and eat it. Well, that is one thing that got me here but another poster said if you crave cookie dough like I did, take a banana, slice down thee middle lengthwise and add 1 Tblsp mini chocolate chips and 1/2 T peanut butter... Microwave till chocolate melts.. Awesome, tastes like a fresh cookie.. Try it..

    When I was growing up I used to get the premade cookie dough and eat it too! The banana idea sounds good, but bananas and my digestive system don't always get along too well - more often than not, bananas clog me up so I try to avoid them wherever possible. Oh, but if that weren't the case, I'd be having bananas and peanut butter (and chocolate) quite frequently - yum yum!
  • lorim200
    lorim200 Posts: 38 Member
    I can so relate to eating the dough lol. I usually count it as 4 cookies. I eat a lot of the dough when I make chocolate chip cookies. I can't help myself.
    The last time I made them I chewed gum the entire time I was mixing and baking. That helped lots. I made all the cookies and didn't eat any dough at all.
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    The last time I made them I chewed gum the entire time I was mixing and baking. That helped lots. I made all the cookies and didn't eat any dough at all.

    That's what I do...chew gum and give the bowl/ spoon to family to lick. Except when I don't...:blushing:
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Ugh ...WTG !! I TOTALLY failed baking banana oatmeal cookies yesterday :sad: the cookie dough is just so good, LOL. I did great at Christmas whole baking but something about a cold day and cookie dough with cinnamon in it :love:
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    No help on the cookie dough here...but I do have an idea to share for your abundance of fresh fruit.

    A friend of mine has numerous fruit trees, berries etc. When they're each in season she uses some of the harvest to mix up her favorite recipes for pie fillings. She pours the prepared filling into tin pie plates and freezes them (just the filling, no crust). Once frozen, she pops them out like gigantic ice cubes and puts each one in a big Ziploc freezer bag. Label the bag with a sharpie marker and In to the deep freeze they go. They're not fragile and stack easily.

    Then, all year long whenever she wants to make a pie she just mixes up dough, rolls it out, and adds one of the fruit pie "cubes" from the freezer. Of course they fit perfectly because they were custom made for her pie tins. In no time she has delicious pie, made with home grown fruit from the height of the season. Delicious!! Great prep to make things quicker and easier for when it's time to host a crowd or celebrate a holiday. So clever!!
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    No help on the cookie dough here...but I do have an idea to share for your abundance of fresh fruit.

    A friend of mine has numerous fruit trees, berries etc. When they're each in season she uses some of the harvest to mix up her favorite recipes for pie fillings. She pours the prepared filling into tin pie plates and freezes them (just the filling, no crust). Once frozen, she pops them out like gigantic ice cubes and puts each one in a big Ziploc freezer bag. Label the bag with a sharpie marker and In to the deep freeze they go. They're not fragile and stack easily.

    Then, all year long whenever she wants to make a pie she just mixes up dough, rolls it out, and adds one of the fruit pie "cubes" from the freezer. Of course they fit perfectly because they were custom made for her pie tins. In no time she has delicious pie, made with home grown fruit from the height of the season. Delicious!! Great prep to make things quicker and easier for when it's time to host a crowd or celebrate a holiday. So clever!!

    Awesome idea! I'll keep that in mind for the next tree to flower - I think it's the mandarin tree next!
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