Quitting Smoking.....

Cold Turkey! Any tips besides shoving down 10 cupcakes and chewing through a million packs of gum?? Don't say exercise.... I'm talking about getting through the entire day not a small portion!

I should get those candy cigarettes from back in the day and "pretend" lol.


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    ^^ this
  • GarryA1987
    GarryA1987 Posts: 31 Member
    I went cold turkey 61 days ago now!

    I initially used the E-Cigs as Hornsby suggested... then as it wasnt the same, I changed my "triggers" and grew out of when I smoked the most.

    The hardest thing for me is drinking and not smoking... but if you can diet, you can give up smoking!

    Good luck!!
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Yup - 2 months now no smoking - eCig: and don't buy the crap at the gas station - spend a little money on the investment. In the end you'd be spending less than a carton of smokes.
  • yellerica83
    Yea I've tried the E Cigs.... meh. Drinking and not smoking is going to be ridiculous....especially in the summer when all I do is drink... lol JK (Kinda)
  • yellerica83
    Yup - 2 months now no smoking - eCig: and don't buy the crap at the gas station - spend a little money on the investment. In the end you'd be spending less than a carton of smokes.

    I hear ya I got a nice setup with an E Cig but it just doesnt do it for me....
  • SuperTiredMom
    SuperTiredMom Posts: 172 Member
    Definitely an E-cig. I smoked for over 10 years and I've quit all except for social smoking maybe 1or 2 cigarettes when I go out to a bar that allows smoking, which I only do once every 2-3months.

    Edited to add: it's been a year and 2 months since I quit smoking regularly.
  • AyeCorona
    AyeCorona Posts: 204 Member
    I quit in December. I used those mini lozenges. They taste gross, but helped with the cravings during my most usual smoking times- coffee, driving, and drinking.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I quit 8 years ago. for years I had tried all the crutches but none worked. I finally had to just suck it up & cold turkey it.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    going on 1.5 week quit
    using ecig
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 839 Member
    went cold Turkey Nov 2008. No patch, no e-cig, no gum.

    i was a grumpy SOB.
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member

    I still chew on them 16 years after quitting cold turkey. Not a day goes by that I don't jones for a smoke or a dip.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Cold Turkey! Any tips besides shoving down 10 cupcakes and chewing through a million packs of gum?? Don't say exercise.... I'm talking about getting through the entire day not a small portion!

    I should get those candy cigarettes from back in the day and "pretend" lol.
    Focus: this week is going to be HELL, next month is going to be... meh, then things will get better. That sort of worked for me. I knew it was going to get better soon, and now I barely think about smoking. I gained some weight because I wanted to eat everything in sight but, well, I only ate 50% of everything in sight. :laugh:
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I haven't had a cigarette since last April. I'm puffing on my e-cig as I type this.

    Over the last 20-some years I've tried just about every smoking cessation program known to man, but none of them lasted more than a few months. E-cigs helped me do what I couldn't before.
  • Francesca3232
    Francesca3232 Posts: 16 Member
    my flatmate binned all of her cigarettes and refused to leave the house for three days, once she got past the initial cravings she was totally fine- she's 6months smoke free now :)
  • chelljo12
    chelljo12 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I know I need to quit for health reasons, besides cigs not being good for you. My hubby invested in a E-cig for me(the flavored liquid kind). Not as good as the real thing, but i am willing to stick with it.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    A lot of people say they went completely cold turkey, but that's just too much for some of us to want to handle. I never liked the idea of the e-cig, but I can see how it helps some people. You have 2 separate habits/addictions to break. One is the actual physical nicotine addiction, and the other is the habit of the whole smoking process. With the e-cig, you get work on your addiction without dealing with your habit. For me, the habit consumed everything i did and was harder to break and I needed to work on that. 2 1/2 years ago i quit 20 years of smoking by using the patch for a short while. It let me gradually wean myself off the nicotine while addressing all the other changes I was having to make. One of which in the very early days was to not drink at all because that was a definite trigger. If it is for you, consider staying away from that for a short while. You'll be doing your body even more of a favor and you might find there's much more to do in the summer besides drink :)
  • Pantherfan44
    E-Cig I used Green Smoke, Had my last cig on Dec 26th after my Hubby was in the emergency room on the verge of a heart attack. Started with 1.2 nicotine dropped to .06 then to .0 on Feb 8th completely done with them by Feb 20th.

    I started writting things down all the time to keep my hands busy at first and I did chew quite a bit of gum.
  • yellerica83
    Ahhh well we shall see how it goes, I suppose. So far so good I'm only on day 2 but hey gotta start sometime right!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I quit on Chantix on 12/23/11, and the hell I went through was enough to never pick up a cigarette again . Congrats to you for going cold turkey!