Quitting Smoking.....



  • MDChesler
    MDChesler Posts: 48 Member
    I quit smoking going on 6 years ago. To this day it is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Good luck... you can do it! I however did not go cold turkey. I used Chantix, I only used it for about a month or so and not the full three month cycle.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    I quit smoking 4 years ago - replaced it with dipping (just as bad if not worse) - quit that cold turkey 2.5 years ago. I financed the ALTOID company for about 3 months after I quit, but after that (and after realizing what the super-strong mint oils were doing to my teeth) I quit the ALTOIDS as well. I stayed away from people for the first 7-10 days so that I would not kill them, but after that it got much easier and I have never looked back since then.

    BTW - I quit as a birthday present to my daughter which made it much more important to me to keep the promise of being tobacco free!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Yup - 2 months now no smoking - eCig: and don't buy the crap at the gas station - spend a little money on the investment. In the end you'd be spending less than a carton of smokes.

    I hear ya I got a nice setup with an E Cig but it just doesnt do it for me....

    There are dozens more addictive additives to traditional cigs than just nicotine, so it takes about 3 days to get used to only having nicotine and not the other things. Also Vaping is more like smoking. But if you have an ecig try like heck to get past that 3 day mark.

    I loved loved loved smoking and was not going to quit nicotine all together so I got the ecig and then after I got used to it I could never imagine doing it any other way. I smoked for 27 years and tried everything there is, including cold turkey, and the ecig was the only thing that worked. I did not plan on giving the ecig up, I just realized one day that I had not taken a puff off of it in 2 months. I went from not being able to watch a cop chase someone on TV with out getting winded to being able to run for miles.

    I also took bee pollen capsules from GNC to help curb my appetite since I gained 8 lbs. Not only did it work, but it alleviated most of my allergy symptoms come spring time. Now if you are allergic to bees, do not do it.
  • I smoked for 20 years and have been smoke free for 5 years; I quit using Chantix. Used it for 2 weeks and stopped because it made me feel not quite myself. Knowing that I had an oral fixation and would want to chew my nails, eat food, etc., I made it a point to handle my idle hands :) No gum chewing, no snacking - just put it out of my mind for that moment and learned to break my hand to mouth habit. Wearing pants with pockets helped at first. I think handling the oral fixation was as important as my nicotine addiction. After the first month, I couldn't imagine even wanting a cigarette.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    I used Jacvapour ecigs - I always used low nicotene but you can pretty much match what you like to smoke and reduce over time. It was brilliant - no withdrawal and I quit naturally over a few months without feeling deprived.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    ^ Yup! My e-cig was instrumental in my finally quitting...and now I don't even use that anymore!
  • I tried a few ecigs, and after a few months they gave me AWFUL chest pains. I went back to smoking, tried Chantix which made me insane :(
    nicotine gum, which I know you didn't want to hear, but it delivers the nicotine and keeps your mouth busy.
    Youll find what works for you.
    Best of luck to you!!!
  • ginnybrock
    ginnybrock Posts: 27 Member
    I've just quit today! Using patches as a "help" - Been very encouraging reading your experiences and I cant wait to be free of this awful, pointless and deadly exercise!

    (Just hope i dont put on any weight!)
  • mamafairey
    mamafairey Posts: 6 Member
    I hope you manage to succeed in quitting smoking.
    I am on my 10th attempt to quit i think i have been trying to quit since i left school i started at secondary school to fit in with my group and when school finished and i started a family i have been smoking on and off all this time.
    I have been smoke free THIS TIME lol for 18 days and 23 hours it has helpe that i downloaded a App and it shows me how long and how much money i have saved and how many cigs i have avoided also just a daily walk and keeping busy. I made a to do list off all the jobs and phone calls etc i needed to do and focused on them but everyone is different . Good luck to you all the best !! :bigsmile: