I'm a noob, a little 411 and some advice please?

I just started MyFitnessPal last night.
I've actually been trying to lose weight er, started dieting about 11 days ago now.
I entered all my statistics into MyFitnessPal and I entered all my calories burned and eaten
for last night and today. When I saved my results it said that I would go down to 130lbs (I'm 147lbs now)
in about 5 weeks if I kept up what I was doing. (Apparently I have more calories to eat because I didn't know
that if you burn calories you get more calories to eat...?) Of course, being on a diet we all want a quick fix, rapid results...
But I have been weighing myself (I know its not good to weigh yourself everyday but I like to see whats going on with my body)
and I have been gaining weight rather than losing. Some of you may say it's muscle (I try to work out in the morning, I have been for 1 hour and 20 minutes about 7-8 times in the past 11 days so I can see why) but I'm wondering when I will actually start burning the fat and losing weight. Also, if this MyFitnessPal is accurate. If I'm gaining weight how will I go down to 130lbs in 5 weeks? Is this possible?


  • SkinnyScripty
    You have to remember when you step on the scales that its not just fat you're weighing. The best time to do it is first thing in the morning, after a.... "bowel movement" if poss, and before any food or drink. Its also inacurate during your period. And if you have consumed over the RDA of sodium for a few days in a row (main culprit for water retention) If you're following the guidelines for MFP its highly unlikely you're actually gaining fat, unless you are eating more than you used to! Good luck! It will work! And welcome to MFP!! :D
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Do you know how much you were eating before? Sometimes people who weren't eating enough before can gain a little weight when they first start eating the right amount. Or, if you weren't and still aren't eating enough your body may have started storing some fat. But, depending on how much you've gained, it's more likely that you're retaining some water or have gained a little muscle.

    If you're primarily interested in burning fat you should be doing cardio instead of weight training. You can do a little weight lifting, it does help burn some fat and get your metabolism going, but cardio is really what's going to burn the fat. Doing high intensity 30 minute workouts will give you the best results.
  • SkinnyScripty
    Oh also!! You HAVE to drink your recommended amount of water every single day. Weight loss is impossible without it! :]
  • gtfosnorlax
    Lol, I totally forgot about the whole sodium part. I think I should watch out for that (I do prefer salty or sour over sweets, lol).
    Thanks :D Good luck to you too!
  • gtfosnorlax
    I've actually been eating a lot less than I have been before.
    I don't do much weight lifting. I don't do it at all, actually.
    I use pilates resistance bands here and there, but I'm looking more to shedding pounds first.
    I do cardio for about an hour, first 20 minutes moderately, second 30 minutes on high intesity,
    then the last 10 minutes I used to cool down. After this I walk home (which is up a big hill and takes about 20 minutes).
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Firsy off all, pay no attention to the "If everyday where like today...". It is mearly a motivational tool. Secondly, you are no longer on a diet if you are on here. You have, instead, opted for a lifestyle change. You get to eat a set number of calories per day, basically whatever you want. That freedom will lead you down the path to good choices. You will also discover the joy of eating your exercise calories. It is normal for you weight to spike up when you begin an exercise program. Most of it is good old water, retained by your muscles to repair the damage that exercise does to them. It takes about 3-4 weeks for your body to figure out what is going on. Most new poeple here freak -out (like you) during this initial period of water weight gain. It is also where most people fail in their efforts to turn things around. Relax, take a deep breath. You are in the best place to get support for your new lifestyle. MFP members are super supportive and all want to see you suceed.

    You entered your vital stats and set your weight loss goals when you signed up. That is what determines what you will actually weigh in 5 weeks. If you put a pound per week loss, in 5 weeks you should weigh 142. the 5 week message takes that 1 day and applies it to a 5 week period. No two days are ever the same. I have been noting my projected weight to see if they are acurate, i'll know in another 8 days. I'm guessing they won't be. However, i have been on here for 15 weeks, with a .9 pound weight loss goal, and have lost 16 pounds so far, so i'd say everything else is spot on!
  • gtfosnorlax
    Firsy off all, pay no attention to the "If everyday where like today...". It is mearly a motivational tool. Secondly, you are no longer on a diet if you are on here. You have, instead, opted for a lifestyle change. You get to eat a set number of calories per day, basically whatever you want. That freedom will lead you down the path to good choices. You will also discover the joy of eating your exercise calories. It is normal for you weight to spike up when you begin an exercise program. Most of it is good old water, retained by your muscles to repair the damage that exercise does to them. It takes about 3-4 weeks for your body to figure out what is going on. Most new poeple here freak -out (like you) during this initial period of water weight gain. It is also where most people fail in their efforts to turn things around. Relax, take a deep breath. You are in the best place to get support for your new lifestyle. MFP members are super supportive and all want to see you suceed.

    You entered your vital stats and set your weight loss goals when you signed up. That is what determines what you will actually weigh in 5 weeks. If you put a pound per week loss, in 5 weeks you should weigh 142. the 5 week message takes that 1 day and applies it to a 5 week period. No two days are ever the same. I have been noting my projected weight to see if they are acurate, i'll know in another 8 days. I'm guessing they won't be. However, i have been on here for 15 weeks, with a .9 pound weight loss goal, and have lost 16 pounds so far, so i'd say everything else is spot on!

    Thank you for this, I don't plan on giving up but I was feeling very discouraged.
    Thank you thank you thank you so much.
  • JLeeAlton
    Strength training and cardio mixed together does wonders!!