Starting P90X (again) Nov 28....



  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Feel free to join us on this thread as well.... there are people at various stages of the program...
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Good luck MLB929 - keep us updated.
  • I.m currently in my 12th week of my second round of P90x. I have been doing a hybrid for most of this round (using Insanity for cardi days). I will developing a new hybrid for about a month (more Insanity) then on to round 3.
  • My P90X should be here by the 10th...first timer! Anxious about setting a goal! I'll stop back in with updates!!:smile:
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Good luck Chey262001 - keep us up to date.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Since I am travelling - I have had no time to workout on Monday and Tuesday. Since I did Chest/Back and Ab Ripper on Sunday, I will do Plyo and Shoulders and Arms tomorrow and Ab Ripper - and will be all caught up...
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    You're my hero man. Going to be doing a lot of traveling during my 90 days. I just hope I can stay as committed as you. It was my undoing last time.
  • I combine p90x with turbo fire and running.
    I get bored and my body gets used to one thing after a while.

    Today I'll do the Kenpo workout. I'm very excited!

    Plyometrics was fun, much better than chest and back -I cannot do any pullups!-
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    59 minutes of Plyo yesterday, and 902 calories burned.... Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper today.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    55 minutes of Shoulders and Arms - so far today - and 662 calories burned. Will do Ab Ripper X later today!!

    Can hardly wait for the my weekly weigh in.
  • WTG rowerc2!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Just finished my first week - YEAH, started week 2 today. No move on the scale yet. I'm having a hard time eating the calories I'm supposed to, I simply just don't eat that much. I've tried hard to do my best and still come up short. Will continue to work on it this coming week. Finally gave in and paid for the meal plans to try to help.
    Will be running on Sunday for a race next week, haven't ran in two weeks, so looking forward to it... especially now that it's warmed up to 38 out there.
    Trying to figure out the best ways to switch up my days. I do Yoga on Monday and would rather that day hit on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I like keeping ply on Saturday.
  • Day 1 done!! Yay! I'm so excited to get started. I felt like I ate a lot today, but was under my calorie goal. Looking forward to tomorrow!!
  • lstrachan
    lstrachan Posts: 20 Member
    Congrats!!! Day one is down - My day one is coming soon.
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    Today I woke up and got my butt downstairs to do my Kenpo X dvd. I like this one a lot. I really like Kickbox, Taebo, Turbo Jam, and this reminded me of each of those in a little slower tempo, but not less intense.

    I skipped Kenpo yesterday, I had a bit of a dread factor. I also think I was fighting a cold. Anyways, I did it today and I'm glad I did.

    Okay, now I think I might sneak downstairs and start week two a day early...
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Slightly off schedule, however, completed Cardio X (hate Yoga X), ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill, and did Ab Ripper X - for a total of 1,269 calories burned. Tomorrow Legs and Back X, Kenpo X and Ab Ripper X.

    BTW - congrats Kolbyjack - it get easier after the first week - you'll see!
  • Day 2~plyo done! I cannot believe I got through the whole thing. I modified and went at my own pace. I'm really happy I didn't stop. Whew...
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Kolbyjack - Plyo is probably the hardest workout - so nice job!!!

    Today, I completed the rest of my workouts (so back on track), and burned 1,638 calories - will have a much needed break tomorrow!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    UGH - I'm gaining weight. I'm doing the menu plan for Slim Down and eating WAY more than I've been eating for the past year. I'm up 3lbs. Not pleased. But sticking with it hoping that things stabilize. I haven't missed a day yet. Yesterday was arms and shoulders, with my 9yo by my side. Then my 11yo ran 5 miles with me.

    Today was my Yoga day, great way to start a Monday.

    I love Plyo. I think the hardest is the Kenpo, I just couldn't get the moves down the first week, hoping this week is better.

    Have a 10K we're running (me and 11yo) on Saturday, so will do Yoga on Saturday and Plyo on Monday instead on the suggestion of my coach.

    Looking forward to this week.

    Rowerc2 - are you using a HRM to determine your calories burned? I've ordered one for Christmas (ask for one and told to order it myself). I'm just guessing at my calories.
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