obstacle race prep?

Is anyone else doing the Spartan Race this year?
Has anyone done it (or any 5Kish obstacle course race) in the past?
This will be my first attempt come June, I'm trying the sprint.
I'm wildly excited and I love prep work ….

Suggestions greatly appreciated!


  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    The Spartan Race is one of my favorite races!! I'm going for the trifecta badge this year. My suggestions: learn to love the burpee... you will be doing a good amount of them :) Upper body strength is very helpful. Find a puddle as soon as possible and submerge your sneakers- they will then suction to your feet and be less likely to come off in the mud. Good luck!
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    The Spartan Race is one of my favorite races!! I'm going for the trifecta badge this year. My suggestions: learn to love the burpee... you will be doing a good amount of them :) Upper body strength is very helpful. Find a puddle as soon as possible and submerge your sneakers- they will then suction to your feet and be less likely to come off in the mud. Good luck!

    I need to get back on them, I have been slacking because of a bad wrist.
    Thanks for the disgusting puddle tip as well :)
  • leviclampitt
    Suggestions greatly appreciated!

    Make sure these exercises are in your routine:

    1. Sprints (for most of your running)
    2. Walking lunges (for hills)
    3. Chinups/pullups (for climbing)
    4. Pushups and planks (for crawling)
    5. Deadlifts and weighted squats (for overall strength output)