Hard time

I'm really having a hard time eating enough. I haven't tracked but will start, but I know well enough that I just am not. I've calorie counted before and most days I average at 300 to 600 calories. My old pattern, and habits were to barely eat all day until around 7 pm then have dinner then a snack after.. I've been doing that for years now. Bad habit, and you'd think I'd be at my goal weight haha. But I did not do that to lose weight, just out of bad habits and not taking care of myself properly. I am eating plant based, nothing but veggies, a bit of fruit, small amounts of nuts, almond milk and stevia as my sweetener. While this is new for me, I've done it before.. Vegan, pal ant based and had good success but fell into old patterns and gAined back all of the 40 pounds I loss. I'm not sure if it's the vegan eating, but it have slight fear in me that eating too many fruits, or anything else will hinder my weight loss. Any advice.. Please don't be too harsh..


  • MarucaSoledad
    MarucaSoledad Posts: 11 Member
    MissMonica, 300-600 cal. daily sounds like very, very little. I would hate to go by only total pounds you have to lose as I am not sure what your goal weight is and if the 40 pounds would put you within healthy range or way below. Completely understand the stress of having to figure out a healthy way to eat and balance it out with losing weight. There is so much information out there and so many different opinions! Hope you get good helpful feedback here. I would like to see how people are able to help you out so I can also learn from them. Good luck!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Fruits are the human's most preferred food. Eat all you want. Check out Michael Arnstein's channel on youtube, "The Fruitarian"
  • MissMonicaC
    MissMonicaC Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks, I just have the misconception about sugar, fruit.. Sugar in the fruit. I will check it out though, thanx. And I have so many typos from the iPad haha not drunk.. Promise. Lol
  • DJtrvl
    DJtrvl Posts: 14 Member
    If you truly are averaging 300-600 calories a day, you are heading for some pretty serious health issues and I would be quite concerned for your well being.

    I am hoping it was a typo and you meant 1300-1600?
  • sprocketism
    sprocketism Posts: 56 Member
    Ahh yes, see, our bodies haven't evolved at all since 65 million years ago, so...when you starve your body, yes, initially you lose weight because your body will use the fat reserves for energy, however, later on, when you start to eat normally again, your brain automatically knows that it doesn't want your body to starve again, so it starts packing on the fat and making it really hard to lose the weight. The brain fears that it will go into "famine" again (like when our ancient ancestors had famine during the winter time).

    The trick is, keep that belly full and NOURISHED. Eating crappy food lacks the proper nutrients that our un-evolved bodies are used to getting, so you might eat, but at the same time you are malnourished. With that, eating massive amounts of different veggies, not just greens, fills us to the brim, nourishes us, and tell the brain it can relax...that there will not be a hungry winter again!!

    Try this, go buy yourself a variety of squash (acorn, spaghetti squash, etc.) and try eating a whole one in one meal. And, by the way, add onions, tomatoes, black beans, quinoa, liquid smoke, garlic...whatever, to it to jazz it up. Not only will you be stuffed with goodness 1/4 of the way through, but the calories will remain on the low!!!

    Happy Vegging!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I get the same way, where i'm lucky if I hit 1200 because of food prices in Alaska.
  • MissMonicaC
    MissMonicaC Posts: 67 Member
    I know its not the healthiest.. thats for sure. Its just the way I have been accustomed to so I need to work on it for sure. Today I am almost at 470 or so? and Ive had a huge green and fruit smoothie and some steamed brussel sprouts now *chomp chomp* lol.. I love plant based eating, for sure. Know why and how its good for you, and it can for sure be made to taste delicious, but I need to think long term, I am not 100% sure that I will be able to eat solely plant for ever and I dont want a crash diet to drop 30 pounds, then go back to regular ole diet. So I may do this for a bit longer then see how it goes, possibly add in some other sources of protein *because yes I know veg has protein haha*. <3. And now to work on getting to 1200! lol
  • MissMonicaC
    MissMonicaC Posts: 67 Member
    I get the same way, where i'm lucky if I hit 1200 because of food prices in Alaska.
    I could totally get that! I know one more inexpensive product is beans, that you soak and then cook up, baked beans.. all types of dishes. Typically a bag here is 2-3.00 depending, Im not sure about there though but it could be a thought. Calorie dense enough but still packed with fibre and protein.