New at Mcdonalds at night.



  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    At my job when there is down time we all just sit around snacking because we're bored. And everyone always brings junk food like donuts, brownies, and peanut butter cinnamon rolls. My trick is to always have snacks prepared for myself.

    My personal favorites are:
    grapes (try freezing them on hot days)
    trail mix (the rice cracker/wasabi pea one from Sprouts)
    string cheese (yum!)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I worked at Wendy's when I was a teenager. I tried not to graze..Sit down for your meal.. and I tried to stick with the kids meal. I could have a burger and fries, just little ones. :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I work at a 24 hour McDonald's and the only people that are allowed to just nibble are the managers and only if they are taste checking the freshness of the food and it must be recorded. I have tried bringing my own food but we have no place to store or warm food up. So when I work a 6-8 hour shift I'm gonna get hungry and even though I don't eat the burgers or anything crispy those fries get me after a long day. I've found if I have a shorter shift from 3-4.5 hours that a protein bar right before i start my shift usually lasts until I leave. While I can't buy endless amounts of protein bars right now they do help tide me over until I can get home!

    True, but back when I worked fast food that never stopped anyone from sneaking chicken nuggets or a few fries here and there.
  • Granola bars and fruit have been my go to snacks after dinner.
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    I work at McD's! Those over-nights are killer. Do you get a break? I make turkey salad wraps and bring them in, fill them with veggies and grab a fruit bag. They fill me up on long shifts.
    Our manager would kill us we stole a nugget here or there haha! Self control!
  • amyc115
    amyc115 Posts: 32 Member
    Bring a few string cheeses, nuts, some sliced apples, an orange, banana, and try to pack a lunch to eat on your break. I gained a lot of weight when i worked in fast food. At one point I put a rubber band on my wrist and when i wanted to shove french fries and nuggets in my mouth, I'd snap it! A bit of mental conditioning and food aversion to keep on track! Good luck! Add me :-)
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    You mentioned that by the time you get to work you have already eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner - but you didn't say what time you are eating these meals. If you are eating dinner at 7pm, then of course you are going to be tempted to eat in the middle of your shift. Depending on when you eat, you might consider shifting when you eat your main meals of the day.

    Plan what and when you are going to eat. If you can, log it into MFP before your shift - it may help your mindset to avoid the temptations at work, especially if you have logged a nutritious snack and brought it from home.
  • AmritaDevika
    AmritaDevika Posts: 19 Member
    This is my usual day

    7am Breakfast

    9.30am A health snack usually fruit and some cruskits

    12/1pm Lunch

    3.30/4pm Again healthy fruit and cruckits

    6/7pm Dinner.

    I tried the wole planning what I eat before I went to work last night and it helped heaps! I ened up bing able to tie myself over with some cruskits and a banana.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    This is my usual day

    7am Breakfast

    9.30am A health snack usually fruit and some cruskits

    12/1pm Lunch

    3.30/4pm Again healthy fruit and cruckits

    6/7pm Dinner.

    I tried the wole planning what I eat before I went to work last night and it helped heaps! I ened up bing able to tie myself over with some cruskits and a banana.

    You have a really long day! Looks like you've got some good ideas here to help you make some changes. Keep with it - new habits will form soon.
  • AmritaDevika
    AmritaDevika Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you so much! I'm finding this iste really helps woth planning ahead. The fact you can look something up first and see how many calories and such it has helps big time in choosing what to eat ^.^ And hopefully the more friends I get and being able to check out their food diaries gives me plenty of ideas as well ^.^
  • Research has proven that Four cups of green tea a day can lose more than six pounds in less than eight weeks

    So I suggest you to replace most of your fluid intake with Green Tea.

    Also try to consume foods that consumes high energy to breakdown.

    Good luck with your efforts.
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    Here's a non-weight gain related aspect to your story:

    At most fast food restaurants, if you eat *any* product that you did not pay for, it's considered theft, and they can fire you on-the-spot without warning - even nibbling a few fries that are about to be thrown out for being "old". (edit-others have brought this to your attention, but you're arguing the point: your choice :smile: )

    Now, with regards to weight - be concerned about the sodium content of what you're eating at McD's ... I find that I rarely bust my calorie intake when I have a muffin ... or a Big Mac, but BOTH of those are horrendously high in salt.

    You're hungry at that time because you're on your feet burning calories - so yeah, they do need to be replenished to a degree.

    It might seem odd to bring an apple to work, but do it. Most fast food chains give employees a discounted meal - so, during your meal break, eat an apple followed by a KIDS-SIZED "meal" with water instead of pop. You'll a) be full, and b) make your senses happy because you just ate what you've been smelling all night - the smaller portion will hopefully help to be a net-loss in the calorie department.
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    Also nibbling at work is only theft if its not recored. But we record all the food we eat. And like I said, I work nights, we have to waste a lot of food and the Mangers allow us to snack, they do the same thing. But that's away from the main subject...

    If you nibble 3 fries before they go in the garbage, do you record it? Only the authorized meals are typically formally recorded. Maybe your managers are doing the same thing, but I'd never risk my job playing that game.
  • AmritaDevika
    AmritaDevika Posts: 19 Member
    I am aware that just taking food is theft. But the over night managers allow it. They record it and i'm not sure what the rule is or how it came about but even the store owner has said over night staff are allowed to have a free meal. "Take what you want to eat" She said, as long as it's under $20 worth. I think it's just how they manage to keep the night staff on. No one really wants to do over nights so with a little incentive I guess they think it works...and does to be honest.
  • CampbellTony
    CampbellTony Posts: 38 Member
    Research has proven that Four cups of green tea a day can lose more than six pounds in less than eight weeks

    So I suggest you to replace most of your fluid intake with Green Tea.

    Also try to consume foods that consumes high energy to breakdown.

    Good luck with your efforts.

    What a load of bull !!!

    Green tea may have some good antioxidants in it, but it does not aid weightloss in any way. Also, any foods can be eaten, as long as they are within your calorie allowance. Obviously eating healthy lean meat, fruit, veg and carbs will be much better for your body. Forget the magic solutions, they only lighten your wallet. By all means drink green tea, but dont expect extra weightloss from it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Research has proven that Four cups of green tea a day can lose more than six pounds in less than eight weeks

    So I suggest you to replace most of your fluid intake with Green Tea.

    Also try to consume foods that consumes high energy to breakdown.

    Good luck with your efforts.

    Was that green tea "research" published in the Journal of Unicorns Fart Rainbows?